
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 049- New World!

"Are you ready, Asuna, Suguha, and Asada?" Rifat asked.

"Yes," they replied.

With their confirmation, Rifat requested the system to randomly select the next world.

[The random world selection is starting....]

After a moment, the system announced the chosen world.

[Ding! The world has been selected. The host and three others will be transported to the world of Steins Gate in a few moments.]

[Please choose the followings....]

Just like he did in the first time, Rifat swiftly maneuvered through the available options to select their identities in the new world.

Rifat decided to take the identity of a wealthy second-generation university student, coincidentally attending the university where lectures were given by Makise Kurisu in the anime.

This identity would provide him with a legitimate reason to establish contact with Makise, Okabe, and other key characters.

Since his primary objective in that world is to acquire the knowledge and technology necessary to build a time machine, it is imperative for him to establish connections with the central characters of the plot.

Once Rifat finalized his own identity, he turned his attention to determining the roles for Asuna, Suguha, and Asada.

After careful consideration, he decided that Asada would assume the identity of the daughter of the largest shareholder in the world's most prominent technology company.

Rifat's reasoning behind this choice was to leverage the influence and resources of the tech company through Asada.

By establishing her as a key figure with connections to the company, Rifat aimed to secure support and obtain the necessary research materials for the time machine project.

Considering the potential dangers in the world of Steins Gate, Rifat strategically assigned Suguha the identity of being the daughter of the NPA Commissioner General, the highest-ranking police officer in Japan.

Recognizing the various instances in the anime where characters are targeted by different organizations, Rifat believed that having the backing of the police force would provide significant assistance and protection to the group.

Although each member possessed considerable power due to their rewards from the system, they were not invincible.

In situations where they could be surrounded and targeted with machine gun fire, their chances of survival were slim.

Moreover, despite their supernatural abilities, Asuna, Suguha, and Asada were not as strong as Rifat.

If they were to be shot, their bodies would eventually heal, but it would take ten times longer than Rifat's recovery time. Additionally, their overall reaction speed and strength were half as effective as Rifat's.

Hence, it became evident that despite their inherent powers, all members of the group would require the support and protection of armed forces or organizations to enhance their chances of survival in the challenging world they were about to enter.

Rifat found himself torn between two options for Asuna's identity: either the Emperor's daughter or the daughter of the current Prime Minister.

While the Emperor may not hold significant political power, his position grants him immense influence and connections in Japan.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister, although powerful, could lose their political powers once out of office.

After several minutes of deep contemplation, Rifat ultimately decided to assign Asuna the role of the Emperor's daughter.

He recognized that in the world of Steins Gate, connections held paramount importance for Asuna and the objectives Rifat had in mind for her.

To ensure the effectiveness of his plans in the world of Steins Gate, Rifat meticulously detailed the identity descriptions, emphasizing how much each of their "fathers" doted on them and readily fulfilled their wishes without questioning.

Rifat emphasized that their fathers were incredibly devoted, going to great lengths to fulfill their daughters' desires and ensure their happiness.

No matter what their daughters wanted to pursue or accomplish, their fathers provided unwavering support and assistance.

These details aimed to solidify the foundation of their identities, ensuring a reliable and unquestioning support system in their respective roles.


Before inputting the backgrounds of each of them into the system, he directed his gaze towards Asuna, Suguha, and Asada, explaining their roles and tasks in the world they were about to enter.

The SAO world also contained various anime and novels that Rifat read, including Steins Gate. Therefore, similar to Rifat, they were also familiar with the storyline of Steins Gate.

"The system will transport all of us ten years prior to the canonical timeline. We will be placed directly into our fifteen-year-old bodies."

Rifat openly acknowledged his familiarity with the world they were about to enter, as it was common knowledge among those who had watched Steins Gate. So, he didn't feel the need to hide his understanding of the world's details.

He then proceeded to outline the specific responsibilities for each of them during these ten years, providing clearer instructions.

"Asada, after you wake up in that world, first ask your dad to involve you in his tech company. You should try your best to climb up to the highest position in that company. This will make my plan more easier." Rifat said

"If you can become a shareholder in that company, then it would be even better." Rifat added.

Without a hint of shyness and hesitation, Asada responded to Rifat's instructions, assuring him that she would give her utmost effort.

It was evident that Rifat's consistent encouragement and support over the past few years had played a significant role in Asada's personal growth. She had managed to overcome her fears and transform into a resilient and strong-willed woman.

"Suguha, I have a task for you as well. I want you to join the police force in Akihabara, Tokyo. Talk to your father of that world and request to be assigned there. This way, you'll have direct control over the deployment of police forces whenever I require their assistance," Rifat explained, directing his gaze towards Suguha.

"Rest assured, I will take charge and ensure that I have complete control over all the police forces in that region well before the canon timeline begins," Suguha responded confidently, displaying her determination to fulfill the assigned role.

"Lastly, Asuna, your assigned task is undoubtedly the most challenging. I want you to venture into the realm of politics. Utilize your family's influential connections in that world to swiftly climb the political ladder."

"By the time the canon timeline commences, my goal is for you to hold a significant position in the government, ideally as a minister of state in the cabinet," Rifat said with a serious expression on his face.

Rifat understood that compared to Asada and Suguha's assignments, Asuna's task would be considerably more difficult. Despite her advantage of having the support of the royal family, a single misstep could potentially jeopardize her entire political career.

Therefore, she must exercise extreme caution and diligently maintain her public image in order to garner the support of the citizens, ultimately aiming to secure the position of president.

Asuna nodded earnestly, her expression reflecting her determination. "You can count on me, Rifat. I won't disappoint you."

"Excellent. I have already provided you with all the necessary goals that you would need to complete. so once you arrive in that world, there's no need to rush to contact me."

"I will locate all of you on my own. In the meantime, the three of you should remain focused on your respective goals," Rifat stated, observing their nods of acknowledgment.


After concluding his discussions with Asuna, Suguha, and Asada, Rifat proceeded to input their detailed background descriptions into the system.

He instructed the system to send them to the Steins Gate world as 15-year-olds, precisely 10 years before the canon timeline would commence.

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