
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 008- Meeting with the officials of the country!

In the alleyway, it could be seen that a group of six people are surrounding a young man and trying to beat him up. But strangely enough, every time someone tries to punch or kick, that young man would be able to come out unscathed by barely dodging their moves.

The young man is obviously Rifat. Even though it has only been a few months since he started learning hand to hand combat, he became adept at it very quickly. Though he isn't a master at it yet, overpowering a bunch of children is quite easy for him.

And that's exactly what happened. After a few minutes, those group of high schoolers can be seen panting and clutching various parts of their bodies and shouting in pain.

After making sure that none of the boys can fight anymore, Rifat shifted his attention toward the bitch trio.

"D-Don't come here. I-I apologize. I will never bully her again." The girls directly fell on the floor as their feets became unstable because of sheer fear.

"I know you will never bully Shino again because I am gonna make sure you three and all the boys that came for your rescue will never get to go to any high school in this country." Rifat said coldly.

Hearing this, all of them started to sob as they begged both Rifat and Shino to forgive them. Even though Rifat was totally unmoved at their plea, Shino felt sorry for them asked Rifat to let them them go this time.

Rifat sighed after hearing Shino's request as he thought, 'I would have to make this girl learn not to be soft toward her enemies in the future. But since this is the first request she made of me, how can I reject it!'

"All of you, listen up carefully. Since Shino is ready to forgive you, I will not go too far with you. But since you all bullied her before, I don't want any of you to be seen in this school ever again. Transfer to another school asap. If you don't do as I said, you are not going to like the consequences. Am I understood?" Rifat said addressing all of them.

They quickly nodded their head acquiescing to Rifat's demand.

"Since you all understand, it's good. My lawyer is gonna come in a moment and let you sign some documents. After that, you will be free to go." Rifat said.

"Shino, how about we sit and have some coffee?" Rifat asked.

"Ok." Shino nodded as they both went to the café near the school.

As for these people running away while Rifat isn't looking, they can try if they are not afraid of the consequence. Rifat will deeply make them realize how much of a grave mistake they committed by not following Rifat's order.


Rifat talked to Shino for half an hour or so as he fully got acquainted with her before dropping her off to the house she lives in.

He even managed to get her phone number on this first encounter with her. Considering her slight fear against male because of her childhood incident, this is quite a good progress.

'Now I just have to take it slow and make her fully open up to me. I should also expel that brat from the school that tried to rape her in the canon as well.' Rifat thought to himself as he made another phone call to his lawyer.

"What is the situation?" Rifat asked his lawyer.

"I have already settled everything here, young master. They would never reveal anything that happened here. I made it clear to them if the things go public, they would face major legal repercussion since they already signed confidential agreement with me. As long as they don't want their life to be ruined, they should keep their mouth shut." The lawyer replied.

"Good job. I have sent you another name just now. When you talk to the headmaster of the school about those brats transfer, add this name to the list as well." Rifat said.

"I understand, young master."


---Next Day---

Rifat has some important meeting today with some high ranking officials of this country. So, he came to one of the best restaurants in this city to have the discussion with them.

As he went inside a private room, Rifat found two middle aged man sitting in there. One of them is the chief of cyber security and the other one is a top ranked general from the military.

"Thank you for giving me your precious time. After we finish this discussion, I am sure you will find that your decision to meet me wasn't a loss of time." Rifat said after greeting them politely.

Even though Rifat's family holds tremendous amount of power in this country, they are not invincible. So, arranging a meeting with such a high ranking officials was quite laborious even for him.

"I only came to meet you after cutting some of my schedule in order to give your uncle some face. So, if you have something important to discuss, directly go to the topic." The general replied with a stern voice while the chief of cyber security remained quite without expressing his opinion.

Rifat didn't mind their disinterest towards him. After all, he is still very young compared to them and so it is normal to hold a little bit of contempt for him even if he comes from some powerful family.

"Let's go to the main topic then. The main reason for inviting two of you here is to introduce a new technology that can change the total power structure of the whole world. We even have the chance to get out of the shackles that U.S has put on us after our defeat in the last world war."

"I know it might be hard to believe but please look at these documents first before making any kind of judgment." Rifat passed them two copies of documents which clearly showcases the progress that the Argus company made in virtual technology and how they can be used in the future to make Japan a superpower and not just remain as a little brother of the U.S.

After they finished looking the document, Rifat continued, "According to our estimation, we should be able to create a helmet capable of connecting us to the virtual world within two years. But as we mentioned in the document, if we want to make the virtual world as realistic as possible, we would need to do some mass experiments where a lots of people have to stay connected with the virtual world for a long period of time without logging out."

"But normally this is quite a impossible task. Even if we offer a large sum of money, very few would be happy to volunteer. Not to mention the amount of repercussion we would have to face from the world if the words about this experiment goes out. The U.S. should be the first one forcing us to give away all out hard earned research to them."

"So to avoid all of these troubles and make our country become stronger without alerting the other superpowers, I managed come up with a plan. The plan of releasing a game named SAO and using the players in it to experiment and make the virtual world as real as possible where we can train our soldiers and do research about nuclear bombs and other powerful weapons without anyone's notice. Moreover, since it is a virtual world, we can even research some of the weapons that are normally very hard to be researched in the real word because of how much risk they carry."

"I am sure you guys should be able to imagine the rewards we would be able to get as a country as long as we manage to create a realistic virtual world. So, please consider it carefully and tell me your answer about what do you think of this plan?" Rifat leisurely sipped down on his coffee as he finished speaking.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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