
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 007- Meeting two future waifus!

Rifat already knew the mindset of this kendo Grandmaster as he already done a through research of this dojo before coming here. So he replied in a calm manner, "The only thing in this life that is certain is Death. I don't know how I will exactly respond when death really comes to me but I know that it might come to me the next second and I am always ready for it."

"As for your last part of the question, if I ever have to take someone else's life to save mine or my closed ones, I will never hesitate. This might make me look like a psychopath to someone else but I don't care. Because the life of mine and closed ones are way more precious to me than a complete stranger's Having said that, I will never in my conscious mind will try to kill a innocent human being who has not done any wrong to me." Rifat replied without breaking the eye contact with the kendo grandmaster.

Though most part of his answer was true, Rifat slightly lied in the last sentence. Yes, he will never try to kill an innocent people intentionally but if he has to sacrifice a few in order to complete a bigger goal of his, he will not hesitate.

"Wonderful. This is the most excellent answer that I have heard to my question. Youngsters these days are generally very scared of death and they tend to avoid the type of questions that I am asking. Even if they give an answer, they are generally half baked and not as straight as yours."

"Congratulations! You are officially my 7th disciple. Because of my harsh requirement, only six people before you managed to pass the test and get my approval. I hope you will get along them well." The kendo grandmaster said with a smile on his face as he gave Rifat a form to fill out.

After finishing all the procedures, he started his kendo training. During his training, he also noticed Suguha coming inside the dojo. He went to her and said hello before resuming his training.

Since Rifat has time, he wants to take it slow and doesn't want to weird her out by being too eager.

After an hour of training, Rifat said goodbye to Suguha as he left the dojo and went to his other target Shino Asada.

'This one is going to be a little troublesome. Because of her childhood experience and constant bullying in school, she should be very defensive against strangers. So, I would need to create a very good first impression which will let me befriend her easily.'

'And the most easiest way to do that is by rescuing her while she is being bullied.' Rifat quickly thought of a plan in his mind.


After parking his car, Rifat sat on a coffee shop directly opposite to the school gate looking out for the figure of Shino Asada.

He didn't have wait that long before noticing her. But when he looked carefully, Rifat found out that Shino wasn't alone and she was being escorted by three other girls in a side alley beside the school.

Rifat already knew these three girl might be ones that have been bullying Shino since she transferred here.

'This is a perfect opportunity for me to give a good first impression.' Rifat got up from the shop as he started to follow them from behind. He wanted to let the situation be a bit intense before intervening.

So, Rifat waited a little looking for the best opportunity to intervene and then he finally got his chance. Rifat noticed that one of the girl started to get physical as she tried to lift Suguha by holding her collars. So, he walked inside the alley and shouted,

"Hey, let go of that girl."

Hearing that shout, the three bullies were slightly startled as the one holding Shino's collar loosened her hands.

But it didn't take long for them to regain their confidence when they noticed the one who was shouting at them was not an adult but just a boy who is slightly older them.

"Who are you? Don't intervene in our business. Otherwise, it is not going to end well for you. If you don't go away right now, I will call my boyfriend to teach you a lesson. He and his friends are still in the school." The leader of the three bullies said in a threatening manner.

"Go ahead and call him if you want. But once you do so, I will make you and your boyfriend regret deeply. Unless you don't want to lose your right to study in a high school, you should quickly let go of that girl and get out of my sight right now." Rifat didn't care as he kept his unhurried pace. As for the threat he just gave now, it was not an empty threat but he would make sure to keep it if she really escalates the situation anymore.

But the girl just snorted after hearing the reply as she picked up her phone and called her boyfriend.

She put up very pitiful voice as she said to her boyfriend while making some sobbing noise, "Baby, someone just stopped me in the alleyway beside our school. Now he is harassing me as well. Can you please come quickly? I'm scared. I don't know what he will do to me"

Hearing that kind of story from her, Rifat became speechless for a second before she gave some claps for her acting and said, "Well, if there was any price for being a bitch, you would surely be getting one."

She and her friends gnashed their teeth hearing this as they started shouting various insults at Rifat. But strangely enough, even though they were very angry at him, nobody tried to come forward to slap him or anything instead they are keeping a safe distance.

'Even though they are bitch but I gotta say, they are smart bitch who knows the physical difference between man and women.'

"Are you okay? She seemed very aggressive towards you right now." Rifat ignored their shouts as he looked at Shino Asada gently and asked with a calming voice.

"T-Thank you for your help. I am okay. You should quickly go away. Otherwise you will really be in a trouble when her boyfriend comes. Don't worry about me. When they get bored of bullying me, they will let me go." Even though Asada seemed a little apprehensive towards him as well because of her childhood experience, she still reminded him out of her good will.

"How can I let a sweet girl like you get bullied by a bunch of ugly bitches! Not to mention, they will not be able to create any trouble from me at all. But now that you mentioned it, I should call someone as well who can handle the situation after I beat up whatever reinforcement they are calling."

Rifat picked up his phone called his personal lawyer, "Mr. Asahi, can you come to the location that I send you just now? In a few minutes, I would be beating up a few high school students if things go as I think they will. I will need you to wrap up the things after it finishes and make sure that it doesn't make some major headline."

Though Rifat isn't a celebrity, he is quite well known among the reporter community, if someone do catches him, it will surely become a headline.

Even though Rifat wouldn't be arrested for this kind of small things even if they become a major headline, it is better to maintain a good public image as long as possible. That way, it will be easier to fool people when he releases the SAO game.

"I will there in ten minutes, young master." The lawyer replied respectfully.

After Rifat put down his phone, he looked at Shino and said, "Even though I might not look like it but I have some professional training on fighting. So, you don't have to worry about me getting beaten up by some high schoolers. If I accidentally do loose to them, I have my personal bodyguards who usually keeps a lookout for me from a slight distance away. They would come running here in minutes if something does happen to me."

"Also, I just called my lawyer. So you don't have to worry about any future problems as well. We are both going to be safe." Rifat put up a reassuring look as he said those sentences to her.

Shino gave out a small nod as she said with a small on her face, "Thank you."

Because of her childhood trauma, she left her birthplace and came to this new city alone for study. After coming here, she thought she would able to leave behind all of her fears and start a new life. But things obviously didn't go as planned.

In this strange place, she was always getting bullied by some of her classmates and didn't have the courage to fight back.

Now that someone came to her rescue and gave her such a sense of security, she couldn't help but develop a special kind of deep inside her heart.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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