
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 004- Asuna gets a system!

"So, where do you want to go?" Rifat asked Asuna while buckling his seatbelt.

"Actually, I don't know much about the attractions that are in Tokyo since I am hardly allowed to go outside." Asuna said with some sadness in her voice.

Seeing her like this, Rifat subconsciously put his hand on her head and said, "Don't worry, I will take you all around Tokyo. Even though we wouldn't be able to cover much of Tokyo today, I promise to take you on a ride on all parts of the city on other days. What do you think?"

Asuna blushed a little as she said, "Thank you but I don't think my mom would allow that. I am already happy enough that she allowed me to go outside with you today."

"Don't worry about your mother, I will handle it." Rifat replied. It might be hard for him to convince Asuna's mother but it isn't a impossible task.

Rifat first took her into an amusement park and tried all the exiting rides that are available in there. After that, he took her to shopping in a nearby shopping mall. Even though she tried to be polite but with Rifat's insistence, she finally bought some dress for herself along with a number of gifts for her parents.

By the time they came back to Asuna's home, it was already dinner time. So, they quickly freshened themselves and sat down on the dinner table.

Asuna's father, Yuuki Shouzou was already back from his work.

After finishing the dinner, Rifat and Yuuki Shouzou excused themselves to the reading room.

"So, what did you want to discuss with me?" Yuuki shouzou asked.

"Uncle, what do you think of the virtual technology?" Instead of directing going to the topic, Rifat instead asked a question.

"I think VR is the future of mankind. As long as we can develop it, human beings would immensely benefit from it. That's why my whole company is dedicated into researching this technology." Shouzou replied.

"Uncle is right. I think so too. In Virtual reality we can do things that are not possible in the real world. If we want, we can even prolong the time ratio in that world by many times. Just think about it. Someone can complete his whole several years of study on a subject just in one night."

"Even military or scientists can also get more benefits from this. They can carry out the dangerous drills or experiments inside the VR world without needing to worry about the damage that will cause to humans or the environment."

"Of course, that isn't possible with our current technology but I don't think the time is very far either."

"Recently, I am planning of acquiring the Argus company. They have a very talented research team there. With their help, I am very confident on developing a VR technology in two to three years that would allow us to travel to a virtual world."

"The reason for me telling all of this is because I want to establish a joint collaboration between our two companies. You have the leading researchers on VR in your company. With their addition, it isn't far fetched that we would be be able to create a more perfect VR technology that would fully let us realize all the things that I have said just now."

"What do you think?" Rifat asked.

"You are one of the few people I have meet that are so optimistic about the VR technology. In the past, whenever I would talk about these topics with my colleagues, they would mostly shrug it off as some kind of fantasy. Since both of us are have the same mind, I must agree to your proposal."

"Inform me after you have acquired the Argus company. We can go into details about our cooperation then." Shouzou replied.

Rifat gave out a smile hearing that reply as he shook his hand and said, "Don't worry. It won't be long before you hear the news about me acquiring the Argus company."

"Then, Uncle, I should take my leave as it has already been this late." Rifat said as he took a look at his watch.

"Okay. Have a safe ride home."

As Rifat walked out of the reading room, he went to the living room in order to say goodbye to his aunt and asked, "Where is Asuna? I should say my goodbye to her as well."

"She is in her room right now. It is in the second floor. You will find it if you go there."

"Okay." Rifat walked up the stairs as he saw a sign hanging on a door that wrote Asuna.

He knocked on the door and asked, "Asuna, may I come in?"

After getting her consent, he opened the door and went inside. Unlike what he imagined at first, the room was fairly normal without any exaggeration that we normally see on an anime.

As Rifat went inside, he saw Asuna sitting in her study table and seemed to have been studying before he came.

"Sorry for disturbing your study. I just came to say you goodbye since I am leaving." Rifat said with a slightly apologetic face.

"It's ok. You didn't disturb me at all." Asuna replied.

Rifat smiled and chatted with her for a while before giving her his phone number and saying, "Call me whenever you are free, we can hangout. As for aunty, you don't have to worry much. I will be the one responsible for convincing her."

Asuna gave out a very charming smile after hearing those words as she said with a very sweet voice, "Thank you. I will make sure to call you when I am free."


Inside the car-

Rifat has already left Asuna's house and currently driving back home.

'System. I want to assign a subsystem to Asuna.' Rifat said to his system.

[Command recieved. Creating a new subsytem. Please answer the following question before the system is assigned.]

[What type of missions host wants to release?



"Manual." Rifat replied.

[Ding! Option 1 is chosen. Host can release missions as he wants but the rewards will be decided by the system. Host can choose the punishment for anyone who doesn't manage to fulfil the mission requirements.]

[Ding! The subsystem is being assigned to Asnua....0%.....20%...50%...80%.....100%]


---Inside Asuna's bedroom---

'What is this sound? Am I hallucinating?' Asuna suddenly stood up from her seat to look around as she heard some strange voices in her mind.

After looking around for a few minutes she still couldn't find the source of the voice and started to panic. She even wanted to tell her parents about this but then she stopped herself thinking that she will be considered mad by them.

Moreover, she also got a warning inside her head telling not to reveal the existence of the system to anyone. Since she didn't want to take any chances, she has no choice but to keep her fear about this thing called system to herself.

'I should sleep. Maybe it's because I got too tired from hanging around today and that's why I am hallucinating about these strange things.' Asuna went to her bed in preparation for sleep hoping that by the time she wakes up, everything returns to normal.

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