
Starting my new life in multiverse as a cat with a system

Reincarnated as a cat with a system, nothing more nothing less.

LfiAlfana · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Strange day

Since the gym class was going on as usual, except for Itadori, who runs 50 meters in 3 seconds, I thought, how was he not sent to the track and field championships?

While I was watching the lesson, I saw a suspicious black-haired teenager next to me, he looked to be the same age as Itadori-Kun.

*Ding dong* When the class ended, Itadori chatted with his friends for a bit and quickly ran somewhere, when Itadori ran, he passed by a black-haired teenager, the teenager yelled at him, but he was already far away

???: ''Hey wait!''

Indra: 'Wait, has Itadori forgotten about me?'

But after a second, Itadori jumped over the fence to take me and ran somewhere again.

Itadori: "I'm sorry, I almost forgot about you"

Indra: "Meow (you are forgiven)"

He smiled at me and ran even faster


[Random quest completed - Fresh air and friends]

[Description - The host has researched more than necessary and found a very good friend, the reward will be changed.]

[Reward - Very Resourceful -> Water-gateway]


Indra: 'I barely met him and he's already considered a friend? *sigh* anyway, system, what does this skill mean?'

[Water-gateway - (Teleport from one place to another by diving into the water)]

Indra: 'On the one hand, I can avoid everything by having a small body, because being a kitten gives me that advantage, but the worse thing is that I'm a cat and I'm afraid of water and I can't swim and it's useless!'

Indra: 'System, can I get a refund?'

[Rule number one - No returns!]

Indra: 'We will see about this...'


While I was joking with my system, Itadori bought a bouquet and walked down the street, waiting for a traffic light, for some reason he spoke ...

Itadori: "*sigh* I'm going to visit my grandfather in the hospital, he doesn't like to be taken care of, but I love to bring him flowers all the time. He may act selfish, but he is a true tsundere, don't take him seriously."

Indra: 'And you say this to a random kitten that you took off a tree half an hour ago and talk to him about your grandfather, others are already looking at you like you are crazy ...'

Ten minutes later we entered the hospital, Itadori approached the nurse.

Nurse: "Hello, are you here to make an appointment or visit a patient?"

Itadori: "I came to visit a patient in room 301"

Nurse: "Wasuke Itadori is free now, you can visit him"

Itadori went upstairs and entered room 301, a white-haired weak old man was lying in bed.

Wasuke: "Have you come here again? How many times have I told you that it's better to spend time with friends and enjoy your youth!"

The older man does not seem to get angry, but only teaches him the way of life.

Itadori: "Gramps, I didn't come here because I'm forced to, but because I want to."

He placed me on the windowsill and slowly placed the flowers in the vase.

Wasuke: "What is this kitten? why did you bring him here, show him my weakness or just show how cute he is?"

Indra: 'He's a tsundere, he just called me cute, oh what a kawaii moment *false blush*... wrong gender and age, old grandpa'

Itadori: "None of your business, just wanted and brought!"

But then a nurse came in.

Nurse: "Sorry, but I missed something in the rules and it seems that animals are not allowed."

Wasuke couldn't help but laugh.

Itadori: "Oops, sorry to bring him here, you can take him to the registration center, I'll be there later"

Nurse: "Sorry for interrupting your conversation, you can continue"

the nurse grabbed me and closed the doors

Nurse: "what a cute kitty we have here, oh I have pet cat food in my purse I can give some"

My eyes sparkled asking for food, I haven't eaten anything since this morning!

Indra: "Meow~!(Gimme food~)"

Nurse: "Don't worry, I'm not running anywhere..."

When the nurse went to look for her purse, a black-haired teenager entered through the main doors of the hospital and sat down on the couch.

Indra: 'Isn't that the guy who yelled at Itadori when we ran away? what is he doing here, maybe he is Itadori-Kun's friend?'

I jumped up and sat on his knees

???: "What is this kitten doing here, leave me alone, I have things to do!"

He tried to take me off him and his phone rang, I was close enough to hear the conversation

Someone on the line: "Moshi-moshi~ Megumi-kun~ have you found your finger yet?"

He imitated a cute voice and a vein appeared on Megumi's forehead, but he managed to contain his anger.

Megumi: "No, I didn't get the curse, but I'm close to it. Sensei, where are you now?"

Someone on the line: "Secret~, I'll buy you a souvenir when I get back"

Megumi: "I'm in the city hospital, if you have so much free time, you can help me out."

Someone on the line: "Baka~"

Megumi: "Can you... *Beep-beep*... didn't just he ended call..., someday I will beat him up *sigh*"

Indra: 'I don't understand what just happened. All I understood was that the black-haired teenager's name was Megumi, that's all.'

It's getting late, I need to get home on time or I'll be beaten, I got up, but then Megumi grabbed me.

Megumi: "Where are you going to make up for the fact that you ruined my pants with your hair?"

Indra: "Meow~ (tee-hee)"

At first, I panicked about what to do, but then I used the greatest technique known in all history - Running.

Megumi: "Why are you running? get back!"

It was successful, that Megumi guy is still there, sorry cat food, but I'll eat you next time...

I saw a fountain, I jumped into it and used the [Water-gateway] and everything turned upside down a few times and I came to the bathroom at home and started drowning in the bath water.

Indra: 'I arrived successfully, but I am drowning in the bath water, if this continues, I'll drown if this continues at this rate.'

But then someone pulled me out of the water and it was... Suguha?

Suguha: "What are you doing here, I was relaxing in the bath, and you just jumped in here, what happened you also want to take a bath?"

Indra: 'Thank God she saved me! wait, she's in the bath right now... doesn't that mean she's naked right now?'

Indra: 'don't look, Indra, you're not a pervert, I'm not as corrupted as Sanji's mind, she's only 12'

Suguha: "You're all wet, you look so funny, hehe"

She smiled at me

Indra: 'Whether it's good or bad, I don't even know... I need to somehow resist the water so that I don't get into such situations anymore.'

After washing I went to bed and slept like a child...


In my opinion, this chapter is on a so-so level, what do you think my dear readers~~

Have questions? ask! I'll explain if I can.