
Starting my new life in multiverse as a cat with a system

Reincarnated as a cat with a system, nothing more nothing less.

LfiAlfana · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Curses and restaurant

The next day after Hori's arrival, I experienced a horrible amount of lections from Maou.

Indra: 'How many times have I almost fainted from this?'

[Maou: So what did you learn about mind resistance spells?]

[Indra: It is, made to prevent mind corruption, becoming psychopaths, murderers, or perverts like Sanji]

[Sanji: Hey, I am not perverted, I am only a cultured cook]

[Maou: You learned now about the mind resistance spell concept, about

critical damage dealing, and other minor things.]

[Maou: Indra will learn about human transformation, but Sanji learns about body strengthening.]

[Maou: First of all, and most difficult is to sense magic. It is like emotions - when you feel anger, you unconsciously use magic to strengthen your body.]

(Author's note - Like Super Saiyan or Kaio-ken, only imagine Sanji screaming, hahaha.)

[Maou: Someone can't sense magic until his last days, do not overuse magic as a human, or you will turn into a monster or curse(from jujutsu).]

[Indra: You said that negative emotions flow out of humans and collect in one place to form a curse.]

[Maou: Yes, negative emotions are forming magic, but from magic overdose and negativity, it turns into a curse.]

[Maou: You can go a long and stable way, or unstable and take a risk.]

[Sanji: I have plenty of time, so choosing the first option isn't that bad.]

[Indra: I am in trouble, so I have no other option than take the second one.]

I left the house and jumped on a moving car.

Indra: 'I need to seek a lost place near the city ​​center, like a graveyard.'

I can get home anytime by using [Water-Gateway] to the water pond. I won't get lost even if I'll get Zoro's orientation.

I was driving on a car and saw where I came {Tokyo, Roppongi}

Near Roppongi, the district was a graveyard that scares off people, a perfect for curse appearance.

Indra: 'Wait, there is someone, it is...Itadori? what is he doing here?'

Megumi: "Teacher Gojo, what is a cat doing here? Shouldn't they have a great sense of curses?"

Gojo: "Cat? no, no, Megumi, that's a kitten, kitty, are you lost?"

Nobara: "What are you doing, you pink-haired one, come with me!"

Itadori: "Hmm, where have I seen you... you remind me of that kitten I got off the tree a few days ago."

Megumi: "Now that you reminded me, the same kitten as he, ruined my pants because of his hair."

Nobara became angry and grabbed Itadori inside the building

Indra: 'If he even accepted Itadori as his disciple, then he seems like a good person not counting blindfold on his eyes.'

Gojo: "Come closer I'm not gonna eat you."

Megumi nearly laughed at his speech.

Indra: "Meow~(I think it's not that bad).'

He took me in his arms.

Gojo: "Would you like to watch my students fight curses?"

Indra: 'Curses? so there is negative emotion concentration.'

Indra: "Meow~(I don't need the curses but the magic in there)."

Gojo: "I'll take that as yes."

He head patted me, and I felt comfortable.

Gojo: "Megumi, you need to rest, sit here and let others do their job."

But he only pouted at that.

Gojo: "Megumi, you knew that cats have been companions of witches since ancient times, they had high magical compatibility and they used cats as curse detectors. These days they have lost their powers but still can feel the curse's presence."

Indra: "Meow! (It's like a Demon Lord's lecture, I can't take it anymore!)." As Gojo talked, I freed myself and ran into the house with curses.

Megumi: "Teacher Gojo, that cat just ran into there..."

Gojo: "Don't interrupt me while I am teaching you. Cats are the cutest, and It is my favorite pet. I even wished to have a white cat with black googles like me in great-old times."


As I ran into the house, I froze considering what to do.

Indra: 'Itadori would help me, but I don't want to cause trouble for him.'

Indra: 'Wait, I don't need the curses but only cursed energy.'

I smirked and ran in Itadori's direction.

Itadori: "Hey kitty, don't come here, here are dangerous."

Itadori's fighting curse cut off one limb after another while dodging all attacks, the curse was left without limbs lying on the belly, and he finished him by striking a dagger into the brain.

Itadori: "Phew, I'm in good shape. What are you here, it is dangerous, go back to the teacher."

Indra: "Meow meow!(None of your business!)."

Itadori went upstairs, and I followed him.

Itadori: "Kitty, why are you following me..."

Indra: "Meow~(To learn your techniques)."

Itadori: "Hmm, let me guess, you are an alien who came from a planet where the king is someone called Ovuvuevuevue onyetenyevwe ugwemubwem ossas?"

Indra: '... how did you even come up with that.'

Itadori suddenly turned around and punched his fist through the wall.

Itadori: "Hm? Did I miss?"

Indra: 'Why I'm not surprised.'

But then he kicked the wall, and it shattered into pieces.

Indra: 'Now I am surprised.'

Behind the wall was a curse that threatened Nobara that it would kill the child. But then, when Itadori broke the wall, he quickly cut off the arm of the curse and saved the child, but then the curse ran away.

Nobara: "Itadori, quickly pass me the severed hand!"

She took the Voodoo doll and placed it on the hand

Nobara: "Cursed technique - Resonance!"

She hit it with a nail and the curse vanished from this world

Itadori/Kid: "Creepy!"

Nobara: "But you broke the wall with your bare hands!"

Itadori: "But it's not reinforced concrete."

Nobara: "Then who breaks concrete walls with bare hands?"

Itadori: "Me..."

Nobara only sighed and went outside the building with a kid.

Itadori: "Wait for me!"

Indra: "Meow! (and me!)."

When we went out, Nobara explained everything that happened there, and Gojo took the child home.

Gojo: "Now, after a good mission, we can go to eat, what do you want?"

Itadori: "Beefsteak!"

Nobara: "Sushi!"

Indra: 'Ramen!'

Gojo: "I know one place where you can eat very tasty."

We drove a taxi and arrived at {Yukihira Family Restaurant}

Gojo first entered the Restaurant and we followed him

Gojo: "Joichiro, I am here with my students, make them the best beefsteak, and sashimi you can."

Joichiro: "And for you as usual?"

Gojo: "Yea, I like your ramen."

But then a Red-haired boy who was serving clients came to Megumi and as lightning appeared between them

Megumi: "Soma, I am here for rematch."

Soma: "I hope you won't regret it, hehe."

Soma took out a bottle, it was a rainbow-looking drink and it makes you disgusted at first look on it

Megumi: "Wait...Is this that disgusting drink that you gave me the first time I've been here?"

Soma: "No, it's even worse, that is Jogurth, oil, tomato sauce mix, its impossible to drink, without vomiting it."

Megumi sweatdropped and immediately left the shop

Gojo: "It is very rare, that he surrenders to soma, maybe trauma has shown up about the first time he been here."

Indra/Itadori/Nobara: 'What is going on here?'

Gojo: "Let's sit already and 'enjoy' the food."

Indra: 'I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this.'


Thanks for reading my little ones~<3