
Awaken My Master!

[3rd P.O.V]

~Outskirts of The Great Jura Forest~

A young man, naked like he was just born laid motionless, the environment was the complete opposite, trees surrounded him, vines wrapped around him even the Dryads were even on the outskirts of the forest looking on, The Spirit Queen herself was in awe at how the forest itself was reacting to the man laying on the bed flowers. Her eyes sparkled in excitement, her only friend was the complete opposite of her so someone strong and similar to her would be great.

The fight between Guy and Milim was coming to an end, Milim was regaining her sanity at this point and was just playing the fool. Directly after Guy stopped fighting, the world was already in shambles and them fighting at their fullest would cause already high casualties to increase at a dramatic rate.

The sun was setting the former bustling country now turned into barren land, the man who laid upon the flowers was still unmoving as if he was dead. Yet the entire surroundings was the complete opposite. Deadly Demonic magic and Draconic aura were both being fused into, what seemed to be a young boy's body.

The whole forest cheered as if they were worshipping their master, was a bit bewildered, but extremely interested. The plants themselves were wrapping around his body protecting him from the dragon aura and demon magic, Guy and Milim are releasing during the fight.

The sun came down and Guy was able to subdue Milim. Both of them made their way towards Ramiras's position, more like Guy was force pulling, she wanted to go see her pet dragon's corpse...but that would most likely cause her to go into a fit of rage again, throwing all his hard work down the drain. Guy didn't know the corpse already disintegrated into atoms...gone.Why does some random Fighting god Soba Kick the shit out of it.... just works.

Making their way over to the Fairy Queen, someone whom he respects after all if she wanted, fighting both of them at the same time and winning was highly probable. For Guy's first time in his roughly eighteen thousand years of life, he saw the sugar rushed Fairy, focused on something other than spirits and weak ass golems he could one shot. Getting out of his stupor he said in a matter of fact tone.

"Yo Ramiras, you're going into a rebirth again."

Milim who barely knew the proper fundamentals of her power was beyond confused. Ramiras only numbly nodded she wasn't even paying attention anymore. The person who was now being covered by a thick layer of plant life that ended up eroding instantly was doing something she could barely do.

"What did you say?"

Guy stared at her dumbfounded, even if she was a happy go lucky, somewhat idiotic fairy, she was the same one who said.

"Don't die else I'll *sniff*find you and kill you myself, I don't want to lose my only friend*sniff*."

Yet it seems she did a whole 180 and doesn't care about his well being. Before Guy could rant about how unbelievable awesome, cuz he was to be able to prevent Veldanava's daughter from destroying the world.

Salty he lost to the guy he took it out on his daughter, Garou began to absorb all of the demonic magic and dragon aura, Guy, Milim and Ramiras, jaws dropped for three different reasons

.Guy only know one person...alive...that could do this and she's standing right next to him, Ramiris because she is the only one who is currently alive and could do this...lol, Milim...thinking about how awesome a fight would be with whoever was doing this...

[1st P.O.V]

Closing my eyes a bunch of prompts appeared in my mind.

{Requirements have been met...Transformation into Demi-God, the harvest Festival shall commence...Body Reconstruction has begun, transforming into new species.}

{Confirmed, Race:transformed from Human/Monster Hybrid into Mount Hwagwa Monkey....successful.

All parameters have been greatly exponentially increased.

Ability to transform freely granted

Species ability {Release}(Combat Mode), {Won Jae}(The Original Sin)

Acquired, resistances, new ones have been added to {Unique Skill:Omni Nullification}...reconstruction has granted the following skill.....

{Against the Gods},[Billionfold Clone},{Voice of All}, have been added.

{Unique Skill:Super Saver} attempting to evolve...failure...failure, attempting again

.failure...failure...integrating {Unique Skill:Limit Break} and {Unique Skill:Usurper}

{Unique Skill:Super Saver} Has evolved into {Ultimate Skill:Attendant Vados}

{Ultimate Skill:Attendant Vados} is requesting another Evolution...failure....attempting....failure.....attempting.....}

This has been going on in my mind for a while now, all I can hear....is silence.

{Ultimate Skill:Attendant Vados} has evolved into

[Origin Skill:Martial Arts Teacher Vados]...

{Unique Skill:Rule Breaker} integrated with {Unique Skill:Merciless} integrated with {Unique Skill:Omni Nullification} and thus evolved into {Ultimate Skill:Goddess of Defense Maple}.

Harvest Festival has concluded.}

Opening my eyes, I was in darkness...so I punched forward...as soft as I can only to obliterate whatever was in front of me...Sitting up I walked out to see a destroyed landscape, Guy, Milim and Ramiras with their mouths open...should I put my... never mind.

"Yall should close your mouths, I might put something in it...."

I said with a smirk, Milim turned her head sideways..confused...Gawd loli lewding ....Ramiras was a blushing mess, and Guy...

"Go ahead ahhhhh~!"

Opened his now her mouth and began to moan.... *Sigh* I facepalm walk over, starting my master plan to get laid, have a hit waifu, and get a good fight.

"Guy I want to make a deal."I said staring directly into her eyes, if I linger off for just a bit I might do some Snu Snu things." Ho and what is it!" she replied flaring her aura....felt like a spring breeze not gonna lie.

"If I beat the crap out of you, become my maid forever till the end of existence!"kekekekeke my master plan shall become reality.

"If you lose, which you are gonna, join the Demon Lord Council!"She replied in a matter of fact tone, imma break her for spite.

"Sure, Deal!"Walking in front of her I placed my hand forward looking for a handshake...only to get licked on my ears...*Sigh* my taste in women is scuffed...like I care.