
Starting from Douluo Dalu

Iam just putting some of my ideas on the net Just saying my MC is neutral. He is living for fun

M0011 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: telekinesis and Electrokinesis.

the idea is to develop mind ability for movements and attacks.

the idea was very simple really even though if I am lvl 99 I am still a baby so I can't really do anything about it, but if I have mind ability I will be able to strengthen my mind and I will almost have a spirit ring or even better.

the more I thought about it the more I knew that was the right answer.

then I started cultivation with the basic cultivation method. after I min I finally got my first exp points and oh boy when I say my sates window changed and became more accurate.

it looks like this.


Level: 1 (0/100)

HP (100%) + 1% min <- (this mean regeneration)

EP (100/100) + 1.2% sec

MP (1000/1000) +0.1 min

Wuhan: broken weapon

Experience points: 10

Store points 0

Talent: adapt lvl1

Ability: intelligence +

Skill: fast thinking lvl1 {1/100}

technique: basic cultivation method lvl1 {2/100}

the good thing is the basic cultivation method exp increased by 2 so it will take quite a bit of time but it will work nothing the less

after 30 min of cultivation my basic cultivation method became lvl1 {60/100}. and the moment I was waiting for came the converter ability

{Ability: low converter (active): you can now convert the EP to MP or HP or stamina the or other way around lvl 1 {0/1000} }

I was so happy that I was almost jumping like an idiot but then I realised I can't even sit down or move so.... it got a bit depressing.

'system, can I gain ability or skills without creating them?'

{the host can for skills if the host did a repeated action you will get a corresponding skill for it like if you get tired every time you do or train something you can get a regeneration skill or an enchantment skill. but for ability it is pretty hard because ability is something you can't really get that easily. for example your first ability has doubled your IQ which is quite amazing by itself but skill use the already existing ability with knowledge provided by the system to create skills so to acquire skills is easier to obtain abilities}

I was satisfied with this answer I mean if skills is life experience ability is like a gift from the heavens.

then what about... 'system what is about talent?'

{answering the host talent is something that every being have but could never develop it in normal means}

'What do you mean normal mean? do you mean they need certain condition to develop their talent?'

{the host is correct normally to develop a talent you need a treasure or die trying}

I shudderd at the last part 'then what about me?'

{host doesn't need to worry because as long as you use your talent you will gain exp and it will upgrade by time}

'is the talent (Adapt) good?'

{there are 6 tiers for talents

1: white

2: green

3: blue

4: purple

5: golden


and each tier is different from one another for example thier is a talent for cleaning and that talent is white. thier is also a for fast cultivation speed graded from blue to golden. and the host adapt talent is "currently" white}

'what do you mean white do you mean after reaching level 20 and it evolves and it become green? and why is the 6 tier question signs?'

{the host is wrong because talent is different from skills and abilities every 5 lvl in talent you get sort of a choice it I either you make your talent more efficient or get a added new effect for example your talent will turn green while reaching lvl 5 so it will keep increasing 1 tier every 5 lvls. and for the 6 tier it is not that I am trying to keep it away from the host but their is really no name for the tier}

'that changed a lot of my plans but now it made it even easier.'

'Create ability: create talent creation .'

{the host can't}

I frowned 'why?'

{as the host can see that the timer is [00:00:00] it means you can't really go more than one day of creation}

'so how could I get talent'

{the host could buy it from the store or have to wait and become stronger for you to be able to make talent}

I sighed 'ok'

'Create ability: create telekinesis .'

{Ability creation telekinesis [00:00:10]}

'dear system'

{yes host}

'I think you put the 10 in the wrong place'

{I did not host}

'then why is the time is 10 seconds'

{because your IQ increased}

'now it is the waiting game'

after 10 seconds that almost felt like years. I got it.

{Ability: telekinesis (active): the ability to move object by using MP (1 in min) can move 10 kg can increase the power by putting more mp lvl1 (0/100) }

I didn't wait I said the 'Create ability: create Electrokinesis .'

{Ability creation Electrokinesis [00:00:10]}

after waiting for 10 seconds I saw it

{Ability: Electrokinesis (active): the ability to to create electricity by using mp MP (1 in min) can kill people for the same rank directly. can increase the power by putting more mp. lvl1 (0/100)}

after I got this two abilities I go course tried them first thing is I tried telekinesis and know your boy can float even though I can feel my MP being consumed I still felt happy because know I can't start to fight and clear the first floor

just as I about to go to the first lvl of the dungeon the system gave me a very nice surprise

{host you have got the following skills and 1 talent}


this is for me or I will forget


Level: 1 (0/100)

HP (100%) + 1% min <- (this mean regeneration)

EP (100/100) + 1.5% sec

MP (100) +0.1 min

Wuhan: broken weapon

Experience points: 60

Store points 0

Talent: adapt lvl1

Ability: intelligence + ,low converter lvl 1 (new) , telekinesis lvl 1 (new), Electrokinesis lvl 1 (new)

Skill: fast thinking lvl1 {1/100}

technique: basic cultivation method lvl1 {60/100}