
Starting as a cannon fodder NPC: I became the Devil Ancestor

When Su Chen became an NPC, he was quite nervous. Then, he decided to be a helpful hidden NPC and support the players' growth. Player 1: "Why did Sect Master Su sacrifice an entire continent again?" Player 2: "As expected of Mr. Su. He slaughtered the Immortal Emperors and built a throne out of their bones." Immortal Emperors: "Today, we have to try and expel the evil even if we all fall." However, why is everyone calling me the Devil Ancestor?

Regicide_x · Ost
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7 Chs

I Became an NPC?

As Su Chen was sleeping, a sudden pain assaulted his head, causing him to wake up.

Struggling to move his body, he stretched his right hand in an attempt to find something to lean on, only to find nothing.

Just as he was becoming numb, the pain intensified and lights flashed in his head.

Instantly, countless memories passed through his mind and he understood his current situation.

He had transmigrated!

Not only that, but he had transmigrated into a cultivation world.

Taking some time to become familiar with the memories, Su Chen started to analyze his situation.

The body he possessed was an orphan and had no other living family members.

This realm was named Qiandi Realm, taking its name from the First Human Emperor.

He was currently living in village located in the the Bright Kingdom.

Apart from the imperial family, the kingdom also had countless cultivation sects of different sizes.

Opening his eyes, Su Chen found himself in an unfamiliar room.

Before he could react however, a silver panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: Su Chen]

[Template: NPC]

[Realm: None]

[Exercises: None]

[XP: 0]

Looking at the panel, Su Chen wasn't too surprised.

He had already transmigrated, wasn't transmigration usually accompanied by a cheat?

The only thing that he paid attention to was the NPC template.

"Does that mean that I'm an NPC?", Su Chen wondered.

"Wait, if I'm an NPC doesn't that mean that there are going to be players?", a shiver ran down Su Chen's spine as he thought of countless unkillable players attacking him.

"No, even if there are players, I still have my own cheat.", Su Chen thought and tried to convince himself.

Taking a closer look at the panel, Su Chen focused on the Realm and XP columns.

The first two realms in the cultivation system of this world were the Martial Disciple realm and Martial Artist realm.

As for the realms following, Su Chen had no idea.

His predecessor was an average orphan and had never come into contact with cultivators, let alone become a cultivator himself.

Turning his attention to the XP column, Su Chen was pretty sure that this should be the main part of his cheat.

With the knowledge learnt through reading hundreds of web novels, he could guess that he could upgrade his cultivation once he had enough XP.

As for how to get XP, Su Chen didn't know yet.

Getting up from the bed, what greeted Su Chen's eyes was a little wooden room, with a small bed, a kitchen and a table.

This was the house that his parents had left him after their death.

It wasn't much, but it was enough for him to survive.

This wasn't the modern world and owning a house could be considered quite impressive.

On the table, a half destroyed axe was sitting, as it it had obviously been continuously used for some time without being repaired.

Picking it up and exiting the building, Su Chen was met with a little village.

The village was named Silver Moon and the residents believed that hundreds of years ago, their ancestors followed a silver moon wolf and built the village here.

Of course, in Su Chen's understanding, all that was simple nonsense.

Following his memories, Su Chen started wandering around the village.

His predecessor was 20 years old and had lived here his entire life.

His parents died when he was just 5 years old, leaving him with the house but no money.

This meant that since he was 5 years old, he had to work several odd jobs to survive.

As he walked, the villagers smiled and waved at him and Su Chen instictively nodded back.

Five minutes later, Su Chen finally found the exit of the village and quietly left.

The village was in quite a remote location and all around it were forests filled with wild animals.

Su Chen was obviously familiar with the path that he was taking, as he effortlessly avoided the traps that the hunters of the village had laid for the animals and made his way forward.

Some time later, Su Chen found himself in the forest.

Around him were empty tree trunks, that had been obviously cut off.

For the past couple of years, Su Chen's predecessor had been cutting the trees here and selling them in the village.

The villagers also wanted to support him and thus bought them at a premium price, allowing him to have a respectable income.

However, Su Chen didn't come here for that today.

Squinting his eyes, he observed the environment around him, as if looking for a prey.

Suddenly, he noticed a little grey rabbit sitting under the shade of a tree.

Quietly moving towards its location, Su Chen held his breathing and took silent but steady steps.

Arriving behind the rabbit, Su Chen didn't hesitate to raise his wooden axe and attack it.

The rabbit was unprepared and before it could react, the axe had already passed through its flesh, causing its blood to splatter.

Although Su Chen had never hunted or even killed a creature before, his predecessor memories had already made him familiar with such sights and he didn't even flinch.

Moreover, his attention was somewhere else.

[XP +1]

A silver prompt appeared in his vision and he confirmed his conjectures.

"As expected, I can get XP by killing creatures.", Su Chen thought out loud.

Unfortunately, Su Chen couldn't know if 1 XP was much or not and how much XP he would need.

No matter what, since he had already found a way to gain XP, Su Chen was quite happy.

For the next hours, Su Chen went on a killing spree in the outskirts of the forest.

Of course, he only hunted around the areas that his predecessor knew were safe and didn't put himself in danger.

[XP +1]

A silver prompt appeared, as the blood of another rabbit dyed Su Chen's axe.

By now he had already managed to hunt 6 rabbits and 4 squirrels, gaining a total of 10 XP.

Opening the panel, his information appeared once again.

[Name: Su Chen]

[Template: NPC]

[Realm: None(+)]

[Exercises: None]

[XP: 10]

"I can finally upgrade my realm.", Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.