
Start practicing counter routines from Journey to the West

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RYUSuke · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 12 The new king dies again

Earthly Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, Quasi-Sage, and Saint.

Although Sun Xiaokong was only at the Earth Immortal stage at this time, Sun Xiaokong felt that he could definitely defeat the True Immortal.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaokong couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat.

I've only been here for three days and practiced for two days, and now I'm so powerful?

If you cultivate all the cells and stars in your body to the Earth Immortal stage, and punch out sixty trillion...

Its superimposed power, coupled with the main cultivation level to achieve quasi-sage?

It is estimated that the sky will be broken.

Besides, after cultivating sixty trillion cells and stars to the level of Earth Immortal, you have reached a certain level.

This is just the beginning! ! !

Although the difference between each major realm is a hundred times.

However, this "hundred times" means that one person beats a hundred, not that the power of a hundred is concentrated together.

Normal people have 1 point of strength/speed, and you have 10 points of strength/speed.

In this case, it won't be a problem for you to kill a hundred of them, they will all be instant kills.

But if a hundred people are stacked together, then the opponent is one person with 100 points of strength/speed.

In other words, while practicing normally, he also carries a library of power with him.

So scary!

After sorting out these thoughts, Sun Xiaokong began to continue practicing hard.

The monster's talent and heaven-defying skills are not terrible.

The scariest thing is diligence. If you don't work hard, you will never know how useless you are.

It's early morning again.

While Sun Xiaokong was still practicing, he heard the monkeys outside shouting again.

"No, no, no, please come quickly!"

"Our new king... passed away again."

"Oh my God, this is terrible."

"There must be some kind of monster, what should we do?"

"It hurts my heart! The three great kings are just gone."

All the monkeys were really panicked.

The two old monkeys in front are dead. If you say they died of old age, forget it.

Now this, that was a young monkey, how could he die so well?

Mom sells batches!

Hearing the shouting outside, Sun Xiaokong got up from practicing, which was really painful.

I'm so depressed.

Who is behind this? Could it be that the other party didn't even let go of the spies they sent and killed them directly?

According to Sun Xiaokong's previous thoughts, the spy monkey who became the monkey king would definitely not be killed like the two old monkeys before.

I thought...

Even if the spy monkey becomes the monkey king, will he die? ? ?

For a moment, Sun Xiaokong really had a headache.

If it weren't for the system's mission to prevent him from leaving Huaguo Mountain for three years, Sun Xiaokong would have run away long ago.

It's so scary that he doesn't even spare his own people.

In the Water Curtain Cave, all the monkeys looked very ugly at this time.

This time, they are sure that the Monkey King is a curse, and whoever becomes the Monkey King will belch.

"How about we just leave it like this?"

"Stop choosing the Monkey King. Being the Monkey King is too dangerous."

"Yeah, it's so scary. The three monkey kings all died after just one sleep."

At this time, all the monkeys have given up on the idea of the Monkey King.

At this moment, another bad news came.

Several monkeys ran in in a panic and shouted: "It's not good."

"Some monsters came from nowhere and said they wanted to occupy our cave."

"The leading wolf demon is so powerful. He has injured many of us..."

Shall I wipe it?

Sun Xiaokong was shocked when he heard what the monkeys said. Is this a demon king?

That's not right, the Demon King is not a wolf demon.

For a moment, Sun Xiaokong didn't think much and followed a group of monkeys to the entrance of the cave.

Under the water curtain cave, there was a monster with a wolf head and a body, accompanied by four or five minions, shouting: "All the monkeys in there, get out of here."

"This cave is now expropriated by our Three Wolf Gang. If not, don't blame Master Lang for going on a killing spree."

Sun Xiaokong looked at the wolf demon below and thought to himself, is this someone else trying to trick him?

So annoying!

"We found the cave, why should we give it to you?"

"That's right, why should I give it to you?"

"We are not easy to bully."

A group of monkeys were not shy and chirped back.

"A bunch of stinky monkeys, if you have the guts, come down and challenge Mr. Wolf. Today, Mr. Wolf will go on a killing spree." Although the wolf demon has a small number of people, he is not timid at all.

"Don't be afraid, let's go down together."

"Come together and protect our cave."

A group of monkeys shouted and climbed down from some vines on the water curtain cave.

After a while, hundreds of monkeys had surrounded several monsters.

Sun Xiaokong was also among them, but he didn't behave very special. He just picked up two stones and held them in his hands like other monkeys.

When the wolf demon saw this, he frowned, raised his big steel knife, and rushed towards the monkey in front of him.

This monkey is not very strong, much worse than the wolf demon, but he is agile and moves very coolly. He actually dodged the wolf demon's attack and jumped four or five meters to a tree.

After the monkey jumped onto the tree, he took out a stone from nowhere and hit the wolf demon directly on the head.



The wolf demon was hit by the monkey with a stone, groaned and became a little angry.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Before the wolf demon could attack, the overwhelming stone blocks were like a volley of thousands of arrows, pressing directly towards the wolf demon.

Bang bang bang…

Bang bang bang…

Faced with such an attack, the wolf demon and several minions screamed in agony as they were hit, and began to retreat from time to time, trying to run away.


A different stone.

This stone is no different from other stones, except that it is extremely fast. It just flashes in front of people, and then makes a "bang" sound.

The wolf demon's head was smashed, and he fell to the ground with a large pool of blood flowing out. He was obviously dead.

The monkeys were stunned and stopped holding the stones in their hands.

The few minions were frightened when they saw their three kings being stoned to death by monkeys.

"Your Majesty, spare... spare your life!"

"Don't blame us, this wolf monster forced me to come here..."

"Don't kill us."

After being stunned for a moment, several of the minions knelt down and begged for mercy.

No one among the monkeys paid attention to them, and the monkeys were still relatively confused now.

Still thinking, who threw that stone just now?

"I just wiped it out, am I so strong?"

Sun Xiaokong himself was stunned. He was the one who threw the stone just now.

And he didn't think too much, and just casually imitated the monkeys in picking up stones and throwing them at the wolf demon. He had thought that he would hit the wolf demon's head with one blow.

Judging from Sun Xiaokong's feeling, the wolf demon's cultivation seems to be not weak.

In the sky of Huaguo Mountain, Guanyin has been watching all this.

She had also seen Sun Xiaokong hit the wolf demon with a stone just now. Now that the wolf demon was killed by one blow, Guanyin was really shocked.

She felt a little unbelievable. She had chosen the wolf demon, and his cultivation level could be regarded as a half-level immortal.

Facing this stone monkey, the Half-Step Earth Immortal was easily killed by a stone?

Guanyin couldn't figure out why this stone monkey was so perverted?

After all, there is a huge difference between those who have practiced and those who have not practiced. People who have not practiced do not understand the use of strength and magic at all.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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