
Chapter 24: Morning Star Class

With the help of the first lower-level Magus, taking over this world, which he named after his first broom, Nimbus Prime, was easy. Once every human slave had the reward of becoming a powerful being themselves in their eyes, they began to serve with more enthusiasm than any Goa'uld would have ever experienced from their worshippers.

This was the trap he designed for the Magus race; no one realized they would become an even bigger slave once they transformed. Yes, more powerful, but under total control of the imperial family. But the sight of the freshly transformed Magi casting different simple spells like cleaning or repairing charms was too much of an incentive for them.

Most of the new Magi Harry and Pansy created specialized in basic engineering. After all, they needed builders and constructors the most right now. But they also birthed a batch of medical specialists for any emergency and a few military specialists, although the Alterans never focused too much on that area. But he at least needed a small military for any possible attacks.

Besides constructing better housing and infrastructure—nothing too great, just stone buildings—for their slaves, one of the first things they constructed was a military facility around the Stargate. Harry designed the structure himself, taking inspiration from the SGC on Earth. They may not be the most advanced technologically, but in their military development and tactics, they are one of the farthest-developed civilizations.

He equipped the Stargate with a shield, inspired by their Iris, that could be turned on whenever he needed to. The walls of the Gate Room are blast-proofed and enhanced with a Naquadah-Titanium alloy. Overlooking the whole room is a separate gate control room with clavis, shield control, and other controls over the facility.

The whole facility was designed in such a way that it could be defended from attackers from the gate and from outside the facility, making it a powerful fortress. They had no need for an Iris Deactivation Code like the SGC, as the only member of the Magus Empire allowed to travel off-world was Magus. Each magus had the biology of a wizard to a greater or lesser degree and the enhancement of a goa'uld, including their mental prowess, which enabled them to learn at least the basics of mind magic, allowing them to communicate mentally with the other side.

Most importantly, all of their more advanced technology was now encoded to work with their unique mixed DNA of Wizard, Goa'uld, and Alteran. So the chances of unauthorized people taking control of their Stargate facility were slim. Because this planet is so isolated from the rest of the galaxy, the Stargate would be the main target for an attack. Any ship in the Goa'uld Empire would take months to reach this world. With the Stargate Facility in place, the planet is now well defended.

His newly created Magi, especially the ones specializing in the field of engineering, didn't remain idle. They took matters into their own hands to improve the efficiency of the planet with the help of their newfound knowledge. Like new machines for agriculture, freeing more workers from the fields to allow them to work in other positions while still being able to feed their population.

Of course, Harry allowed them to work on such projects in their own free time; the heightened efficiency of the planet is only beneficial to him. So as long as they fulfill their required task, they are free to work on whatever project they want.

He wasn't worried about betrayal; the Magus Symbiote is now a very hierarchical species, genetically bound to serve the imperial family. And the human slaves were too blinded by the power they would gain to even think about rebelling.

Pansy had wished for a grand palace to be built for them, but Harry managed to pacify her with a manor. After all, this world wouldn't become an important planet in their empire, and they only needed the resources to build their first ships.

Although he had to promise her more luxury as soon as they had carved out their own domain in the Goa'uld Empire, She deserved it since she was busy birthing more symbiotes for him. They were slowly converting the whole population into Magi; meanwhile, the population was also growing.

With the rise of more comfort and better infrastructure, the childbirth rate was steadily rising. Although it would take a few years before they were of use to him, it was good that his manpower was rising. Unfortunately, a child between two Magi will only be a wizard. They would still need to receive their own symbiote.

With the completion of the defensive stargate facility on Nimbus Prime, the next major project was to increase and improve their production capabilities. With the help of the few Magi with enough unlocked potential to use transmutation, they began to construct more modern factories, besides the few different machines Harry and Pansy created before coming here.

Factories with large molecular forges to process large amounts of materials into pure ingots. Other factories with automatic processing capabilities for these different materials, and so on.

Of course, he wished he could at least build Nanite Constructors, but he didn't have the materials nor the technology advanced enough to build the necessary devices. There is quite a huge leap in technology between his current level and that. Even though Nanite constructors were what allowed the Lanteans to construct their city ships, he needed to focus on different matters right now. Especially since he knew the location of still existing Nanite Creation Devices that would allow him to create Nanite Constructors.

Right now, he needed to create his own ships to protect Nimbus Prime and project his own force out into the galaxy, so he would be able to take his place among the System Lords. Creating the production facilities would allow him to accomplish this goal.

If he had some Ha'tak, he would have chosen to modify them to save some resources on his first fleet. But he didn't have any, so he decided to design his own first ship class. Of course not with the most modern technology the Ancients had available.

But it would still be more advanced than anything the Goa'uld possess. The first ship class he is designing will be what the Ancients called, while categorizing different ship types, a cruiser, roughly translated.

A cruiser is a mid-sized all-around combat ship, usually escorting bigger vessels in a fleet or acting as the center of lighter fleets themselves. Optically, he oriented himself toward the Aurora Class of the Lanteans.

Of course, as a Cruiser, it was much smaller in size compared to the massive Aurora Class; it was 300 meters in length, 95 meters in width, and 55 meters high. Smaller than a Ha'tak but more capable than one.

Its central power generator is the best neutrino-ion generator he is currently able to produce, accompanied by three Naquadah generators powerful enough to maintain the core systems necessary to fly the ship through hyperspace.

Both sublight engines and hyperspace engines were faster than the ones on a Ha'tak Class ship. But nothing compared to what the Ancients or even the Asgard ten thousand years ago accomplished.

It had a powerful shield system, a sensor array, and even a cloaking device. Unfortunately, it still had to rely on Ring Transporters because he wasn't able to create anything better. Its control system is still physical, since he didn't possess the means to create a control chair but encoded it with the genetic marker of his race. Unfortunately, that meant he needed at least three people to pilot the vessel: one for the weapons system, the other for the auxiliary system, and the last one to fly it. With a chair, one would be enough to control the full ship with even more systems.

Lastly, the weapons. The main weapons are six pulse weapon turbines placed around the ship. It wasn't much, but one was more powerful than eight staff cannons of the Goa'uld together. With four torpedo batteries firing off a salvo of 32 homing torpedoes each to target and destroy smaller vessels, And one final rocket deployment system to be able to fire Naquadah-enhanced nuclear warheads for massive damage if necessary. Although the size of the vessel kind of limited the amount it could carry,

This cruiser was truly an all-around combat ship, thanks to its cloaking device that was able to act as a scout too. Although it was a bit too focused on fighting Goa'uld vessels, it had homing torpedoes for Death Gliders, pulse weapon turrets to combat their other ships, and more firepower if necessary through its Naquadah-enhanced nuclear missiles.

By his calculations, one of these ships was able to take on 2-3 Hat'ak's at the same time. Which would be a massive projection of power for him. The most powerful System Lords have around 20–30 Hat'aks overall. The destruction of 2 or even 3 would be a massive blow to any of them.

And they can't deploy all of their fleet since they need to guard their territory and keep the other System Lords in check. The whole Goa'uld Empire has around 1000 Hat'aks most of the time. All because of their constant warring with each other.

If the Goa'uld learned to coexist, they could become more powerful than they ever were. They lost most of their force because of internal struggles. It was good for him that that would never happen.

One thing was clear: the first generation of the Morning Star Class would be a powerful vessel to establish his place amongst the System Lords.


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