
Stardust - Prologue

The shafts of light pierced through the water. Keira let her eyes take in all the beauty, she watched the light as it danced… It seemed to be calling to her… No! She must not get distracted! For if she did she would be afraid of the consequencias. "Focus Keira" she muttered to herself "focus". She swam towards a cave, then she checked her coordinates "bingo" she murmured and glided in. Keira looked around for the rare ore that she was sent down to collect. It wasn't there, she'd have to go further in. Keira soon realised that there was a strange sound coming from the entrance of the cave. She whipped around only to see people. "Phew" she muttered, at least it wasn't a shark. Keira swam forward so she could communicate with them. As she got closer she realised that they were her colleagues. "What the?" She murmured confused."what are you doing? Do y-" she broke off, they were trying to trap her! "HEY!" She yelled "STOP!." Maybe they hadn't realised that she was there, she soon got rid of that

thought because she spotted one of them glancing up but that person ignored her and worked faster. Keira swam for the entrance. She was nearly there! Then the cave gave a loud grumble and the rocks tumbled down blocking the entrance. "No…." She whispered

"why would they do that?"

Hey guys, this is my first novel! Any new ideas are welcome and I hope you enjoy!

KTDotstarcreators' thoughts