
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasie
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88 Chs

Ch.50 ۞ Verena ۞ Part IV

"CRAZY," I MUTTERED AND OPENED MY DOOR WIDER. "Are coming in or will you stay on the door forever?"

"Can I?"

"The offer won't stay up for too long!" As I said that, the boy ran inside my dorm in light-speed, making me genuinely giggle. "Okay," as I closed the doors, I told him to sit near the dining table at the side and he did, but he put the tray on my bed first. "This is not poisoned or drugged, right?"

He gasped in sheer horror, "No. I would never do that," wouldn't he? I don't know. "I just brought you food because you stayed inside your dorm since forever without eating anything."

"So, some Fae do have a heart, hm?" I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs turned to him. "Thank you for the food then, but if it's drugged I'll kill you," I winked at him.

"I'm not in the time to harm you and cause you problems, Verena. Don't worry," is he not though?

"That's what someone who was in that position would say," I ate the first sandwich in one go. "How did you know I liked this?"

"I didn't. But in Emma's profile in Starstra, she said she loved your spicy cheese with salami sandwich, so I thought you might like it too," Emma?

I analyzed him, "She allowed you to call her that?"

A nod, "She did!" And he sounded honest.

"Hm. You are in the dorm next to mine, right?"

"Yes," he smiled and it was the cutest smile ever.

"What's your name?" He already knows mine.

"Maven!" Oh? "What's with the surprise?" The boy chuckled softly, "Do you know anyone with that name?"

"Fictionally speaking? Yes."

"So, from a human book?"

"A book series, yes," I moved to my 3rd sandwich.

He seemed interested, "How was he like?"

I tilted my head to the side, "Maven Callore was in all honesty the best character in the series. My favorite one, if I may. He got me right from the start, and he deserved to exist in a better world than that one."

"Was he the hero?" Oh? No.

"It's dystopian young adult romance fantasy. No. Maven was only the hero in the beginning of the series, but by the end of the 1st book he had been written to be the villain. A misunderstood bad guy, who's only the villain because you aren't reading he's point of view."

"So, he was bad?"

"Only because the story was told by Mare's eyes, and she was more into his boring older brother than in him. And Mare was a dumb bitch by herself. I couldn't stand her. Maven loved her, but to her his love was distorted. So, she killed him in the end, which killed the series for me." I took a long sip of the tea. "Food here really taste better."

"It does. But what was the series called?"

"Red Queen," I rolled my shoulders. "Maven was the golden apple in it. The red jelly bean in the middle of all others. And she didn't even end up with that pain-in-the-ass of an older brother Maven had. Quite the shitty ending, but at least it have us Maven."

He chuckled cutely again, "You're into bad boys?"

Sigh, "I shouldn't be, but I am. It's my red flag. I like the bad ones. Maybe because the villains will always sacrifice the everyone to give you the world, with the hero will sacrifice you to save the world. Or maybe," I began to eat the 5th one, "it's because I've read too much enemies-to-lovers. Either way, I tend to gravitate around trouble. Probably because I'm a troublemaker myself."

"Are the sandwiches good?"

"Delicious. And the moment I finish this meal, you are out of here, sweetheart," I took another bite of it. "So, tell me what you want while you still can."

And he seemed to find that funny, "Can you follow me back on Starstra?" Oh? Is that what he wants?


"I made a bet with some sophomores and they doubted I could get you to follow me back on Starstra since you seem so… far away from everyone, and look like you don't want anything with us."

I grinned mischievously, "That's because I don't. How much did they bet on that stupidity?"

"Their disbelief goes to the level that they swore to get me a Tallyson 759 Unlimited black motor bike. And only 50 of them were made," damn, they really underestimated the cuteness of this kid. Very audacious.

"Do they have the bike?"

"Three of them do," okay.

I put down the sandwich and took my Const from where I had left, then I turned it on again, ignoring all the notifications popping up and searched for Maven on Starstra. He was the first to pop up, I didn't bother reading his description or anything but his first name, and followed him back. Then I put it on offline again and threw it aside. "Anything else?"

He seemed chocked, "Why did you follow me?"

What? "I hate when older people underestimate younger ones. You won the bet, isn't that why you came here?" I chuckled, finishing my last sandwich and drinking the rest of the delicious iced peach tea, and when I told him that, the cute kid got on his feet right away.

"B-before I leave. Can you tell me one thing?"

I stated at him blankly, "Yes?"

He pointed to the drawing table, "While do you have a drawing of Kian, Ren, Jessamyn, Naveen, and of the Adair siblings? Are you cataloguing the Captains?" What?

Getting on my feet, I went to the drawing table, "Naveen and Ren? Is this girl Jessamyn?" I pointed to the red-haired pale skinned female who in the canoe with the cotton-candy blue-haired siblings, and the olive skinned with emerald eyes dude.

"Yes?" He leaned closer, then pointed to the olive skinned who was the 4th person in the canoe. "This is Naveen," and then his slander finger went to the male who was holding me with Kian, "and this is Ren. Why? You didn't knew who they were?"

That means I was right. It was really Aryan's group who did that to my sister. Fucking hell. "No. I only knew the cotton-candy blue-haired siblings by name, since they are Principal Adair's kids, and Pravin." I clenched my fists.

His baby pink eyes widened, "Did you see them in one of your visions, Verena?"

Staring at him, I sighed and pushed him out of my dorm, "Time for you to go. Your cuteness can only take you halfway. You've had enough and so have I. You got what you wanted and I got my food. Thank you for it, by the way!"


"Bye, Maven!" Then I closed the doors on his face.