
Star Wars. The dark side of the Force.

Several years before Star Wars. The last Jedi, Rey traveled across the galaxy to find the next generation of Jedi. Cale Lestin and five other children have been chosen to learn the ways of the Force. Cale would have to prove himself to everyone that he has what it takes to eventually become Rey's apprentice. Does he have what it takes?

TravisLaRowe24cnx · sci-fi
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3 Chs

(Meeting Rey Skywalker. )

Chapter two:

Cale stayed silent while Rey walked passed him. She grabbed a drink then tapped him on the shoulder. Can you meet me outside?

Cale went outside with no questions asked. What's going on? He asked Rey. I sense that the Force is strong with you and I would like to show you the ways of the Force. Rey replied.

I would love to. Cale replied.

What's your name? Rey asked him.

Cale: I'm Cale Lestin.

Rey: Nice to meet you. I will be at my ship waiting for you.

The only problem is that Cale would have to tell his parents.