
Unknown Visitors

John was in a crisis as his dick was pressed up against Layla's Vagina and it was getting bigger the more he tried to move.

He couldn't sit there and let this go on so he forcefully moved her away and got up, But when he got up she also got up and looked at him. She looked down and seen something unexpected, She knew that men needed to relieve themselves from time to time and wondered whether now was one of those times so she got up and asked " Sir John of you want me to take care of it you need but ask and it will be done" John looked at her and for the first time in his life a women made him blush a little but he quickly recovered " No need this is just how men get in the morning it will go down soon" Said John hoping she would understand

" But if I help you it will go down faster," Said Layla John couldn't say anything after that but was saved when a soldier came knocking on the door " Lord John there is a group of people outside saying how this is their cave and anything we found belong to them," Said the soldier

John responded " Okay give me 5 min I'll be right down" John silently thanked the soldier or he might be spending even more time in bed, not saying he wouldn't take her it just wasn't the right time or place.

John told Layla to get dressed and gather all her guards and meet him at the entrance of the cave she hurried and put on her armor and headed out. John also put on his armor and got his lightsaber and pistol. While heading out the door he noticed that it was even bigger and he could probably fit the speeders in here but the entrance wasn't big enough he would have to make plans for that.

At the entrance, a man named Zane who was Bald with a scar over his left eye with a blaster rifle silently waited for the person in charge to come out. He had been wondering when this cave even got here and who these people were but his boss had told him to go and take it and he has seen that it looked easy as there were what looked like only a couple people here and if things go bad he has 10 people hiding all armed with blasters, and he has 5 guys with him so he thinks there won't be any problems.

As John came out of the cave he sees 6 people who were standing a few feet away he walked forward followed by his guards " Hello how can I help you gentleman today" Asked john

" Our boss wants you to return this cave to him and also leave anything you took from it and all your belongings and he will let you go with your limbs intact," Said Zane

The Guards all put their hands on their lightsabers and prepared for the Worst but somebody spoke before them "Lord John does not need to give you anything as this cave does not belong to you if you dare try to insult him again I will personally cut your tongue out" said Layla

All of Zane's men pulled out their blasters and pointed them at John's guards " Who do you think you are bitch to talk to me like that your nothing but a woman..... Maybe I'll have some fun with you when I'm done with your little Lord here and let my men have all those other Women".

John who despised rapists and such just couldn't let these men leave alive after hearing that threat he pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it, seeing his actions all the Guards pulled out their lightsabers and held them up, Some of the soldiers inside the cave heard the commotion and rushed outside.

Zane seeing this quickly yelled " Kill the Jedi and leave no one behind" He didn't expect to find a group of Jedi here so he wanted to quickly dispose of them because of how troublesome they were but he looked at the cave entrance and saw armed men coming out of the cave, he quickly motioned for his hidden men to attack while finding cover.

John was deflecting some shots off his lightsaber while some hit his armor, his guards quickly moved forward to get rid of the enemies.

Zane seeing his men fall fast quickly ran to his speeder he arrived on drove away though he was hit in his shoulder by a laser. His men on seeing him flee also tried to flee but the Guards were using the force to crush their speeders so ended up trying to run away but were gunned down.

John who was injured a little thought about Rey who could heal herself and tried to attempt to do it. After some time it was successful all of his wounds had healed after this fight he thought that he needed some actual lightsaber training so next time he won't get hit. he thought to have Layla help him with lightsaber training to help him master it.

5 soldiers were injured while none of his personal guards were injured at all. He ordered some men to strip the dead bodies of equipment and burn them in a pile away from the cave. John went back into the cave and seen Atra and Kina running at him wondering whether he was ok or not. " Are you ok we heard a lot of shooting and were escorted to some type of room" Asked Atra

"I'm fine some people came and tried to cause trouble so we had to deal with them," Said john

" As long as your fine we don't want to lose you yet as you did save us, if you didn't show up we might be bought by some other person or Jabba, " Said Kina as she shuddered at the thought of being bought by Jabba or some other slaver

He continued to talk with them for a few minutes then left to his room to check out the system store and see what he could get or just browse some things for future reference.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dr_Dredcreators' thoughts