
Star Wars: Dusk and Dawn [discontinued]

Emmett Law didn't have the best life nor did his family, one day during a new school-year he is killed by some bullies that took it too far after he fought back. and then he wakes up on Tatooine. (this is mostly a story based fanfic with some comedic touches and however many references I can make without negatively affecting the story.)

shady_elf · Andere
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The Battle of Gaia

[THIRD PERSON: The Battle Of Gaia]

   The battle was under way. Very few stormtroopers had joined the Gaian(Yup, that's what I'm calling 'em) rebels, but it was enough to even the score.

   Lasers were flying and there were many losses on both sides. The stormtroopers were wearing their standard armor, while the rebels wore mostly black jumpsuits with mirrors attached to either side in a foolish attempt to deflect the lasers.

   At the center of the battlefield was a robed warrior, limping forward, a blade of light swirling around him.

   The Imperial forces were more heavily trained than the rebels, and it was starting to show.

[Emmett POV]

   As I cleaved a soldier's head off I looked around... We were being overrun.

   " Group A, fall back to point C!" I shouted through the intercom "send in the T-90 tanks."

   Heavy weaponry, that is our one advantage. As they weren't expecting open rebellion they didn't bother equipping this planet's Imperial military with the heavy weapons such as AT-ATs or such.

   "If worse comes to worse we'll bomb the city, I may be able to contain the explosion."

  "Sir, if you could contain the explosion, why didn't we bomb the city in the first place."

  "I don't know if I would be able to, there's over a million Imperial citizens in that city, some of which are fighting with us. I would prefer not to resort to such measures."

   "Yes sir"

   As of now I am their military leader, hopefully they will follow me after this battle.

[THIRD PERSON: Republic Fleet]

   Leia Organa stood, watching a monitor "Luke when you said that we would find allies here... I didn't expect-"

  "An army" Admiral Ackbar finished for her.

   "How many rebel soldiers are there?"

   Luke answered "one million retreating, five million still on the battlefield. The only reason they haven't won is because of their lack of training."

   "Have the drone view coordinates 43,28" Luke told no-one In particular.


   In the middle of the monitor was a robed man wielding a yellow bladed lightsaber, there seemed to be a barrier of force between him and the soldiers surrounding him, he was staring directly at the spy drone, he stretched out his arm and clinched his fist, the recording cut out.

"Emmett" Luke stated.

   Leia's eyes widened "Emmett? You mean the one from the Death Star?" Luke nodded

"He's a jedi?" Leia questioned.

   Luke was stoic, like he had almost always been since his training with Yoda, but his composure faltered slightly. "Not exactly" was the only answer he gave "but as of now he's an ally"

  Leia was quick to give orders. "Admiral, send a squad of X-wings to aid this planet's rebels, that should be more than enough to turn the tide. Luke, I want you to lead a group of a hundred soldiers to meet with them personally."

[Emmett POV: In Battle]

The tanks weren't as effective as I thought they would be. The plan worked, but not as effectively as I hoped. Point C was located at the end of a nearby gorge. When the stormtroopers gave chase to Group A they would be surrounded by earth, the tanks were to fire missiles at the plateaus, not many gave chase, but it killed a few thousand of the Empire's soldiers. Compared to the three million on the planet, that wasn't much.

The tanks did make a difference though, before we were being pushed back, now we were at a stalemate.

I've got an idea. Trench. Warfare.

I was about to set my new plan in motion when I saw a group of three X-wings fly overhead. They started firing at a large group of stormtroopers, within minutes the Empire's forces were retreating into the city.

A troop transport ship came down directly in front of me, a figure jumped from it before it even landed, he was wearing a black tunic and pants. He analyzed me with his deep blue eyes.

"I thought you were dead."


I'm sorry for being late. I'm trying to adjust to school again, but don't worry I won't stop releasing chapters until the story is completed.

How do you think Emmett and Luke will interact after all these years? years for them anyways, may feel like years since I've updated, but still.

Please comment, vote, and review.

Also I am changing the story's name to

Star Wars: Dusk and Dawn.

shady_elfcreators' thoughts