
Star Wars: A Single Wish

I don't own Star Wars. Disney owns Star Wars. This Fanfiction is something I have played around with for a very long time. In my head at least and I want to write some stuff about star wars. This is a wish fulfillment and I don't expect that to get through some of the thick skulls of readers. I won't be updating this regularly, and I wont be giving it a schedule. It's just something I'll write and update when I feel like it. This story isn't set in the skywalker saga, I don't want to get within a light year of that radioactive waste dump. While the original trilogy, clone wars, and mandolorian were excellent that's where the list ends. I don't want people writing reviews for this story, but I won't say you cant. I just want people to read a star wars fanfiction that is better then most out there. I wont lie I'm inspired by A New Player In The Force. However, my story wont be anything like that fanfiction though I really suggest you people read it. Its actually written by an educated teacher whos fighting leukemia. I won't bore you guys with anymore talk so I'll get right into the synopsis now. ------------------- A young boy, no older then 15 lies dying in his hospital bed. The reason he is here is because of the illness he inherited from his mother. He doesn't resent anything about his mother or what he got from her, only that his death be as quick. Before he rested his diseased body on this bed, he would comfort his mother while he could still be considered healthy. His mother passed fast compared to the rate he is going. The Opal family dies with him, and nothing can stop that. One of the things the two did was watch movies and T.V. shows, and their favorite was everything star wars. With Nathan Opal on his last day he is happy that his painful torment shall end. This is where the story begins.

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197 Chs

Awakened Power

My mom rocks me to try and calm me down. I don't know what's going on with me. I don't know why I'm doing all this. My breathing levels out, and I look around the destroyed room. "Incredible..." My dad is looking out the window right now. I don't know what he is looking at. I close my eyes and focus on calming down. After a few minutes of doing so, I'm not panicking anymore. I look up at mom and see how worried she is for me.

I look over to dad, and he is still looking out the window. Mom also looks over to dad, but she isn't wearing a happy expression. She gets up and stands by his side, but right before she asks him why he is acting like this, she looks out the window too. "You think he did this..." All my father does is nod his head. I stand up and walk over to the window too. I can barely look out of it. What I see is a bunch of broken vehicles, torn-up landscapes, and fearful pedestrians.

I slowly back away from the window and rationalize what's going on. Did I do all that? Did I hurt... I suddenly feel nauseous. I run into the bathroom and vomit. I pull away from the toilet and remember what I did to those imperials. I start to panic again. Did I do that to any outside... The whole building begins to shake again. "He is doing it again!!!" My mom yells and rushes into the bathroom where I'm at. She places her arms around me and strokes my hair.

I tightly close my eyes and try to forget everything. "Nathan, I need you to stop, okay... Just listen to mommy's voice... Everything is okay, sweetie, you haven't hurt anyone..." I focus on my mom's voice and try to calm down again. I killed those guys. I crushed them like they were nothing. What kind of monster can do that. "Remember what I told you about the Jedi..." Mom told me stories about how they have awesome swords and cool powers. "You are special just like they are... You can do extraordinary things, and you also have control... Just breathe and release your fear..." I do exactly as she tells me, and I take a deep breath.

I breathe out, and all of it goes away. I hug mom and try to hide away from everything. Mom picks me up and brings me back to the bed. She sets me on it and looks over to dad. He has a shocked look on his face. "I've never heard or seen anything like this..." Mom is now thoroughly upset with dad. She gets up and grabs him by the ear. She drags him away from the window and brings him to the bed with us. He looks at me in astonishment. Mom smacks the back of his head. He snaps out of his stupor and focuses on the situation. "Do you have any control over it, son?" I nod my head no, and both my parents look at each other worried.

As they stare at each other, we all hear a knock at the door to our room. My family must have gotten here. I wasn't told very much about my family. All dad ever said was we probably would never see them. "Master Jorand! There is chaos all over the city! I want to know if you're safe!" Dad gets up and heads to the door. He opens it, and I see a butler droid. I learned about them in the assignments that mom and dad gave me. Its model looks to be C3-N5. They are used for nobles.

My dad looks back at me and gives me a reassuring look. I know dad will always do his best to protect us. "There is nothing wrong with us, N5. How much damage has the estate taken?" I don't want to listen to this conversation if any damage has been done. It's my fault.

N5s eyes light up. He must be interfaced with the house. "All rooms have sustained moderate damage. Damage to the structure of the building is 0%. Mistress Marisa is on her way back now. Do you wish for me to debrief her of the damage?" Dad looks at mom, and she shakes her head no.

Dad turns back to N5 and gives a serious look. "I'll tell Mary what happened. You go get the rest of the droids and begin to clean up the rooms." N5 bows slightly and proceeds to leave. Dad closes the door and walks back to us. "I'll tell Mary and Grandpa about the situation. They will not be mad, so you two stay here and relax. I'll be back after I'm done talking to them." I listen to my dad, but mom gets up and pulls dad away to a place I cant hear their low whispers.

I don't know what they are specifically talking about, but I know it has something to do with me. I lay down fully on the bed and put my head on the softest pillow I've ever felt. I hear them walk into the bathroom and continue whispering. I look towards the window from my bed and see the calm blue skies outside. I close my eyes with that image in my head and try to sleep. As Nathan sleeps and his parents get dressed. Two Jedi are speaking with Satele Shan.

I look at the holographic image of our grandmaster. "Are you sure, Conobai? Both you and padawan Jace might have trouble talking with the parents. I can be there in a couple of days. They might feel more comfortable talking about the child if a council member was there." Satele has always been one to try and help in any way she can. However, she has a fight on Corellia to win. I couldn't pull her away from that.

I take a second and look at Jace. We both felt the boy's power. It was unlike anything I've ever felt. "We'll handle it, master. You focus on your battle on Corellia. If we need assistance from a council member, I'll contact one that isn't in a fight right now. I'll update the council on any changes." I turn off the holo-call and turn to my apprentice. We both share a look of hesitation. "He was definitely the cause of the chaos. I could feel his emotional turmoil from here. We'll leave to their house immediately, I've already spoken with the head of house, Opal, and she said she'd be waiting for us before we talk to the boy." Jace looks apprehensive about this plan. I'll admit I am too.

That child looked no older than 10, and he has something I've never seen in my 35 years of age. It's like he was born from the force. I'm positive that any sith on world felt him too, he is hard to miss. We leave our ship and head to the place where we are meeting Marisa Opal. We get to her office, and we see her waiting in her car. She waves to us to join her. We do so and hop in. As the vehicle starts moving, she looks at us in curiosity.

She pulls out a holo-pad, and she shows holos of her brother. It must be before he left. "I haven't seen my younger brother in a very long time. I want to know why you are so interested in him. It's uncommon for Jedi to seek out us Opals." She is looking to make this difficult for us if we aren't honest. I could use the force to persuade her, but if she is of a strong mind, that will blow our chances. She is waiting for either of us to respond.

I take out a holo-communicator myself and show her a hologram of her brother holding a child. She looks at it, confused. "I'm not after your brother or his wife. Do you know who this child is?" She nods her head and looks at me as if I'm stupid. "The one I want to speak to is the boy." I turn off the holo-communicator and place it back on my belt. She leans back in her seat and looks at us in calculation. Jace is about to speak as well, but she holds up her hand as an indication not to speak. One thing you can count on while visiting Alderaan is attitude.

She pulls out her holo-communicator and calls a droid. It looks to be an N5 series. "N5. What is the state of my family's home?" I know what she is doing, and it's rather clever.

The droid stays silent but soon begins to speak. "Every room in the estate has sustained moderate damage. As well as the areas surrounding the estate. No structure damage has occurred, but much of the area outside is in shambles, my lady." She turns off the holo-communicator and looks back at us with victory in her eyes. She now knows why we want to see the boy. Leave it to the nobility to find out what you're after.

She puts the communicator away and interlocks her fingers. "Now, why would I help you get to my obviously force-sensitive nephew? From what N5 said, he is more than just sensitive. I would throw you out right here and now, but I want to hear what you have to say." This is now the life or death of an easy meeting with the boy and his parents. She isn't going to be convinced by harmless words of Jedi wisdom. I have to tell her the alternative, and that's the sith assaulting her house. They might even attack this city for the boy.

This still might not work, but it's my best option. "If it's not us, then it's the sith. Anyone on the planet could feel the boy and his power. He is untrained and scared. Not only will that cause more damage. It will draw out the sith. Opal's house will be a primary target for the empire if that child is with you. All I want to do is speak to his parents and him. I won't request anything else." She looks at me while pondering my response. I'd hate to see what he would be if the sith got ahold of him. She nods her head in acknowledgment. It looks like we are getting our meeting.