
Star Trek: Revelations

The United Federation of Planets has sent out the USS Archer in search of the species known as the Xindi. With contact with the species unheard of since the time of Johnathan Archer, the Federation enters a region of space unknown to them and filled with perilous dangers...

Empty_Brainzzz · sci-fi
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Pologue- The beginning of the End

"Captain's log: Stardate 431139.3"

I have been ordered to investigate a region that once belonged to an area of space known as the "Expanse". Roughly a few hundred years ago by what the database tells me, a collective of species known as the Xindi were being wrongfully informed about an Earth invasion force that would one day destroy their homeworld and kill off their species. As such they created a weapon that killed 4 million civilians on Earth.

With the efforts of Captain Johnathan Archer on the Enterprise NX-01 and his crew, the Xindi were convinced otherwise in relation to a Temporal Cold War that was being manipulated by a species from another dimension who created this expanse.

Earth since then has had no communication with the Xindi and has not attempted to reform peacful relations. It is my duty to seek out the Xindi and attempt to reopen peaceful negotiations.

*the sound of the communicator on the wall beeps* "Captain, we are in sensor range of where the expanse would have existed. We have detected some debris but are unable to confirm a identity on what species."

*I press the button and respond, a small beep is made before I speak* "Im on my way, and alter course to the debris field warp factor 2."

At this moment in time, I make my way to the turbolift to reach the bridge. The class of ship is a new deep space sciencecraft named after Johnathan Archer for the basis of exploring the area in which the expanse existed in. The Archer-class has a warp 7 engine, 25 decks and a crew compliment of a 112. The weapons are type 2 Phaser cannons and a small compliment of photon torpedos. It is also enhaced by a special material that was used to protect various ships in the region during the time of the Expanse, as such Vulcan's were unable to take part in this expedition.

As I ascend the turbo lift and enter the bridge, the ship comes abruptly out of warp, causing me to fall to floor and many of the bridge crew knocked out of their seats.

I get up and sit down in my seat. "Helm what happened, why did we come out of warp?" I say, still a bit disoriented. "I don't know sir, the Warp Field collasped as soon as we entered 30,000km of the debris field." Crew members are now scrambling, the sound of buttons being pressed come from all the screens and terminals.

My science officer, Lieutenant Travis, enters the bridge from the turbolift and heads to his station. "The ship has entered a sub-space disturbance that has made the ability to travel at warp in all area of space. The distance is 30,000km in a fine circle, the center being the debris field of the ship." I look to my science officer and respond to his statement. "Is there a way to break through the disturbance with a graviton beam from the Deflector array? To try and push us out od the disturbance?"

Lt. Travis looks at me with a concerned look, and I think I know what he may say. "Negative captain, the disruption is causing multiple power disruptions across the entire ship. The warp field is still down and the impulse engines have debris in their intake manifolds."

I curse under my breath and calm down. the only choice I have is to move the ship fowards close to the debris, but the distortions get stronger the closer we get. I order the helm to move us closer to the debris and begin constant scans. I move to the Captain's office. and begin looking over the damage report from the engine room.

"Engineering Report:"

Warp Field: Offline

Impulse Engines: Shut down for repairs

Matter-Antimatter injectors: Minor damage

Warp Core: Offline, Minor Damage

Energy supply: 80% and dropping.

"End report"

I look over the damage reports and the medical reports, other than a few minor bucklings and scraps and bruises, the ship and her crew seem to be alright. (Quakes from gravimetric distortions shake the ship)

*the sound of my office door beeps* "Enter" I say, and with that, my first officer enters inside. From what I know, Commander Archer, is a dscendent of Johnathan Archer. Distant but related. He comes in, looking very proud and confident, reminds me of myself when I was a commander.

"Captain, I must reccomend that we alter course out of the distortion field. The quakes are causing enormous amounts of stress on the hull integrity and our energy reserves are being drained for an unknown reason. It is my personal jusgement that this course of action will put the ship and her crew into harm's way."

He stated this without asking permission to speak, I knew he was new to the ship, but I didn't think he would step out of line like this. I respond casually, "I understand your concern commander but we must end this disruption before anymore ships get trapped in its wake. Now, how far are we fromt he debris field?" I turn around to my replicator and state "Earl-gray, hot." The buzzing sound of the replicator doing its work and a hot cup of Earl-Gray sits before me.

"We should be there in 2hrs and 30min captain, but I must protes--" The sound of my terminal lights up with a blue Omega symbol and the computer speaks "Sensor's have detected trace amounts of the Omega Patricle, Captain must enact the Omega Directive immediately."

I immediately stand up and leave the office. "Helm, send all sensor data in relation to the debril field to my personal terminal immediately and have all continuous sensor sweeps be redirected to my terminal as well. Any talk of what is happening is on a Need-To-Know basis." As this is done, I reenter my office and lock the door with a level 7 security clearence. I begin reviewing the data and find that the ship is an Aquatic ship, and it has roughly 1 million omega particles. The only way to destroy the particles now is with a warp core breach, since this ship doesnt have the equipment to deal with such a massive amount of particles.

I press the communicator on my way. "Commander, please come into my ready room." I wait a few moments as the commander enters. I explained the situation and told him that I shall be causing a self-destruct of the ship the destroy the particles. I ordered him to begin a ship wide evacuarion, to which he protested. I care for his sincerity but order it to be so.

"Computer, initiate self destruct sequence Authorization Gomes Alpha-Sierra-1-1-5, set auto-destruct to 20min."

*Authorization accepted, 20min counted initiated.*

The ship is now glaring red, people scattered around around collecting supplies. I exit my ready room and say to myself, "This ship didn't last long enough, its only been a year and now she is going down because of this damn directive." I then put up the front screen and look at the aquatic ship. I then notice something next to the ship, and It begins moving. I didn't thing it could be real or not, but someone or something was collecting the particles.

I noticed the ship of some sort detach from the aquatic ship and come towards us. I took control of the helm and attempted to hail the vessel, but no response came. Instead, the vessel opened fired with a Neuro electric beam, which cause the right nacelle to be blown off completely. I returned fired, but the ships complmients barely did any damage on the enemy ship.

I attempted to buy as much time as I could for my crew, and continued firing at the unknown craft. I transmitted senor data of the unknown ship to one of the shuttle's until the sensor's went down. When the shuttle's were out of range, I redirected all power to the thrusters and moved the ship as close as I could the particles. With 5min left on the auto distruct and the unknown craft still attacking the ship, I made my way to an escape pod and launched. I was 10,000km away when the blast of the ship exploding shook my escape pod. I look back and a wave rippled through space, and with the last few moments of my life, I knew this was the end...

"End Captain's Log..."

Hello everyone! This is my first Star Trek fanfic I've made before. Of course I am a big trekky and I wish to make more of this story come to life. Please leave comments on what you think and any errors you may see.

Also, I put a few easter eggs in relation to other star trek episodes or movies across the story, I hope you guys recognize them!

Empty_Brainzzzcreators' thoughts