
Star Spangled Fractures

From Reincarnation, to Action Packed-Eldritch Horror Dystopia, to a world of Fantasy. Ottawa Yujin (The Ghost of Ottawa), the non-binary leader, Tempest of Ottawa, and the Overlord of Ottawa, Patty-G of Lots, have their work cut out for them. While Ottawa Yujin reels from the aftermath of Star Spangled Shutdown and begins to embrace his inner villain. Tempest has to fix the city of New Ottawa after the aftermath of the events of Star Spangled Shutdown. While Tempest is working to rebuild the new world, the Overlord is leading the Ottawa Restoration Strike Force is duking it out with cryptids and Nazis trying to reclaim their old home. Normality for all of these heroes is further out of reach than it seems in this shocking Action-Fantasy-Horror packed fourth and final book of the Star Spangled Series!

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Aktion
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The Battle of Rock Island Arsenal

As the tired convoy arrived at the bridge of the Arsenal, Bash roasted the remaining walking corpses with in the base. 

We're all clear to move in. 

Excellent, Clancy, see if you and the Seneca preppers can't get the radio working. Everyone else, we'll rest in shifts. Now...

Before Bubba could continue, a loud shriek echoed across the bridge. The injured wendigo wanted its lick back. It stood up on its hind legs, and opened its bear skull mouth. 

Bubba, get inside and seal the damn doors, I've got this. Bash said as he rucked the .50 caliber rifle in his hands. 

As the doors to the arsenal closed, Bash in the BPA-100 made his march towards the beast. 

Now, Imma say this once you ugly son of a bitch. FUCK OFF!

The wendigo roared and charged at him. Bash unloaded .50 caliber rounds into the wendigo's legs and chest. 

The Ghost used this armor real well, but I've made some upgrades of my own!

Speakers popped up on the shoulders of the armor and began emitting a sound at a frequency only the wendigo could hear. It stopped dead in its tracks as Bash marched towards it. The barrel of his rifle smoking and glowing bright orange as marched towards the creature. He activated the propeller fire-cyclone as he came into range. The wendigo shrieked in pain and lunged at him shaking the whole bridge and drawing Bubba's attention.


As the ORSF looked over the walls, Bash was hold the Wendigo's massive leg above him. He began to burn it as he stepped towards it. The Wendigo slaps him aside only for Bash to launch himself at the Wendigo off the bridge. As they both fall in the water below, Bash puts the Wendigo into a choke hold.


He is cut off by the water surrounding both of them. As Bubba and the others still awake scan the water, the Wendigo stands straight up, letting out an inhuman roar as Bash uses the suits JATO leg thrusters to ascend above it. Bash was about to tackle it when the water shimmers and a massive Alligator Gar jumps from the water and bites into the Wendigo. It lets our a pained shriek as Bash gets above the both of them. 

As the Gar and Wendigo wrestle, Bash returns to the bridge and opens fire a barrage of rounds into the Wendigo's back. The Wendigo throws the Gar aside and turns to Bash. It rushes at him slamming its body into the bridge supports. 

Meanwhile Bash is fighting the wendigo, the others who had been working on the radio tower, managed to pick up a signal. 

-* This message will repeat*- This is Mick of the Pulse Sparrows seeking any Ottawan's still here. WCMY is down, we can't receive, just transmit..... *static* -transmission ends-

Bubba. If they're alive....

Nolan and I can take a truck and get there the fastest.

No, Overlord, you'll take a portion of the original lots crew. Nolan is staying here to help me coordinate the efforts to liberate this area. We'll need a safe staging point and the QCIA is the best for that. Our F-80's don't have much fuel left so I've had the Russians clearing that out and getting fuel ready. Take the Lots Mauler, it was Logan's design. Go liberate our home.

On it. 

As the Lots Task Force prepares to leave, the Bash is finishing off the Wendigo. With a swift punch, Bash knocks the Wendigo backwards allowing the Gar to lunge at it's neck, chomping it apart. As the Wendigo's head falls, Bash catches it and locks it onto his back. As he returns to the Arsenal, he joins the Overlord and the LTF on their journey to Ottawa.