
Chapter 23 - New Orders

Three days passed, and Adrian had been working tirelessly to create more puppets.

In front of him stood 105 humanoid puppets, each one carefully crafted to mimic the appearance and behavior of a human being.

He used a great deal of soul power to create these thirty puppets.

Adrian looked at the puppets, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction. He knew that these creations were far from perfect, but he had poured his heart and soul into each and every one of them. And despite their flaws, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at what he had created.

As he looked at the puppets, he began to think about what the future held for them. He knew that they were limited by their programming, but he also knew that they had the potential to do great things. With their human-like appearances and abilities, they could be used for everything from manual labor to complex tasks that required a high level of intelligence.

Adrian felt a sense of excitement as he thought about the possibilities. With this many puppets at his disposal, he could create an entire army of workers, each one perfectly suited for a specific task. And with his own knowledge and expertise, he could guide them towards greatness, helping them to become more than just machines.

But even as he felt this excitement, Adrian knew that there were challenges ahead. He would need to continue refining their programming and behavior, working to make them even more lifelike and effective. And he would need to find a way to integrate them into human society, ensuring that they were accepted and valued for their contributions.

As he looked at the 105 humanoid puppets in front of him, Adrian knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult. But he also knew that he was up to the challenge, and with his puppets by his side, he felt more confident than ever that they could change the world.

Adrian started to go to his room and entered his office room in his house. The office room is going to be used for improvements. Now that he has ownership of the land, there is nothing stopping him from keeping and improving the land he is on.

He pulled out a big paper and inspected it.

"Town Buildings"

"Main House"

"Three Longhouses"

"Medium-Sized Storage Cabin"

"Stable for Horses"


Adrian then nodded as he commented in his mind.

"Thirty wood puppets will go to the forest and keep bringing up resources for us."

With his order, thirty puppets hopped on the thirty horses and then started going into the forest.

Adrian commented.

"Five puppets will be staying close to me all the time for personal bodyguard reasons."

Again with his order, five puppets took spears and bows and got close to Adrian's office. Not too close to bother him, but close enough to help him in any kind of dire situation.

Adrian then commented again.

"The idle thirty puppets will focus on building two fishermen's cabins for fishing purposes using the river; six puppets will be fishermen of the town for the time being, and each three-man group will work on one cabin."