

Quinn's POV

Bethel was right. I stood in front of a room, staring at it for a while. Unlike the first three rooms I saw,the door of this one was painted pink, and QUINNIFA was written boldly on it. Beautiful flowers were attached to the name; it looked so beautiful that I couldn't help but smile. I turned to look at the room opposite mine and even the other two again, but there was nothing like that there.

There were four rooms in total, two on the right side and likewise on the left; mine was the last one on the right side. There was a door at the end of the passage, and I guess that was the balcony.

I opened the door gently and entered the room. The first thing I saw was my luggage in the middle of the room. I then noticed the room was painted pink and white, and I loved it. It was spacious enough, and the bedspread was pink too. I moved closer to the wardrobe to pack my things in, but to my surprise, it was already filled with clothes. I'm not allowed to wear the ones I brought. How did they even know my size? I don't remember Michael asking me that.

I was relieved when I found out that underwear wasn't there. The clothes seem okay too.

The sound of my phone ringing made me turn back, and I got it from my pocket; it was Granny.

"Grandma!" I shouted happily. I miss them terribly.

"My baby, Quinn," they both called me at the same time. I could tell they were very excited as well.

"How are you doing?" I said.

"Oh, we should ask you: how are you? Have you eaten? I hope your room is not too tiny."

"I'm fine, granny; this place is unbelievably comfortable," I replied,trying to give her the best impression of this place. I don't want her to worry too much.

"Is that so?" Granny asked to be sure.

"She is obviously lying just because she doesn't want us to worry about her." Jayden disagreed with me. I could feel anger and concern from the way he spoke.

"I'm telling the truth right now. I will do a video call if you like and show you how big my house is."

"Wait a moment,do you mean you have a whole house to yourself?" he asked instantly.

"Yes, a driver and maid too," I replied, smiling and wishing they could see me right now.

"WOW, that's great then."

"Yeah, it is."

After almost three hours of speaking with my family and Amie, I decided to go have a bath. I removed my clothes, saw three new packs of towels at one corner of the wardrobe, picked a blue one, and proceeded to the bathroom. As I expected,the bathroom was breathtaking as well. There was a shower and a bath tub. I went to the bathtub and prepared hot water, and I sat down in it feeling warm instantly.


Standing on the roof of a 23-storey building,my patience was starting to run out. "I'm here." I finally heard his voice through my earpod.

"Come to the roof top," I replied, and in a few minutes, I heard footsteps behind me. Turning back, I said, "You're late."

"I'm sorry, good news is I found it," he said, bringing some good news at least. He handed me a piece of paper.

"What's this?" I asked when I looked at the paper, only to find some strange words written on it; it looks like French.

"We had it translated, and this is what it means," he said, handling me another paper. I smirked when I finally saw what was written in it.

Looking back at him, "Let's get to work," I said as I made to leave. I felt him follow him afterwards.

Bethel's POV

I felt my phone vibrate beside me, and I paused the movie I was watching before picking it up. "Hello," I said first.

"Hi, how is she?" He asked immediately. Michael always goes straight to the point.

"Fine, she went out for a walk," I replied, but his response shocked me.

"She did what? Since when?" Even his voice raised a bit, making me wonder what's wrong—maybe he was in a bad mood.

"Yes, she did, for 15 minutes."

"Go look for her now."

"Calm down, Michael; she isn't one year old." I replied honestly; I don't get why he's overreacting.

"Yeah, and she just got to the USA some hours ago. Do you realise that? I don't want to repeat myself, Bethel," he said and hung up. What? This guy is so rude that I can't seem to get used to this behaviour of his after all these years.

I wanted to ignore him, but I know Michael better; he meant what he said. I stood up and began to search for her.

Okay, where the hell is this girl? She's quite bold for someone who just got here; like, I've left our street and still she's nowhere to be found. I really hope Michael won't be right this time. I'm also sure she can't get past the estate gate, so where did she go exactly?

In this estate, there are three sections of apartments: the first, second, and third, namely Majestic Mansions, Royal Residences, and Golden Gate, respectively. We stay at Golden Gate, and what? I'm walking towards Majestic Mansions already but couldn't find her.

Finally, I sighted her standing beside a car. I sighed in relief and kept walking towards her, but then I noticed she wasn't alone, which made me walk faster. She was chatting with a woman.

I suddenly froze when I saw something.

unexpectedly approaching them—no someone, actually.

"Oh, no," I said to myself.

Please don't tell me they've met already! I robbed my hand on my face twice to make sure it wasn't my imagination and looked in their direction again, and yes! He's real. It's Star!!