
Careful What You Wish For

Ever heard of the saying 'Be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it'? Yeah, as soon as the thought of my neighbor popped into my head, the door opened, and in he walked with a tray of cheeses, meats, and crackers.

Seriously, my kidnapper/would-be killer was out preparing me a charcuterie board? What the hell!?? I would never be able to look at them the same way again.

"What the hell!?" he unknowingly repeated my thoughts as he spotted me laying on the bed in full armor. I didn't know what I looked like (except for my arm) because, for some reason, I didn't think to actually check myself out in the mirror, but I was guessing it wasn't my normal look.

"Mei Xing?"

I quickly looked down at the rope, and seeing the purple dot, I clicked on the 'fire' button. The laser cut through the rope like it was nothing… but then didn't turn off. Thinking that my luck might have changed, I looked at the rope that was holding my right foot to the bed and quickly cut that too.