World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.
A woman shudders behind two men who is shooting the zombies. She looks panic and fear. She can't do anything except screaming affraidly.
"Silence, sist. More and more of them are coming. Your scream will make them come to us more," the first man using Uzi said.
"Holy crap! They are more and more. We can't resist them anymore. My firearms has no more bullets. We will die here!" the second man using UMP9 said panicly.
"God, please help us. We need every help wherever it comes. Please meet me with my family. I miss them," the woman said while crying fearly.
"Mrs. Helen, please stop. We just try to survive. Don't make them come more and more to us by your useless crying," the second man said.
Helen just stares at the second man.
"Tobbey, I am a weak woman. I can't fight like you. I have no firearms or another weapon. I have no skill too. I just pray. That only I can do," Helen said while resisting her cry.
"Tobbey, let her. Everything we do is for her. We must ensure her safe until we reach the wall," the first man spoke defending Helen.
"Alright and we will die soon cause of your scream, Helen. Look at that. The walkers has reached us. We must run," Tobbey replied while looking at a big horde of zombies come to him and his friends.
The big horde of zombies are approaching Tobbey and his friends. The zombies know that there are living human not far from them.
Finally Tobbey, Helen, and the first man named Duane, run to the east. But several zombies have speed like a cycling human.
The zombies are running very fast. In second they are getting closer to Tobbey and Duane who try to protect Helen.
"Fuck! I am bitten!" Duane screamed painly after a zombie grabbed and bitten his arm.
"Duane!" Helen shouted panicly while turning her head at Duane.
"Oh, crap! Keep running, Helen. I will do something before him transform into zombie!" Tobbey spoke loudly while carry Helen away from Duane. "Aaahh, fuck! One of them has bitten my leg!"
Tobbey's left leg has been bitten by a crawling zombie. The crawling zombie has a fast speed like a lion running but it is not lion zombie. It is still a human zombie but walking crawling like a four feet animal.
"Tobbey, no!" Helen shouted panicly.
"Helen, just go away! Leave us! Save yourself!" Tobbey shouted while trying to fight zombies which is surrounding him.
"No, I can't leave you all. We must survive together," Helen replied while trying to not crying.
"Helen, just go. Don't care us. Go, go away. Don't look at us. We will not make it. Aahhh, this is very hurt!" Duane shouted then screamed painly.
"Helenn, go! Look at me! I am transforming become one of them," Tobbey said with strange voice. His face looks like going to crack.
"Oh, god!" Helen screamed fearly while looking Tobbey transforming.
Finally, Helen runs alone without her friends. She runs until her breath up and down.
Meanwhile Tobbey and Duane who has been transforming into zombie, trying to fight zombies which is trying to reach Helen. They fight with bare hand until losing it because bitten by zombies.
Although they have transformed into zombie, they still have memory. So they still fighting until them surrounded by zombies.
Their sacrificing is almost futile because several zombies are getting closer to Helen. One of them grabbed Helen shirt collar until she falls down.
"Aaaa...!" Helen shouted while a zombie opens it's mouth with the intention of biting into Helen's neck.
But, a gunshot heard followed by shatter of the zombie head. It's Wen who has come when Helen on danger.
"Come on, mrs. I will help you," someone said when coming to Helen.
He is Kein who come with Wen. Kein now is stretching out his hand to Helen. After Helen grab his hand, Kein leads her to safest place near Wen position.
Wen, Kein, and Helen run to the south. They climb the wire wall before the abandoned house which occupied by Wen and Kein before.
Then they enter the house. Then Wen locks up the front door.
"Thank you for saving, me. I will pay your kindness to me," Helen said while staring at Kein and Wen.
"What is your name, mrs? Ah, I am so sorry, I was too late. Your friends did not survive because of my indolence," Wen replied.
Helen just sobs when remembering Duane and Tobbey sacrificing theirselves to save her. Maybe they have been transforming into zombie since the event of this village outskirt.
"I am Helen. Helen Fitzgerald. I am a scientist that's sent by Aurora Lab. I come here to help anyone who lives inside Edgard City wall," Helen spoke.
"I am Wen Xian Yu. I was an official inside the wall that you mentioned," Wen said while looking at Helen.
"What? Why are you here, mr. Wen? Shouldn't you be there? Inside the Edgard City Wall," Helen looked like curious after Wen speaking.
"The wall has been fallen, mrs. Your arriving was futile. The wall now is occupied by the walkers or the living deads or zombies," Wen replied.
"Are you sure? You must be kidding me. Based on Gloria government report, the wall is very strong. So, it's impossible for walkers to occupie it," Helen said.
"No time for kidding, maam. It's true, the wall has been breaching by walkers. Even among of them there are big thing compossed of human dead bodies. It heard impossible but that's true," Wen explained.
Helen looks at Kein who silenced for a long.
"Are this guy words true? Are you from the wall or not?" Helen asked Kein.
"His words are true, mrs. I saw the walkers break the wall. Their number is very huge. Everyone who lives inside wall can't resist them for long. The wall now is empty except the living deads fill it," Kein answered.
Helen breathes heavily after listening Kein explaining.
"So, my arriving is futile? I came here to what? Now, I can't go back. Zombies are everywhere meanwhile I can't fight like the another. I am just a scientist. A weak scientist," Helen said half muttering.
Kein and Wen just silence. They don't know what they will do next. But Helen say again.
"I think we must find a city. A safe city. People called it CITY OF PEACE. But I don't know where it is. Maybe we can find clue about the new hope." Helen stares at Kein and Wen.
"Are you sure about that? Why have I never heard about that city before?" Wen asked curiously.
"Maybe this country government don't want there is new power which will break this country from inside," Helen answered. "I have heard that the people who controlled the CITY OF PEACE is the oppositor to this country government."
"Johny Ballam? He is leader of opposition of Gloria government. Is he the founder of City of Peace?" Kein spoke.
"I don't know. But it's not impossible if the leader of the city is Johny Ballam," Helen replied.
"So, we will go there? If the city really is, I will be spirited to come there. I want to live peace without gunshot or zombies grunt," Wen said.
"Of course we must go there, sir. We can't fight forever. As your words, we can't keep running while our stomaches are hungry. Now, we have new destination. A new hope. We will struggle to come there. Fighting and running of course will be our daily duty before us arrive there," Kein spoke like he was making a speech.