World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.
At the previous chapter, Asip had stunned after knowing who Ada is.
"So, I had treated the Narahita princess like for civilian? It's so embarrassed. I will regret for that," Asip muttered while looking forward blank.
Return to the current chapter
Thomas and Pierre just stared at Asip then looking each other.
"I have kissed her forcefully, man. I will die cause of that," Pierre said.
"That's not my business. Take the risk," Thomas said while leaving.
Marsha who looked at Thomas, Pierre, and Asip's conversation approaches Asip and Pierre.
"What were you talking about? Didn't you find Ada, Pierre?" she said when arriving at the place.
"The imperial's soldiers had brought her to the emperor palace in Sago," Asip that answered.
"The imperial's soldiers what? I don't get it," Marsha asked. "Wait a minute. Sago? Sago City you meant? Why did they bring Ada to the capital of Narahita Empire?"
"That's complicated. Moreover the Narahita has been invading our country. Oyster City has fallen. As bad as with a part of Lightwood City, Dandelion City, until Roderia. They all have fallen to the imperial," Pierre explained.
"So, what is the relation with Ada?" Marsha asked curious.
"Ada has a name from the Narahita Empire as Ada Maginon. Saaya isn't her last name," Pierre revealed making Marsha surprised. "Simply, Ada is the Narahita Emperor's family member. She is the emperor's young sister."
"Oh, crap! I have ever slapped her on ass when she insulted me by showing her ass. That's very embarrassed. The daughter of former Narahita's Emperor Asmar Maginon, has bad attitude. But I'm affraid she will use her power to embarrasse me," Marsha said.
"I have ever seen her naked when taking bath. Hahaha," Pierre said then laughing.
Meanwhile in a town near a damaged gas station. A girl who is Keira ran followed by several zombies chasing her.
"Where is the fuck Roland? Why did he run so fast?" she muttered while running.
"Roland! Wait for me!" she shoutted making the sleeping zombies awakened.
So, the number of zombies that chased her increased. Even, some of them appeared before her.
"Fuck! I'm surrounded!" she swore while swinging a barbed wire bat to those zombies.
Suddenly a zombie gripped her neck then pulling her to it's opened mouth. At that moment, Keira's neck was ensured will be bitten by the zombie.
But, heard a sound of a car engine roared approaching Keira's position. Then a gunshot heard followed by projectiles hit every zombies that surrounding Keira.
The car that recently came is a Buzzle 996 that driven by Helen and the shoot was coming from Wen's weapon.
"Keira? Over here," Kein shouted inviting Keira comes to the car.
Without any considerations, Keira ran to the car meanwhile several zombies are still chasing her.
Kein grabbed Keira's hand then pulling the girl into the car that is still in moving state. Then Keira sat side by side with Kein, Wen, and Helen.
"Damn! This car is too narrow. I can't take fire. The barrel is blocked," Wen complained.
"Why did you save me, loser?" Keira said with unexpression tone.
"You are the girl we met before, huh? You are still annoying like before," Helen said while still foccusing to the way.
"Those zombies would eat you, Keira. Why did you ask the queer question like that?" Kein said.
Keira sighed while looking forward.
"I lost Roland. I left the others to chase him. I left Billy, Talisa, and the new one, Scott, at the bar owned by two outlaws. They are must looking for me. That's my fault, leaving without telling them," she talked.
"We will find them quick or late. But, for now we need to find some temporary hideaway. Maybe we need new car wider than this," Kein said followed by Helen's glaring. "No offense, Helen. I was just making a suggestion."
"Keira, you are very screwed up. This wears isn't for battle. Your tighes are expossed widely," Wen commented when seeing Keira condition.
"It doesn't matter I think. We will find some wears for her. By the way I am hungry. I need to eat," Kein said.
Helen drove her car leaving the area which fulled by enraging zombies. She must drive carefully to avoid hiting zombies or another objects.
After succeed to leave the area, the car arrived at an empty village. That village has settlement with a distance between houses that is far enough.
"The wooden house? Is it safe?" Kein asked.
"I see no zombies here. So, I think this house will be our stopover for a while," Helen said while stopping her car.
After Helen stopped the car, Kein got out from the car while helping Wen to walk.
"What's happened with your leg, Wen? Bitten by zombies?" Keira said as she looking at Wen's injured leg.
"No, but the stone did that. Come one, Kein. This wound need to be healed," Wen said.
Kein helped Wen to reach the house's terrace. Then Wen sat at the terrace.
Kein took a box of medic inside the car then bringing it to Wen.
Meanwhile Keira was just standing up near the car while staring at the wooden house.
"I must check the interior. I'm affraid this house is still occupied. Especially by the infected," Helen said while approaching to the house.
Keira followed Helen then looking at one of the house's windows. She saw a Teddy Bear doll colored brown lying down on the wooden floor. Then she remembered her childhood.
"Come here, honey. Daddy comes to you. Look this. A Teddy Bear. Your favorite doll." Keira still heard the voice inside her mind.
"Aaaahhhh! Khadija! Take care of Keira! Take her away! I love you honey! Gaaaahhhhh!"
Keira suddenly cries while kneeling on the ground.
"Keira? What's going on?" Kein came then approaching Keira.
Suddenly Keira grabs Kein's collar then huging him tight. Keira burst into tears at Kein's shoulder.
"What's happened, Keira? Is there something made you sad?" Kein asked but Keira still doesn't answer.
"Alright, no need to answer. The Teddy Bear, huh? It has made you remembered your past," he added.
Wen peeked behind a barn. He looked at the two people serious.
"Finally Kein got the rude girl's heart. Congratulations, man." Wen chuckled.
Meanwhile Helen who is inside the house, checking everything there.
"This house has been abandoned for approximately two weeks. Not too clean but this dusty cupboard shown it," she muttered.
Suddenly Helen surprised by a shout of people from a distance.
"Aaaahhh! Help! The giant crocodile is coming!"