

"Everything will be fine. I can handle this before my men comes." Andrea Lee said to herself trying to stay alive. She had been six feet under the ground for almost ten minutes after the culprits buried her alive in their family grave." Yes she was buried alive by her beloved cousin, Samantha Anderson. Just because Samantha secretly loved her cousin's fiancee, Richard Yap. And her initial plan is to eliminate her so that she can seduce Richard and made him fall for her. Although Andrea was born in a rich family, her mother Angelin Anderson died in a car accident with her husband Peterson Lee Andrea's father. Andrea had been running their family business that was built solely by her father. Her life was somewhat bland, planned, and no life even with her fiancee beside her. No excitement at all. She still live her life to what it supposed to be because she's already used to it. And because she doesn't know Richard very well, she thought he was just fine with everything and starting to accept him as her future husband. He was selected as her partner in life by her father after she turned 21 years old before the car accident of her parents. But things turn out to be not what she thought it was. On the day of her 23rd birthday. Her cousin give her a surprise birthday party with almost all the wealthiest family as guest and of coarse her fiancee. Never did she knew that the party was set up by her cousin to ruin her reputation. That night she ended up in a private suit with a stranger. And the next night after her birthday she's already 6feet under the ground. Will she be able to scape from her cousin's scheming hand? And will she be able to protect the life that is starting to form in her womb? There still a lot to uncover in Andrea's life. Hope you can join her in her journey of revenge and single parenthood. ____________________________________________ Writer's Note: Guys I am a new aspiring writer here. Trying to shift the line of job because of COVID19?. HOPE you can support me on my journey and I'll be much welling to accept correction and guides related to my story. Wether it hypothetical or technical....

D_scorpio · Urban
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4 Chs


She woke up in an unknown room with a minimal design. Trying to recall the past event in her life, It made her heart tighten arousing her hate towards her cousin Samantha.

Then the door open, a woman in her 70's walk in as if checking her. And when she saw her awake, she smile with glee and sat beside her bed. "Ohhh my! Grand child your awake. How are you feeling? Finally you're awake now. Wait let me call Doc. Smith." the old lady exclaimed in excitement.

She stand and dialed her phone, calling someone in her contact named, Dr. Harry Smith. "She wakes up! Come and check on her." those are the words she said over the phone and come back to her side. The old lady then stare at her in teary eyes.

"Baby Andrea, I'm so happy right now that you are awake. I really don't know what to do if I fail protecting you. I'm sure your father Peterson and your mother Angelin won't forgive me and will get mad in heaven if she will know what happened to you." the old lady keep on ranting.

She haven't talked yet, still trying to assist her situation if where she is right now and who is this charming old lady talking to her. But when she heard her say about her parents, she give a confused look to the old lady.

When she saw her frowning, she realize that her grand child did not recognize her which is acceptable because she was still 3 years old during her last visit to her son's family and never come back even during the burial of the two.

"Im your grand mother Denise Gu. Sorry for not introducing myself just now. I'm so excited that i forgot about it." she explain.

Andrea then give her a smile. 'Yeah she seem quite resembled to her father she thought.

"Andrea, why are you not talking to grandma? Is something wrong? Are you scared of me?" the old lady ask in worry face.

Andrea wanted to talk and answer her grandma but she realize, even if she wanted too, she cannot talk as if words are sinking to her throat. She then hold her throat with a scare in her eyes looking at shaking her head.

Denise then realize what's happening and comforted her. "It's fine darling, don't force yourself everything will be alright. I already called your doctor." she tried to calm Andrea.

Right then, the door open and the male doctor walk in. "Andrea how are you feeling now?" he ask while preparing the stethoscope. Then check her heart beat, blood presure and pulse rate. He seem to be waiting for her to say something. Then he look at her in a questioning look.

Andrea just shook her head and look at her grandmother.

Denise then explain to the doctor that she can't talk and her voice are not coming out even how hard she tried.

"Ohhh is that so? Don't worry you'll be fine that's normal that is one of the complications for a person who is in coma for almost a month." he explain.

But those words made Andrea's expression worse. 'What? im in coma for a month?' she thought.

After Harry check her eyes and her throat, he then said his findings.

"It seem that everything is fine except for your voice. This situation is comparable to a stuck musical instrument. Technically speaking, everything that was stuck usually won't work the way as before, it needs to be polish again to made it work just like before." he said. "You need to undergo physical and psychological therapy." he continue explaining.

She then just nod in showing her understanding.

"Ok then i'll pass to your guardian the request for your executive check up and a recommendation letter to a known OBGyne in the country. Scince we need to make sure the baby is growing well inside your womb. And as per requested by your grandmother to give you only the best, every doctor who check on you are the best among the best on their own field so you need not to worry." Harry patiently explained.

Andrea seem to understand everything but her mind went blank upon hearing him said the part of the check for a OB Gynecologist. Then in her perception, she was pregnant. That's all in her mind. And then she roughly murmured the word "P-pregggnant?" with a blank expression.

The doctor also worried with her reaction. It seems that CEO Denise Gu did not said to her granddaughter yet that there was a fetus inside her. Then he give a questionable look to the old lady.

Denise suddenly felt stress. But still walk towards her granddaughter, hold her hands and said "Yes Andrea darling you are pregnant. And grandma was so happy about it. I never thought I will be able to take good care of my great grandchild in this lifetime." she said with affection to her. She wanted to made her feel that her child is loved and wanted in the family in case she will try to abort it which is unforgivable for her.

Because after she recieve the SOS call from Andrea's watch the gave to her when she was still a baby and rescue rescue her, the old lady had someone investigate on what happen to her and found out that her cousin Samantha plotted against her and had her raped to make her fiancee disgust her and break their engagement. Then later buried her alive which made her so angry. Even though she had a unwanted pregnancy, she cannot let her made a sin that she might regret later.

When she saw that Andrea stare at the ceiling blankly while tears running down her cheeks.. She feel hurt for her, but could do nothing to lessen her pain. She stand and face Doctor Harry Smith. "Dr. Smith don't worry I'll make sure all of your request will be done. Thank you for you expertise." she thank him. "Don't worry I'll handle from here and make sure she will do no harm to herself." she explain leading him to the door of the VVIP room of the prestigious hospital in the country.

While the two talk outside, Andrea's mind is in a mess. not knowing she had been crying continuously... Her mind bring back her memory on what happen on the night of her surprise birthday party.....