
SSS-Grade Maxed Level Returnee

Park Jung-hyuk was just your average person starting his first year of college until a new world filled with tragedies emerged. Now he must find a way to survive and reach the end of the scenarios. However, he holds a secret that nobody knows. He already knew the world would fall into chaos. It was because he was a Returnee that has lived for a long time. Only he holds the burden of a disaster.

ImmortalClown · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs

Episode 1 – Starting the Paid Service (2)

A strange entity appeared from the darkness and floated in the air. Once 'it' came into view, something emerged from inside my head.


It was the name of a certain species I knew. I didn't know why such memories relating to the dokkkaebi emerged one by one.

「With two small horns and wearing a small straw mat, the strange and fluffy creature was floating in the air. 」

「 It was too strange to call it a fairy, too evil to call it an angel, and too tranquil to call it a demon. 」

「Thus, it was called a 'dokkkaebi. 」

Indeed, this reality wasn't that different from the one I knew. Now a frown appeared on my face. It couldn't be helped, I didn't exactly have any good memories when those bastards were involved.

Now that those guys has appeared, the doors of death has been opened for thousands of people in this world.

[&아#@!&아#@! .....]


The dokkkaebi tried to speak something but only meaningless words came out from its mouth.

"What the hell is it saying?"

"Is this an augmented reality? A prank from the government?"

"Does this look like a prank to you?! Look there! People are dead."

Someone pointed towards the ruined train where several dead bodies were crushed underneath. They were people that failed to move out of the way on time.

The people's expression stiffened at the sight of blood and I heard the sound of someone pucking their guts out. I ignored everything and looked at the dokkkaebi floating in the air.

Doesn't it look rather punchable right now?

[Sorry for that. The Korean package is rather old and arrived late. In any case, it seems this world has been properly registered in the star stream.]

Despite hearing a language they could understand, the people were still tensed. After all, people just died. I doubt anyone will be calm in this situation. However, it seems I underestimated this people too much.

A brave actor stepped forward and opened his mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The man in a tracksuit pushed his way forward as if he was the protagonist. Honestly, I didn't know if he was stupid or just brave. Even returnees can't speak to the dokkkaebi with that tone.

But something tells me that the brave actor that just stepped forward belonged to the stupid category instead of brave.

[Hmm? What did you say?]

"I'm asking what you are doing. Is this a prank from the government? Can't you see you are scaring everyone?"

The actor was a fool that could not distinguish between fiction and reality. The dokkkaebi tilted its head in a cute manner as if confused and bursted out laughing in the next moment.

The man became angry. He must have felt he was being mocked.

"What's so funny?!"

[Hahaha! Sorry, what you said was so funny? Do you still think this is a prank? How can someone be this slow?]

"You bastard!"

The man lunged towards the dokkkaebi and threw a fist. I sighed. Such an idiot. Now he was going to be turned into a scapegoat.

[Haha. You're really an idiot.]

Before the man's fist even connected...


The horn of the dokkkaebi glowed and the head of the main actor exploded like a balloon.

Blood scattered everywhere and the people screamed.

[Are you people that brainless? Can't you use your heads?]

The eyes of the dokkkaebi turned red. Look at what that idiot just did. Now the dokkkaebi has gotten angry. An angry dokkkaebi is very dangerous.

[Maybe I should kill a few of you monkeys to get the message across.]

There was a popping sound once again. This time, it was the person that close to the dokkkaebi that was turned into a scapegoat.

[This is not a movie shoot and it's not a prank either.]

Blood flew flew in the air as the people tried to run away. The heads of the defenseless people were exploding one by one. It was a bloodbath.

[This is not an augmented reality or whatever bullshit you call it. Do you understand?]

More half of the people here have already died. The subway station was now quiet. The people silently stared at the dokkkaebi, afraid that their heads will be the next one to explode.

Somehow, I was not frightened or afraid. I was very calm. The sight of death and blood was something I was already used to. Besides, I have also killed my own share of people both evil and innocent.

Now I must survive in this new world. Not as a Disaster but as Park Junghyuk.

[Look at you, all fat and ugly. Life must have been pretty good, isn't that right?]

The dokkkaebi studied the expressions of the people one by one. I'm sure that thing must be pretty pleased with itself.

[You lived you lives without having to pay for anything. No tragedy. No suffering. Tell me, it was nice, wasn't it?]

Free? What a stupid thing to say. There was no one in the vast universe that lived for free. Even beggars had to fight to see their daily bread. But I didn't open my mouth.

I was no longer a disaster and even then, I could fight against a dokkkaebi. I had no choice but to listen to the bullshit the dokkkaebi was spouting from its mouth.

[But those sweet days are long done. You will have to fight to survive. Oh, look at what's happening now. I got swept along with my monologue and forgot about the main script. Oh silly me. Let's get started, shall we? There is no time to waste.]

The dokkkaebi horn's rose like they were antennas, and its body floated to the ceiling of the station.

Moments later, a message rang out.

[#BI-9873 channel is open.]

[The constellations have entered.]

A system interface emerged in front of everyone's blank eyes.

[The main scenario has arrived!]


[Main Scenario #1 – Proof of Value]

Category: Main

Difficulty: F

Clear Conditions: Kill one or more living things.

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Compensation: 300 coins

Failure: Death


The dokkaebi smiled faintly as it looked at the victims of its murderous madness and slowly became transparent.

[Please, put up a good show. You will have to struggle some more.]


There was a deep silence after the dokkkaebi disappeared.

After a while, the place became noisy.

"The police are not answering."

"Damnit, what the hell?! Something is blocking the exit."

Some people tried to leave but they were blocked by an invisible wall. It was the wall of the scenario.

[No one can leave the station until the scenario was clear.]

A clear message was written on the invisible wall. Indeed, no one could leave the station until the scenario was cleared. Meaning, we could not leave this place until we killed someone. In the end, someone had to die.

Damn dokkkaebi. This was how they do things.

"We really can't leave."

"Isn't there another way?"


It was a situation where the people did not know what to do. They did not want to die yet they did not want to kill either. For humans, their greatest enemy was their sense of morality.

But what happens when their life is thrown in danger? Will their sense of morality obstruct their survival instincts?

Just as expected, the people began to look at each other with different eyes. What they were thinking was disgustingly obvious. They were not even trying to hide it. They were looking around for the weakest person in this place. An easy target they could kill.

It didn't take long before all eyes landed on the helpless grandma. Certainly, she wouldn't be able to defend herself even if she was attacked.

The grandma seemed to sense what was happening and took several steps back in fright. If this continued on, this place will become a slaughter house.

There was nothing more than dangerous than humans who have lost their sense of reasoning. They will do anything to survive even if it means sacrificing their humanity. I have seen such senses in the past.

No, not there. Not there either. Nothing.

I tried looking around for anything I could help me in my situation. The goal of the scenario was to kill a living being, not just humans. Meaning, a bug or an insect species will be enough to survive. But I didn't see anything.

It was no laughing matter. There was no way we could communicate with the outside world, and all the tunnels have been blocked by the ruined train. We were really rats trapped in a cage.

I opened and clenched my fists. I was not afraid to kill anybody. In fact, the old Park Junghyuk would have killed everybody here without a second thought and moved to the next scenario. But I'm different now.

In this world, I was powerless with an untrained body. There was no way I could make any decisions without thinking or else things could go terribly wrong for me.

It was then somebody stood infront of the grandma as if to shield her and shouted for everyone to hear.

"Everyone, calm down. Everyone, please think this through. There has to be another way without using violence."

The man that shouted was a very popular figure. According to my memory, he was a famous singer. What was his name again? I can't seem to remember his name but I knew he was a famous person.

Without a doubt, the voice of the famous figure will have an effect in the crowd. Thankfully, he took the position of the voice of reason and the people calmed down to an extent.

However, no matter how powerful the voice of a famous figure was, not everyone will listen. In fact, someone was even opening his mouth.

"What are you doing? Step aside!"

A man spoke out from the crowd. He had a rough face and a big build. Perhaps he was a boxer or someone who visits the gym regularly.

The big man stepped forward and approached the grandma. The famous actor shielded her once again and opened his mouth.

"Calm down! Didn't you hear what I said?"

"Or what? You will kill me?"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became tense.

A normal person was confronting a famous figure. Something that shouldn't be happening was happening before my eyes. Indeed, the old world has come to an end.