
Squirrelpounces vengeance (the litter 2)

Squirrelpounce got kicked out of her litter twice and seeks dangerous revenge and star seeks the truth

Sierra_Bear · Fantasie
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7 Chs

The death

Riverair left camp for a meeting with starlitter when she arrived star looked down at her and said "what's your business being here?" And river air looked down "Squirrelpounce came to waterlitter territory to drop off her kitten and she sent the kittens scrap cat apprentice brother to help the kitten ..." Star began talking " is she in your litter and has stripe got his full name?" Riverair looked back and fourth to make sure Squirrelpounce wasn't watching and assured herself but the truth is Squirrelpounce was listening... Riverair admitted that stripe had his full name now and Squirrelpounce isn't in the litter , Squirrelpounce stopped listening and was mad that her daughters name was changed from squirrel to dot. Stripewaves went back into the healing den and went to sleep, dot ran to the scrap cat and yelled " no time for naps I'm gonna do leader training and I want you to watch me!" Stripewaves sighed and stood up and walked behind dot, dot saw a rabbit and attempted to catch but failed it ran away Stripewaves followed the rabbits scent " you have to be quiet." Whispered Stripewaves, Stripewaves got into a pouncing position and caught the rabbit, he heard a rattle in the bush and out came a bird it was poking in the ground trying to find worms and dot got into the position Stripewaves was in and pounces the bird she didn't kill it she just.. Had her paw on it- she clawed its wing and killed it by tearing up the birds neck and they brought it back to camp Riverair started to stare at the prey and said " Stripewaves give the rabbit to the mother cats in the nursery.", Stripewaves walks in the nursery and saw Squirrelpounce dead and fangface over her with her paw on Squirrelpounces cheek saying "poor thing oh dear." Stripewaves pounced fangface and made her crippled by scratching up her legs so she can't walk and took her to Riverair and said " she killed a cat!" Riverair looked down and said

"put her in the pit." Stripewaves threw her in the pit and she yelped " I know you can see me its not that deep. And feed me you don't want me to die!". Squirrelpounce woke up and she was alive she touched her neck and it her blood was the same color of her leaf green eyes she found the puddle sitting in the nursery and her eye were completely green, she ran away and found a empty area surrounded by trees and saw bright blue glowing eyes in the tree and lots of glowing claws mark looking things also and a white and grey tabby jumps out of the bushes near the trees and he looked exactly like her " how did you die, also my names blueeyes." And Squirrelpounce didn't even know she was dead but replied "I killed people and someone killed me..." Blueeyes yelled "everyone come out!" A bunch of cats that looked like her expect they had different fur patterns and different fur colors and different blood/eye colors, "welcome to hell, well for cats, all evil cats come here." A orange tabby kitten came up and said " I drowned somebody!" Squirrelpounce looked at the kitten and said "cool-" a calico cat came up and said "my names duskfur I poisoned my clanmates."