
Squad 16

WantedBee · sci-fi
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3 Chs

The deadliest

They will hope to die before you have arrived, manifesting within everyone one them, but you must choose only one as a host. There will be no surprise because they forsee it.

You are further from their understanding than they are from the edge of the universe, within a plank scale your ancestor where born where we saw the birth of life from the outside.

Your host will be Vincent Ogier beyond power, surpress his time before your arrival. extend his life to three hundred years, grant him our maturity and in return he will live on forever.

On Ogier's 14th birthday something happened that the day made it hard for him to forget. while learning integrated science as a new student he was present with skeuomorphism.

A new way to filter cells that interacted with the world, he found it difficult to understand and thought that he could simplify teaching by changing how it it thought everywhere.

To make something better Ogier first you must understand it, then you have to become exceptional, and from there you need to be able to push our understanding of it forward.

Skeuomorphism was something everyone used and understood intuitively but no one knew why it works, Ogier wanted this answer. There was no practical uses for this concept.

A teacher in many demonstrations would take their right hand forming a fist in the air in front of them causing a visible distortion pulling towards their hand, holding sight like a sheet.

Ogier remembered seeing these examples in modern dictionaries he read growing up, It was consistent enough for them to teach but it was never used outside scientific research.

This changed when Ogier did something so rudimentary that it changed everything. With his left hand he captured one he had created, to free his right hand again, to make more.