
Chapter 863 A Life-Saving Favor

The Organization of Water had always had a safe house in Paris, and now Kate was waiting in the safe house.

However, this safe house would definitely have to be abandoned after this time.

Anton arrived at the safe house almost at the same time as Yang Yi.

Ian's condition looked pretty bad. He wanted to change allegiances, no doubt, but the process was very different from what he had imagined, because Ian had never expected that it would result in someone getting killed.

So now, compared to before, Ian's mindset had subtly changed. He went from being eager to leave the United Kingdom to having to leave the United Kingdom.

Therefore, when Ian was seen again, he had become nervous, and clearly, he didn't want to be with Anton, but he had no choice but to follow Anton and leave.

Ian's mindset was still very important. He had to be willing to cooperate, or else there was a good chance that serious problems could arise.