
Chapter 809: Extortion

Yang Yi made a call to Justin, and once Justin picked up, he casually said, "Buddy, I have two pieces of intelligence to sell you."

"What kind?"

"A comprehensive summary of the daily operations of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense and the intelligence operations of the Ministry of Defense. Same content, two departments. Selling as a package for a total of two million US Dollars."

"Two million? Hmm, I need to see the specific types of intelligence first."

Yang Yi quickly replied, "Hold on, I will send it to you now."

Covering the mouthpiece, Yang Yi told Schultz, "Copy part of the intelligence and send it to Justin's email."

Soon, Justin sounded very unenthusiastic as he said, "You guys hacked into the Ministry of Defense network, right? Look, buddy, this intelligence is worthless. It can't be sold. Not for two million, not even for two hundred thousand. I'll give you one offer— one hundred thousand. Take it or leave it."

"Why can't it be sold?" Yang Yi asked calmly.