
Chapter 800 Tradition

Yang Yi sprinted along the wall as the car lights shone through the gate, quickly widening. Nearing the gate, he slowed down and looked back at the garage door.

The garage door was still open.

After entering the yard, the car had to turn a corner, and as soon as it did, it would face the garage door. Even if the car wasn't going to stop inside the garage, the people in the car would definitely notice the still-open door and its warning lights.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Yang Yi sent out a silent scream in his mind.

"Get ready to divert their attention!"

The gate opened faster than the garage door closed, much faster.

Yang Yi had no choice but to issue a reluctant command. If the hostess was going to enter the house before the garage door closed, he would have to divert her attention.