

Paul and Chris were not having much success.

Nice is a resort destination, and the area where Deyo lives is an affluent neighborhood, to be precise, a tycoon's quarter.

The villas in the tycoons' areas are naturally not very densely packed; in reality, the houses there are sparse, so getting close to Deyo and renting a place is an extremely difficult task.

You can't buy, because there are no houses for sale; you can't rent, because the owners simply don't need the money.

Even attempting to contact Deyo's neighbors required utmost caution, so under these circumstances, Paul and Chris made very little progress.

Although Deyo had not yet moved into his villa in Nice, waiting for him to settle in before finding a house would certainly be too late.

Yang Yi wanted to rush to Nice as soon as possible to handle the situation personally, but before heading to Nice, he needed to set up an identity with Annastasia first.

Yes, set up an identity.