
Spy X Family: Saiki

Kusuo Saiki joins the Spy x Family Family! Please note that the character of Kusuo Saiki as a child is different from that of when he is in highschool.

Rei444 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Oddly Colored Substance.

"Ya sleep here," The drunk man said while pointing at a mat in the corner. 

Then he walked away… Yes, the caretaker told Kusuo where he would sleep and just walked away…

"You're new here!"

'Someone else with pink hair, cool!' 

<' I'm Sa- Kusuo'>

'Almost forgot people here call each other's by their first names' 

"I'm Anya!"

'Is he not from here?'


'How did she know I wasn't from here? I changed my clothes when I was on the moon.'

"Do you want me to show you around?"

'He was on the moon? So cool!'


'Did she read my mind?'

'How did he know I read his mind!?'

' ' Is she/he a telepath!?' '

Kusuo was stunned; he had never seen a fellow psychic before. Of course, he didn't know Anya was only a telepath.

"Wow! I've never seen a telepath other than me before! Even at the laboratory, I was kept in before, there was no one with the same ability!" 

'Don't say it out loud!'

"Woops!" Anya covered her mouth and looked around warily; luckily, no one else was in the room with them.

Kusuo, however, walked over to the closet and opened it. There was a child inside whose face was covered in shock and doubt!

A banana shaped like a boomerang appeared in Kusuo's hand, which he proceeded to use to smack the child on the head.

"Ah?" Anya was confused; her brain couldn't keep up. She was shocked when a kid was in the closet. However, she never expected Kusuo to smack him with a bananarang! 

"How did you do that? Can you teach me?" Anya recovered from her shock and asked Kusuo with stars in her eyes; she also wanted to summon a bananarang that she could smack people with!

'Memory Alteration, you can't do it?' Kusuo suddenly understood the powers he had gained were different based on his experiences.

'I can only do telepathy; can you do other things!?' 

'You can't?' Kusuo once again 'understood'; it seems that other people are only born with one power.

'You were born with your powers!?' Anya was once again confused; she had gained her powers in a laboratory…


Several minutes later…

'So you're from a different world!? So cool!' Anya once again had stars in her eyes; she loved interesting things.

Just as they were going to continue to converse, they were interrupted by a loud shout.


Anya had a drool coming from the corner of her mouth when she heard this. However, Kusuo had already listened to the drunk man's thoughts, so he wasn't surprised.

Anya could do the same thing. But she tries not to listen to people's thoughts because it can cause her head to hurt.

Looking at Anya, who had already left the room, Kusuo decided to follow as well; after all, he still needed to eat.

'What is this?'

Looking at the oddly colored substance on a plate meant for food before him, Kusuo already wanted to go home. He missed his coffee pudding.

Looking at Anya's confused face, Kusuo felt that the world was cruel. Some children actually treated this as food… 

Kusuo couldn't eat this, but he would stand out if he didn't. So he teleported it into Police Officer A's shoe.

Then he went back to the room to sleep. 

Anya didn't even notice as she was too busy eating.


The Next Morning.

Luckily, nothing major happened this time. Only a minor thing: Kusuo accidentally smashed a wall while sleeping. Fortunately, he woke up and repaired it before anyone noticed.

Looking outside, he noticed it was already past noon; he had slept in.

As Kusuo was changing clothes, he felt someone come towards the orphanage.

The man coming outside the orphanage was a spy code-named Twilight; he was currently going under the name Loid Forger.

The reason he was at this shady orphanage was to adopt a kid who could pass Eden College's entrance exam. 

The reason? To complete Operation Strix.

Operation Strix is a mission assigned to Twilight to maintain peaceful relations between Westalis and Ostania by contacting political leader Donavan Desmond. To do this, he must gain a family and his child enter the prestigious Eden College. 


Back on Kusuo's side, he decides to hide.


"Kusuo, let's play!" Anya comes up to him and asks him to play.

<' Not now'> 

"Please?" Anya has two drops of tears appear on the bottom of her eyelids.

Kusuo cannot see her tears as his X-ray vision makes him see her bones, however, he still feels her sadness. So he decides to play with her. After all, there are so many kids how could they be the ones to be found by him? Right? 


30 seconds later.

'He wants a kid, huh? Well, I know just the kid I want off my back.'

Hearing Frank's thoughts and seeing him walk this way, Kusuo had a bad feeling.

<' Anya, let's play hide and seek; I'll first. You count to ten'> Kusuo quickly thought of a countermeasure; he would wait until Frank and Loid came in and then teleport away.

"Okay! One, Two-"

Hearing Anya, he ran to the closet and stood beside it, waiting for the opportunity.

Kusuo forgot that Anya was a telepath and that in order to not be noticed by her, he needed to hide his thoughts.

After Anya knew what Kusuo was thinking, she wouldn't let him go. She wanted to be adopted. However, she found such an interesting friend and didn't want to leave him behind, so she was going to bring him with her.


Seeing Frank and Loid behind the door, Kusuo was ready to teleport, however-

"Ten found you!"


Anya counted too fast and pointed at him before he could teleport, drawing a couple of people's attention. Of course, as Frank and Loid had entered the room at the same time, there weren't as many people looking at him; however, he wouldn't teleport if anyone but Anya knew that he was there.

"Hey! Anya!"

In response, Anya hurried over to Frank, completely ignoring Kusuo. However, Kusuo couldn't teleport away as some people had already seen where he was.

"She's our smartest kid. Don't talk much, but… Eh, she's a good kid." Frank gestured to Anya and started to brag as much as he could. He really didn't want this creepy kid here anymore.

"C'mon, aren't you gonna say hi!?" As Frank thought about how creepy this girl was, he didn't forget to tell her to speak.

'As I recall, Eden Academy starts at age six. This girl looks 4 or 5 at most.'

"Um, excuse me, but…" 


"Hm?" Loid was confused why did she shout out a number?


"You were six? Huh…" Frank was too drunk to notice she was lying.

On the other hand, Loid was thinking about her height.

'But her height…'

Hearing Loid's thoughts, Anya knew she needed a distraction. So she grabbed a newspaper off a nearby table and showed Loid the crossword puzzle on the back.

"The newspaper? Wait, the crossword puzzle? Isn't that a bit too difficult for a child?"

'It's trivial for me, of course. 1 Down is "Homeostasis," 1 across is "Causal Closure," and below is "Symplectomorphic map."

Anya copied what Loid thought and showed it to him. 

"She got it!? Seriously!?"

Loid was stunned for a second. However, he quickly realized how terrifying her intelligence was. With her intelligence, passing Eden's entrance exam would be a breeze.

"I'll take her! Now, about the paperwork…"

"Don't need none of that; just take her and skedaddle."

While getting this kid taken care of in the first part of the mission, he felt a little nervous. After all, it was too easy.

"Is this alright with you?"


'So cool…'

When she was about to agree, she remembered Kusuo, so she brought him up.

"Could my best friend also come with me?"

'Best friend? Well, let's see him first.'

"Can I see who?"

Anya pointed at Kusuo, who was trying to hide in the corner.

'Him? They have the same hair color; could they be siblings? If they are, then that might make the cover story more realistic. Also, since they are siblings, they might both be geniuses. If so, that would greatly increase the chances of getting into Eden College.'

"I'll take him as well."

"Yeah, Yeah, just hurry up and skedaddle."

"Is this alright with you?"

Looking at Loid, Kusuo wanted to say no. However, Anya's words of calling him her best friend made him agree.



On the other hand Police Officer A was having a bad day.

"Which A**whole but garbage in my shoe!"

His voice could be heard throughout the entire Police Station.

Now it's good night!

Rei444creators' thoughts