
Spring: The Rogue

It was McKenna's eighteenth birthday and, when the sun set, she would shift into her wolf for the first time. She thought that her life couldn't get any better, and she never thought it would get worse. She was the only daughter of the Gold Moon Pack's alpha. She had two brothers, one older and one younger. Her only responsibility was to find her mate. Everyone told her that she was a born luna and it was widely accepted that she'd be claimed by an alpha. She hadn't a care in the world...until one fateful night, when she met a stranger in the woods...a rogue.

DaniRene · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: McKenna

I was surprised to find out that Giovanni Lupo was Domenic's brother. That meant that Domenic was a wolf. That also meant that he was an alpha. Did they banish him because he was turned by a vampire? His brother and his mother obviously cared for him very much. Yet, and he had called Alpha Vincenzio by his name, not "Dad". Did that mean that he wasn't Alpha Vincenzio's son? If that was the case, he wasn't an alpha. He seemed more like an alpha than Giovanni though.

My head was spinning with all of the possible scenarios and the unanswered questions. I would have to ask him about it later, when we were alone. I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it here.

I forced myself back to reality, watching as his mom stared disapprovingly at his bare feet. I couldn't help but snicker. His mom perked up at the sound, looking around him at me. She peered back up at him in question before letting out a gasp and clasping her hands over her mouth. I smiled. She was obviously delighted.

Before I knew it, she was bending down to wrap me in a warm hug. My body tightened in reflex, but I willed it to relax and embrace her back. I wasn't fond of hugs, but I wanted her to know that I cared for her. She drew back, but only to hold my hands in hers. Her face was beaming with pride and I felt myself grinning as well. I liked her already. She turned to Domenic, still holding my hands and spoke, her voice kindly.

"She's absolutely perfect for you."

I wondered how she could tell when she didn't know me very well, but I simply smiled.

"She is," Domenic responded and I felt myself blush.

I could tell that he was happy to see his mom, but he was still tense and wasn't facing us fully. I wondered why until I saw Alpha Vincenzio standing just inside the dining hall. What had he done to Domenic that my mate wouldn't even turn his back to him?

Ash growled. 'Whatever it was, if he even touches our mate, I'm going straight for his jugular.'

I thought she was being a bit dramatic, but I couldn't really blame her. I knew that if I thought that Domenic was being threatened, I'd be right there at his side to defend him at any cost. The thought alone made me slightly anxious so I let go of Luna Elena's hands and moved to stand by Domenic. I took his hand in mine as Alpha Vincenzio started walking toward us. The tension in the room grew with every step that the alpha took, until it was practically palpable. Domenic gripped my hand tightly as the man stepped up to him.

"Domenic." Alpha Vincenzio's voice was devoid of emotion.

"Alpha." Domenic bowed his head in respect despite his obvious feelings.

I gently squeezed his hand to communicate how proud I was of his self-control. He relaxed slightly at the affirmation. Until the alpha's eyes landed on me, that is.

"McKenna Channing is your mate?" His tone seemed contemptive.

Domenic nodded and the alpha laughed, humorlessly.

"That fits," he mocked. "A tramp for a tramp."

Domenic growled menacingly.

"Watch your words, old man." He warned.

Alpha Vincenzio ignored him, looking at me.

"Tell me, dear." He leaned toward me ever so slightly. "Before my former heir showed up, which of these fine men did you have your sights set on? Or were you hoping to sink your claws into all of-?"

He didn't get to finish before Domenic grabbed his throat and pinned him against the far wall. I froze as Domenic raised his claws to strike the man.


My mate froze and looked back at me. It took me a moment to realize that I was the one who had shouted. My body moved, walking toward Domenic. When I reached him, I placed my hand on his still-poised arm. His claws retracted as I guided his arm down and pulled him away from his father. Releasing the man's throat, he followed me until we were several steps away from him. Alpha Vincenzio rubbed his throat and glared at Domenic. As we turned away, he spoke again.

"Once a monster, always a monster."

Domenic looked down in shame, the words cutting him deeply. A growl escaped my throat as I saw red. How dare he say such a thing to my mate!

'Tear his treacherous tongue out!'

I had no intention of arguing with Ash and lunged at the alpha. I shifted midstep and saw fear spread across his face. I felt triumph rush through my chest at making an alpha feel fear. Just as I was about to reach him, I felt a force hit my side and I rolled across the floor. I got up and stared at the blonde wolf in disbelief. I wouldn't fight my brother, but I was going to give him an earful later. I growled a warning at him.

'Don't get in our way.' I could feel Ash taking control as she mindlinked him, and I moved to the back of our mind to let her.

'You can't attack a guest of father's.'

Always the diplomat, Amon was trying to talk me down. But Ash was in control now. I saw his alarm at our dark eyes, knowing that I wouldn't give Ash control easily.

'No one insults my mate!' She snarled. 'No one!'

She wasn't about to let that horrible man get away with what he said to Domenic, with the way that he made him feel. She turned our gaze on Vincenzio, who seemed smug, and bared our teeth. His eyes narrowed as he realized that we wouldn't back down so easily. His jaw clenched and his muscles tightened as he shifted into a large black wolf. I braced for a fight, and, sure enough, he charged at us. Right before he reached us, Ash used our smaller stature and our speed against the brute. She dodged to the right and caught his heel in our teeth. His momentum ripped it out of our mouth, but she was counting on that. We heard his yelp and turned to see blood covering the floor. Ash stood tall as he struggled to stand.

Seeing that he was defeated, she turned to Domenic. He was staring at us with a mixture of shock, awe, and pride. Satisfied, Ash slipped back into the recesses of our mind. My eyes returned to their cool blue and I could see Amon relax a bit.

'What happened?' He mindlinked.

'He called Domenic a monster,' I said, walking toward the doors. I would need to fetch a nurse for his leg.

'McKenna,' he started to chastise me before sighing in resignation. 'I'm sorry.'

'Thank you, Amon.'

I was almost to the doors when I heard paws thudding behind me. I turned to see Alpha Vincenzio leaping at me. I dodged, but lost my footing and fell. I scrambled to get up, but he was already on me. A yelp escaped my mouth as he caught my shoulder in his jaws. I moved to throw him off, but a thunderous roar sounded through the hall, causing everyone to freeze.