
My New Classmate

The day started like any other, I was walking to school and listening to K-Pop and staying to myself. I've never been the one to talk to people. It makes me nervous plus they don't like me anyways they see me as an outcast just because I'm not rich like the rest of them. I'm just normal plain old me. Nothing really special, just a normal teenage girl living in Japan. I walked into the classroom and sat at my seat I took my white earbuds out of my ears and put them away along with my phone I was in my own world working on finishing the homework from the night before I didn't even notice all the girls whispering and giggling amongst themselves until I heard the Vacant seat next to me squeak. I look over and see a new male student! My chest had a throbbing pain that I've never felt before and my face felt hot. I thought I might be getting a fever but this didn't feel like a fever. No. This was something completely different!