
spoke words about God

The reality of God love to mankind .how much he do love us . John 3;16 expresses the love of God in our lives

Truthy_Chris · Urban
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The Bible says tell us that God created you the world and everything in it s including the Sun the Moon see animals and land animals and etc when this was done the Bible says God saw that it was good Genesis 1:25 God also created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female then we see that in Genesis 1:27 after everything was created both man and an animals learn and see the Bible still say God so everything that he had made and behold it was very good Genesis 1 verse 31 if God saw some something good then and said that it was very good it must have been perfect in every sense man was, therefore, perfect at creation. There was nothing imperfect in him. He was such that when God looked at him, God's heart was planned and he could say something like this: " this is my perfect and wonderful creature title :

man in God's image and likeness . Decoration of man in the image and likeness of God was something special to man,. The other creatures did not share this nature,. The purpose was, first of all, that man should be specially related to him be able to understand him, talk with him, enjoy him, and glorify him forever. Suddenly secondly, it was that man should take charge of the rest of creation controlling it and directing it. The special relationship between God and man was meant to please to God and man. God wanted it and man needed it or do God wanted it, he could do without it. Man, however, needed it if he was to function properly

Adamson for the relationship between God and man to continue without any barrier, God demanded obedience. Disobedience was to be shown by man keeping God's commandment. Paragraph one of the first commandment that God gave man was the Bible says you might freely eat of every tree of the garden but of the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat of it you shall die Genesis 2:16 and 17 it was a simple command which could be obeyed. Man had no need to disobey, since God had given him freedom to eat of all the other trees paragraph man, however, disobed for the scripture says when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to eyes and that the tree was to be designed and desire to make one wise, she took off its fruit and ate and she also get some to her husband, and he and he eats Genesis 3:06 this was a wonderful act that affected human negatively to today it was not done in ignorance,. My new what he was doing. He deliberately decided that he knew better than God and that you wanted independent from god. In that art, manson, for sin is chosen once only only instead of man's forgiveness with himself from God and instead of God's ways which they could follow it is doing that which one knows and should not do and living undone what one knows one ougth to do

what is man??

what is really mad because in all what God made man was so special and he cut the intention and attention of the Angels and the acts what is my man that he is so mindful of them it might interest you to know that God designed man from the beginning from his own origin and lightness of himself the sin of Adam was that he was no longer comfortable in God's presence. when God came down for his normal fellowship with him, he was nowhere to be found. God called out, where are you? Genesis 3;9 I'm Adam reply, saying, I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked and I hit myself Genesis 3:10 what was afraid, and he hit himself. he seen brought fear and hidden. he could no longer enjoy God's presence, and Fairfield his heart. paragraph the second result was that man was driven out of the garden God's present in bracket he drove out the man and at the east gate of the garden of Eden he pleased the cherubim, and a Fleming sword which turn every way, to guide the way to the tree of Life Genesis 3:24. for a proper relationship with god, Adam was sent away from God's present and the cherubim and flaming sword put at the gate to ensure that every attempt by Man to return to God on his (man's) own condition is resisted by God and rendered impossibe.

the third result of sin was was that the day man sin they will die

Truthy_Chriscreators' thoughts