
Spoiled By The Vampire King

The Vampire and Werewolf Kingdoms were always at war, and hated each other to the core. Christopher's the King of the Vampire Kingdom. He was a ruthless and cold-blooded ruler. He didn't want to find his mate since he searched a lot, but couldn't find her. Evelyn's the illegitimate daughter of one of the Werewolf Kingdom's government officials, so she was treated badly by the whole Kingdom. She thought that she was destined not to have a mate, because of her status. One day, she was kicked out by her family when a lot of vampire soldiers ambushed, and because they were a lot of soldiers, she was caught, and brought to the Vampire Kingdom. She was brought to the King of the Vampire Kingdom, but the most unexpected happened …

Tula_Amjad_8362 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 : Evelyn's Life

"You illegitimate child, how dare you glare at us?!"

The bullies continued beating the child up, while the child was trying to defend herself.

The beating lasted for an hour, until they got tired and the child finally got up to go home while having a lot of bruises and some blood dripping from her arms.

Upon her arrival, her stepmother saw her and started laughing, "Did you get beaten up again? Those kids are really good! "

The child ignored her and passed by her with an ice-cold gaze that made her stepmother shiver . Annoyed , she grabbed the child from her arm and dragged her inside the basement then started beating her up.

The child didn't utter a sound and received her beating without movement.

After 10 minutes, her stepmother was tired and finally let her go, but the child stayed in the basement locked up.

The child was already numb to all that's happening in her life, so she laid down and fell asleep.

That child was Evelyn Anderson, illegitimate daughter of one of the government officials of the Werewolf Kingdom.

The Vampire and Werewolf Kingdoms had always been at war, never liked each other. The Vampire Kingdom was very much stronger than the Werewolf Kingdom , but that didn't put the Werewolf Kingdom at a disadvantage , instead , made them become stronger , however not enough .

The Vampire Kingdom was ruled by Christopher Campbell, a cold-blooded and ruthless ruler, one that couldn't find his queen yet, while Werewolf Kingdom was ruler by Andrew Torrens, a greedy and hateful ruler, one that almost all his Kingdom hates.

There's a saying that goes , "A dog is like his owner."

King Andrew had a lot of scandals when he was a prince, and it still continued after he became a King just like his father . Evelyn's father, Oliver Anderson, also had a lot of scandals, which resulted in Evelyn.

While King Andrew was a playboy, King Christopher had a faithful heart, which he saved for his queen. He tried searching all over his Kingdom , but all in vain , his queen is nowhere to be found , that he started believing he doesn't have a mate .

King Andrew, on the other hand, found his mate while he was still a prince, and kept her by his side, but continued to have fun with other women. He's the example of an unfaithful mate.

Evelyn had always been treated badly, so she didn't know if she wanted a mate, when there was a possibility that he won't treat her well.


After 15 years, Evelyn was 20 years old, while King Christopher was 21 years old.

Evelyn had always been strong, but she didn't retaliate when she was being bullied or beaten by her family, so that made everyone think that she's a pushover.

One day,

"You trash, is this how you clean?! But how can I blame you? You're just like your mother! "Shouted Lina Anderson, Evelyn's stepmother.

Evelyn was cleaning the living room as Lina ordered her, when Lina started to pick on her even though she did a good job cleaning. However, the staff didn't care as it was just another daily scolding.

Usually, Evelyn never reacted to their insults or beatings as she lost her emotions long ago, but hearing Lina insulting her mother made her fume and she glared at her with a piercing gaze that made Lina tremble.

"Now you even dare to glare at me?!" Even though she was scared, she thought that the pushover was still a coward and won't dare to do anything, so she slapped her hard that her sensitive ears were buzzing.

At the same time, Oliver Anderson entered the house, "What's happening?"

Hearing the voice, Lina started insulting Evelyn again, " Honey, come and see what she's did! She dared to disobey and glare at me! "

"What?! You useless daughter, how dare you?! After all we did for you? Get out! Never come back again! "Not thinking twice, Oliver kicked her out of the house.

Evelyn didn't care much as it's not the first time; she knows they'll bring her back again. After all, how can they abandon their personal maid? Thinking this, Evelyn sneered.

Her mother was a maid at the Anderson mansion, years ago. What happened was that Oliver took a liking to her and harassed her over and over again. Until he raped her. Then her mother became pregnant and what happened was known to all, except that Oliver pushed the blame on her and claimed that she seduced him. Months later, Evelyn was born and her mother died giving birth to her.

Since then, Lina treated her poorly and kids always bullied her.

Anyway, Evelyn shifted into her wolf form, Diana and ran into the forest .