

One mistake changes everything ... Audrey supposedly a girl who didn't like her life so much thought of ending her life and so she did but got a second chance to live again as Abigail . Two guys ,actually two twins appear in her second life and continue to change everything ,they make her second worth living ,they bring joy to her life ,they shower her with so much attention and care which ends up in her falling for both of them not being able to choose . Aside from that she can't even be with any of them even if she was to choose ... She had already caused a lot of damage when she first fell in love and the higher ups wouldn't want her to again ,she was unpredictable especially after her second awakening . Here is a little secret the trio are not really humans....

little_taetae · Fantasie
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17 Chs


"listen to me ,I never loved you and I will never just look at yourself ,who would like such an ugly girl like you ."

Those were the worst words she ever heard in her life.If it came from someone else she would just ignore it but not from the guy she liked,not from her best friend .Her last string of hope broke and she broke down with it .

She clearly knew that that guy didn't like her and was only lying to her from the very start,she knew that their friendship meant nothing to him from the beginning ,she knew that the only reason they were in that relationship was because he pitied her but not any more,she knew that that day would come when he turns away from her but she didn't want to accept it .

Even if he didn't have feelings for her at least he treated her as if he did and that was OK for her,she didn't mind at all.

But the pain being inflicted on her, the pain she thought she could handle ,was too much to bear.It had to be at the wrong time ,at the very wrong time.

Wasn't it enough that her world was shattered into pieces when her sunshine was taken away from her ,now he also wants to do away with her,he wants to leave her too .The little good things that she had was already vanishing one by one ,now him? Wasn't that unfair?

Can't someone just love her for who she is.Why was her world like that?what wrong did she do? It wasn't fair at all .

The world was cruel to her,so cruel .If she did have a choice she would have decided not be born,she would have committed suicide to end her misery but she couldn't ,she just couldn't.Call her coward if you want ,after all is she not one? ,she couldn't do anything to protect her sister ,she couldn't do anything when insulted and bullied right? Even standing up for herself .She can't even do anything when that guy was insulting her in front of everyone making a scene .When the guy was deciding to end their long time relationship just because what people said .

( CHAPTER one of split hearts :one heart for each twin

Please vote for it,it means a lot to this old soul
