
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · Bücher und Literatur
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103 Chs

Second Ring and First Maid

Xue Long's group nerviously looked at their Prince. What he was doing is utterly reckless! Absorbing Spirit which is way above his Rank level is extremely not recommended!

The way he was the second ring age should have been around 700 years only! Yet, he is absorbing a ring with age way above that!

Yet… nothing was happening to him! There was no indication that he was uncomfortable, or that he was in pain!

Well, they didn't know…but their Prince was having a blast!

~~~~~~Few Moments Before, Inside Xue Long's Mind~~~~~~

When Spirit Master is absorbing a Ring with older age there is a chance that the Beast's consciousness is still lingering in the said Spirit Ring.

Xue Long was quite fortunate that Spirit Ring he absorbed from the Qilin didnt have any remnants of the consciousness. So, it was quite a smooth ride for him thanks to the absurd body he had thanks to his Martial Spirit.

While the Land Dragon which he is trying to absorb is a different story all together.

As the Land Dragon tried to consume Xue Long's consciousness.

What it didn't understand as it was a stupid beast, is that the prince is always partially possessed by his Martial Spirit Golden Dragon King. 

As the Land Dragon tried to attack Xue Long. The Golden Dragon King lunged forward. And slammed its fist into the land-dwelling dragon's face.

Sending it flying away. The Golden beast followed after, rapidly catching up. It grabbed the lizard's leg and slammed it into the 'ground' with a huge amount of force.

If it was the outside world there would be a huge crater by this point.

Once the Land Dragon was on the ground pummeling initiated. The Golden Dragon King started sending punch after punch into the head of the Spirit Beast.

As a creature who only knew how to bite and ferociously claw its way through enemies, it didn't know how to fight back!

In the end as the last ditch effort, it released its pressure which was cultivated over 7 thousand years!

To answer back the Golden Dragon King answered with its own!

Only its pressure started to drive the Earth Dragon mad!!!

It was feeling madness, bloodlust, pure need for destroy! And on other hand, it felt serenity, calmness… pure peace!

Such extreme contradictions drew it nuts. Making the remnant consciousness try to kill itself! It wanted it to end! It was pulling itself apart!

Slamming its head into the 'ground'! On its own! 

To end this Spirit Beast's misery the Golden Dragon King chopped the head off with glowing claws. 

This has made the consciousness dissipate into nothingness. Once the enemy was gone Xue Long could peacefully absorb the purple Spirit Ring.


"Unbelievable! He absorbed it so smoothly as well! How is it possible!? The year difference is enormous!" Zhi Lin said that while stroking the fur of the golden lion. It was quite relaxing!

The soldiers dumbly agreed with him! This was in truth maddening! This Spirit Ring by all means should have been at least between third and fourth in the line for regular Spirit Master!

Yet, it was absorbed as a second Spirit Ring by their Prince!

Around 8 hours later Xue Long slowly stood up and stretched himself out.

Then his Spirit Rings manifested behind him. Both of them were purple with a golden tint. One of them glowed and the Fourth Prince simply stomped the ground with one of his legs.



The earth cracked from the huge amount of force there was in that single stomp!

The soldiers and the prince's bodyguard needed to hold themselves for a bit and not land on their ass from the amount of shockwave this generated!

'A strength amplifying spirit ability!? How much I wonder!?'  Zhi Lin thought to himself as he saw the crater after the dust has settled.

A few moments later Xue Long walked out from the crater and took his lion pet from his bodyguard.

"Congratulations, My Prince. It appears its a powerful ability."

"Yes. Tyrannical Might. It doubles the next attack. The best part is that magnification increases each time I get a ring." 

The old's man mouth opened wide when he heard that! 

What cheat Spirit Ability is this!?

"B-By how much!?"

"It doubles each time I get a Ring. This means with the third ring it going to be 4 times with four rings it's going to be 6 times and so on. The downside is that it's only one attack and it takes time to recharge." As the Prince explained he stroked the lion cub's fur.

The old man internally screamed at the prince! Of course, there is a delay! It's a bullshit ability! 

"I see. I am sure with your martial arts you have shown to us you will be able to use it properly my prince!" Zhi Lin said with a forced smile. 

"My Prince your Spirit Rank should have increased. After absorbing such powerful Spirit Ring."

"Yes. It did. It's at 24 at the moment. Nearly halfway to rank 30."

This time the old man gulped down. The Prince's progress is insane! He is not even ten yet! However, he is nearly halfway to rank 30! 

"Very impressive My Prince we should start making our preparation to return. It already has been a week."

"My thoughts exactly."


As the group left the forest and started to walk towards the camp where Prince's carriage was a shout got everyone's attention.


It was a panicked girl's voice. Xue Long's gaze went there. He slightly narrowed his eyes.

Moments later he saw a silver-haired girl getting chased by a pack of ghost wolves. The ghost wolves are basic Spirit Beasts which exist in early ages before evolving around age 400 And above.

'Totally, not fishy at all Gue Yuena.' 

"Intercept those wolves."

'However, let's play this game. What do you plan to do next?' 

The fourth prince army rushed forward. Starting with throwing javelins at the wolves. This got their attention immediately.

While Xue Long moved in to get to the girl.

"Are you all right?" As a dashing prince would do he protectively grabbed the girl. 

This made the silver head girl blush for a bit.

"Y-Yes. My thanks…" She softly with a shy tone said that.

The Prince internally was somewhat confused. This is ain't Silver Dragon King… He is pretty sure he would have sensed his counterpart!

"No my problem. What is your name? And what are you doing here?" 

"Umm… my name is Na'er. And I don't know… I woke up in the forest and those wolves then came out of nowhere and tried to eat me!" She said with a very cute and shy tone. There was a little bit of stuttering there as well.

'I see… so that's what is your game. Well, well, let's play it!' 

"Well, since I rescued you. And you don't know anything I will take you as my maid." 

"Eh? Um… what is a maid?"

"You will see."

~~~~~~Xue Long~~~~~~

When I was in China for over 10 years I learned three different versions of meditation.

Well, technically two, as one was a sub-style of another one.

The Shaolin monks had the classic Lotus mediation which was used by the Buddha to ascend. It brings calmness and serenity. Bringing one closer to the Enlightenment.

Once this meditation is understood and learned to a certain level one can move to the active version of it.

Which can be branded as a second mediation technique, the active one. Used to strengthen martial arts. It doesn't truly help to reach THE Enlightenment. More like it does towards martial one.

While I did practically all of them and understood the basic Deva Diamond Palm which in my previous life I was able to damage a mannequin quite hard with a single strike. In this one I made Land Dragon's head explode.

This meditation is called the Great Arthan's Mediation or steps.

It involves specific movement, a breathing pattern and humming. Originally the whole humming thing was embarrassing! But. It causes noise and noise is vibrations. 

Honestly, I didnt know how serious vibrations can be until I used it that move on Land Dragon. The whole head exploded like a watermelon!

This means those arts work very nicely in this world.

'Of course they do! Tang San's Assassin cult moves worked here like charm! Even better! those metals and plant effects were identical to his previous world! The guy didn't even need to research on how and what works like! The poisons were the same!' 

Then it's not a stretch that I can use Shaolin and Taoist moves here. They will be supernatural because it's how they were imagined.

Anyway, back to the last mediation and that is the Taoist one. It originated from a long-defunct Sect by the name Wu-Dang. 

They practised Tai-Chi, also known as the Boundless Fist, the mediation art of Heaven and Earth. One could say that they invented the meaning of 'chunni'.

The meditation art itself is a standing one. The left leg forward and right leg back. Signifying Yin and Yang. Left hand bent at the level of one stomach, the palm is facing up this signifying The Earth reaching for the sky. While the right hand is at the face level, palm outreach facing downwards. Showing that heaven is looking down on earth.

One could say, that Taoists believed that they are signifying everything, and each action has a consequence, and there should be balance in all stuff.

After thinking for a bit it was time for me to practise the one mediation which I didnt touched yet. 

The Taoist one which in truth all it did for me was strengthen my body as I was standing in a specific stance for a prolonged period.

However, this might as well work differently in this world.

For now… 

My gaze went to the silver-haired girl sitting opposite to me.

She was curiously looking at the small golden lion. Who was looking at her curiously as well!

'Na'er. As far as I know, she holds the Silver Dragon Spear as her Martial Spirit.'

It's a top-class tool spirit, with such talent there won't be any issues for her to be my maid.

Maybe even head maid. 

For a second I smirked. This plot would never work Gu Yuena. People who like cute things would never mistreat someone like this cute little thing.

Even if I didn't know about her. I would still treat this girl nicely.

However, what is extremely interesting is… meeting Gu Yue. The other half of Na'er.

The half which holds memories of Silver Dragon King. 

Will she attend the Imperial Academy? If so, I have extra reason to go there and see… what level of power she possesses.

As it is now. Na'er has no cultivation to speak of.


"Announcing! Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire! Xue Long!" The announcer loudly told to the court as all the nobles started to talk in hushed tones.

They want to see how much he developed! His speed of cultivation! What kind of rings he got! Well, they all know it's going to be two yellow ones! Right!?

As the peanut gallery talked in hushed voices the prince walked into the throne room. He did a simple bow before starting to talk.

Being Prince has Its downsides. For example, he can't just walk to the living room and tell to his father that he was back from a hunt.

No, It doesn't work this way.

"Royal Father I have returned." 

Xue Ye, the current Emperor nodded seriously. He tried to hide his giddy look.

"Tell us. How was the hunt for spirit rings?"

Instead of answering the Prince showed his rings. Two purple rings manifested from his body. 

What followed next were gasp of disbelief. The Emperor himself stood up from his throne…

Before collapsing right back into it as he realised what this means!

Then happy laughter started to spread through the throne room. His father was happy! What this means… 

He WILL get his maids!


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.