
Spirit King's Incarnation

I didn't know why I chose to save her. Was it to finally achieve something I could be proud of? Something was necessary in my other life. Change. I won't become the same person I was before. I reincarnated into another world of magic and fantasy.  "I'll become the greatest mage in existence." * Story is under a massive rewrite. The version posted on here was my second draft for when I actually begin writing the third and final version. I hope that those who read Spirit King's Incarnation before will read the final version when I finish it. Hopefully I can turn the story into what was inside my head and fix any flaws like plotholes, pacing and many other mistakes. I've been writing this story for two years now and I hope the final version will become something my readers will enjoy reading.

Immortal_17 · Fantasie
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97 Chs

Chapter 70

Two months later---

Hurge city's Adventurers Guild.

"Hey, is that him? The one who wiped out that rampaging wyvern?"

An adventurer asked his drinking buddy next to him. They just returned from a quest and were now happily spending their money inside the guild's bar.

The person he was talking about was standing in front of the register line awaiting his turn.

His hair was light brown and tied behind his head. The dark grey robe he wore was releasing a scent of mana which meant it was infused with many utility spells. Everyone's eyes were on him.

They called him the Lone Mage since he does not operate with a party and hunts monsters on his own. Given his abilities it was unnecessary for him to have a party anyway.

"Yeah... I heard he singlehandedly saved an entire village from an orc tribe attack. Damn, I can barely take on two."

They were but average C rank adventurers in their thirties.

"As expected of someone from the academy. You know about chantless magic right?"

"Aah!! Don't speak of his skills! You'll make me hate him more!"

The mage of their party threw a fit. She was the only B ranker in their party. Mages are a valuable member to a party. They could provide the strongest attack power or even support from behind.

"What's up with that staff, though?"

A younger man pointed to the staff on the boy's back. It had a wooden frame while metal coils around its body. A red glowing orb was floating on its top.

He was a newbie who only went on quests a few times with them so he wasn't that knowledgeable about mages.

"Ah, that? That's a staff from that famous Hermit Sage collection. It's rare seeing humans walked around with dwarven made items. It's surprising how no one was able to steal his staff. They say that the kid's staff maximizes his magic power which in turn heightens the attack power of his spells."

"Goodness! Doesn't that mean that staff is on an ancient artifact's level?"

The man with the beard nodded.

"The guild is deciding whether they should give him an S rank title. His achievements are worthy of that even if he doesn't do quests that much. "

"S rank!?"

"That's right. He may have gone on less than ten quests but his power is not to be underestimated. I heard that many nobles are deciding to win him over. That's if they can get their hands on him. He's only 14 but can use high rank spells."

"How the hell is he younger than me?"

The mage girl pouted. It took her four years just to learn Intermediate rank spells after buying her first book at age ten. And somehow a kid like him whose younger than her can cast High rank spells already?

"Life is so unfair..."

She fell deflated on her chair.

"Phew... the Magic Empire won't stay quiet if they heard of his talent."

"What's his name anyway? There's too many noble brats becoming adventurers these days. I forget a lot of names."

"Clyde Astley. He was the former knight of princess Charlotte R Colchis...."



I left the adventurers guild. The quest I completed was A rank and its reward was 4 gold.

I decided to do adventuring again after my cores were fixed. Part of the reason was because of the Dungeon raid coming up at the end of our third year.

I finally had my two cores back.

It was a shame that I couldn't keep that cheat power known as ancient spirit magic. Xantha told me that if I train diligently that I will be able to achieve that level of magic on my own.

The robe I was wearing was the one my master bought me a few years back. It was a grey robe.

Since I didn't have that much to wear during my recuperation in the elven nation, I had to wear that robe. It became a mess afterwards so I asked around if they could fix it.

The robe was even better before it was so tattered and patched up. They even added a lot of utility spells to help keep me warm in the cold, control my body temperature when it's hot or dry my sweat for me.

I sweat a lot in the sun by the way.

Anyways, I got a new letter from my beloved.

I fetched it this morning from the post office instead of waiting for it to be delivered. I really missed her.

After climbing aboard a carriage heading towards Harz village, I took the letter from my robe pocket and opened it up.

–I received your last letter. Do not head straight into danger ever again! Even if your cores are fixed now, you should be more careful in the future. Do you know how many times I tried to come back? If not for the fact that Celina and Rosetta stopping me, I'd have ran towards the kingdom right away. Speaking of Celina, the two of us have somewhat grown closer together. I'm not sure though. That girl doesn't show much emotion.

But at least she doesn't throw water on my face to wake me up. We also eat, hunt and train together. Anyway, I couldn't wait for your birthday so I decided to send your present directly to your dorm room. I hope you like it. I'm strictly forbidden from going outside but this time it was an exception. Although Celina had to monitor me while I was buying the present.


'She bought me something?'

It's as it stated in the letter, my birthday was around the corner. I'm turning 15 in four weeks.

"Man... my whole life has been chaotic..."

I'm not even 15 yet but I've already experienced so much. I almost died two times already. Back on earth when I was 15, I'd always stay in a corner, read novels or try to make myself less noticeable. I barely had any friends back then.

I only had my childhood friend, Clementine. Liam Foster was a train wreck without her. Don't get me wrong. I'm not fishing for sympathy from anyone. I was only reminiscing of my past self. I had thoughts of 'Was that really me?'. Liam Foster felt so foreign to me.

Usually when it comes to a boy and a girl playing, they'd always take turns at leading each. I was different. I followed her around like a loyal dog. I'd listen to everything she'd say and do anything to make her happy.

'Ah, man...'

Arielle reminded me so much of her. A harsh mouth, eyes that seem to frown at basically the whole world but even with all those personality points, both her and Arielle were kind-hearted. Maybe that was why I fell so madly in love with Arielle.

–I hope you like it. It took me quite a lot of money to modify it at a magic store. Your second present is a sword. Use it to practice on your sword skills. You have some room to grow there as well. Anyway, you know I'm not good with words so all I can say is I love you. When I get back then I'll start planning our wedding immediately!


I chuckled.

She was already thinking about marriage even though we're still so young.

"Hold on a second..."

I took out another letter from my family. I hadn't opened it up yet since I had been doing quests for the last week.

It's me, your father.

I know it's been hard coming back home since you've been busy but I hope you can come around once in a while.

There is someone I would like you to meet. I can't really explain in detail but... this is of utmost importance since it was requested by Lord Mason.

I put the letter back in the envelope.

'Someone he wants me to meet?'


"Young master!"

Brielle ran towards me and hugged me tightly before I could even lower my bags.

Her red hair was cut shorter and her bangs were covering less of her face. She looked me up and down with her blue eyes.

"Hmm... Have you been training? Your muscles feel really hard." Brielle stroked my arms.

"Well, I couldn't just keep focusing on improving my magic. I had to work on my physical condition too."

I looked at our house and saw a carriage parked in front.

I pointed at it.

"Is father going somewhere?"

Brielle shook her head.

"Not just lord George. He asked me to prepare you when you get back so you can go to the Bentinck household."

I tilted my head.

'Why are we heading there?'

I followed Brielle's lead as we walked into the house.

"Big brother!!"

A cute voice called out to me as I heard small footsteps.

"Oh my! Little Jessica!"

Jessica jumped into my arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around my body just like a koala.

"Big brother! Big brother! I missed you so much!!"

She kissed me all over my face.

Brielle laughed softly at my side.

"Oh! Chloe! Big brother is home!"

I saw Chloe come out of the living room with hesitant steps.

"My sisters are so damn cute!"


I picked Chloe up with Jessica still in my arms and kissed her on her cheeks. It felt so squishy when I kissed her cheeks.


She pushed my face away and ran way from me with a red face.


"It seems she doesn't know how to act around young master."

My heart felt heavy.

'Don't tell me my sister hates me.'

If that was the case then I'd need to make it up to her. Maybe I was secretly a siscon; I felt that I needed to gain her love no matter what.

"I'll have to spend time with her.'

With Jessica still clinging on to me, we walked towards the living room. She was playing with my hair.

"You look like a girl with this hair, big brother."

"Hahaha. Brielle called me handsome though."

"You're back."

Father and mother smiled.

"Huh? Why are the two of you dressed like that?"

I asked after I greeted them. They were wearing fancy clothes. Were they on their way out?

"Well, it has to do with what your father said in the letter."

Eleanor picked up something from the couch. It was a neatly folded suit.

"Put this on so we can go."

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