We all follow Professor Sierra to her classroom. She halts before a door and we do as well.
"I'll enter and tell them that you all will be spectating the lecture. After that, you enter and take your seats." (Sierra)
We nod but is that alright? We aren't students and we are about to attend a lecture.
"Don't worry. We can do whatever we want as long as it doesn't disrupt the class." (Sierra)
That's a pretty broad term. But I decided to trust her. She enters the classroom and tells the students about us. We did hear a noise but when we entered, it died down.
Some are wondering about us. Some are clearly disgusted. I guess racism runs through their blood.
We just ignore their stairs and sit at the very back of the room. The room is designed like an amphitheater. The seats on the back are higher than the front row.
It's pretty far from the board but we all can see just fine. There are about 40 students attending this lecture.
"Then class, we will be discussing transmission of heat through mana." (Sierra)
Transmission of heat through mana? That kinda sounds like thermodynamics. She starts her explanation.
In short, mana transfers heat when it is told to do so. In short, you chant a spell and channel your mana, heat will be transferred. Isn't that rather vague?
I raise my hand.
"Yes, Mr. Belmont. Do you have a question?" (Sierra)
A lot of students clicked their tongues. I guess I annoyed them.
"Filthy commoner, he is too stupid to understand the noble topic which is magic technology."
One of the guys shrugged.
"Professor, you said that chanting and channeling mana is enough to transfer heat. But how is that created?"
If you understand physics, heat is just one state of energy.
"Good question. Indeed, where does that heat come from? That is a puzzle that is yet to be unraveled." (Sierra)
Is that so? I look at Fay and she nods so I guess it is.
"Then Professor, would you give me permission to give you the answer to that puzzle?"
I do know the answer. If I can do it, then I will also confirm whether the laws of physics are the same for this world as well or not.
Professor's eyes lit up like she is interested. But one of the students stood up.
He has white hair. White? That is indeed white. He looks the same age as Levi.
"Know your place, you commoner. How dare you try to teach us? What do you know about this topic when you don't have a sliver of mana."
"Mr. Billings, sit down. I am talking to him. Mr. Belmont, you have my permission." (Sierra)
"But Professor.."
"I said sit down." (Sierra)
She has a tight grip on her class. She's a capable teacher.
I get up and go to the lectern.
"Professor, what you said is this, right?"
I make a fireball on my palm.
"I channeled some mana and it caught on fire. Meaning, heat must have been created to ignite the fire."
"You are correct. But Mr. Belmont, I didn't hear you chant or draw a magic circle." (Sierra)
"I don't need to. Chanting has a different story and magic circles aren't worth it anyway. But you don't know how the heat is generated, correct?"
"You are correct. A lot of hypotheses were presented but none succeeded." (Sierra)
"Well, it's actually pretty simple. In your terms, mana is the energy that you transmit through the magic circle which in turn generates heat. Take this magic circle for example."
I draw a magic circle on the board. It's not that hard. It's just a circle with a few arrows and an open end.
"This should be one of the most basic magic circles."
"Yes. That one can transfer mana through it. But it has no effect. It just channels mana through it." (Sierra)
"Then I will use a piece of paper to demonstrate. I will draw the same circle on a piece of paper."
After drawing the circle, I slowly channel mana through it.
"You are channeling mana without any problems. But you are just wasting mana. It won't have any effects." (Sierra)
"I will now speed up the mana."
I increase the speed and suddenly the paper caught on fire.
"What happened?" (Sierra)
Professor was startled by the sudden flash. It burned like a flash card.
"I just sped up the mana and the rest is as you saw it. The friction between the mana and paper particles generated heat which burned the paper."
"Friction? Particles? What are those?" (Sierra)
That's hard to explain. Let's just ignore them.
"Professor, the magic circle for a fireball, if you would kindly draw it."
She drew on next to mine. I look at it.
There's a line which passes through the center of the circle. It has an arrow which points towards the beginning of the circle.
I guess that's to loop the mana. And the rest is the same.
"May I use that circle?"
"Go ahead." (Sierra)
I have some mana on my fingertips. I touch one opening of the circle and send mana slowly through it.
The circle lit up. Mana reached that arrow and turned. It's circling only through the line and the half circle.
It's speeding up bit by bit and suddenly the line disappeared and the circle lit on fire.
I put out the fire and repair the board.
"As you could see, the circle was automatically speeding up the mana to generate heat and create fire. Why would it take the shape of a ball? It's because the base is a circle so the end product would be a sphere."
I am satisfied with it for now. But it seems that a lot of people have a lot of questions.
"Mr. Belmont, how did you decipher the circle? I mean, those circles are the exact same as the ones gods use. We haven't been able to decipher them for so long." (Sierra)
"These aren't anything special. Circles are just paths through which your mana travels. It's just a path. What effect will the mana have will depend on what path it will take."
"Mr. Belmont, I would like to invite you to my experiment. I think with your help, I will be able to finish my experiment." (Sierra)
Professor is a little too giddy. I guess she is just happy that her experiment will work.
"But wait a minute, how come you have mana? I still can't feel your mana." (Sierra)
"I am controlling the flow of my mana. Because it tends to go berserk a lot."
I release a bit of my mana. It has been a while since I have done this voluntarily. The students started shivering. I guess they can now feel it.
I control my mana again.
"People, I am Clive Belmont. Currently an S rank adventurer. If you ever need any help, contact me through the guild."
I think if would be better to give them my name. I am hoping that a few would come to me looking for trouble.
I go back and take my seat and the bell rings. I guess, I taught a class today at the academy.
"Honey, you got so into it." (Aura)
"Yes. He became a nerd for a moment." (Fay)
"Papa, I want to do an experiment with you too." (Eden)
I guess I will be troubled for a while with this.