
Chapter 18

I have already taken the gun. It turned out to be a <Spirit Gun>. I have taken the staff as well.

But what can the staff do is still unknown. I am in that open field. Testing out my new weapons. Mastering the weapons would give me a better shot at beating them up.

My plan is simple. When the next ship comes, I will attack them. I mean, I will ambush them. Being ambushed is something everyone hates, right?

And I will restrain them or like, kill them. It is often said that never spare your enemy because they will come back and get their revenge.

I am not doing this for revenge. I am just doing this to survive. I don't think they would spare me if they found out about me.

So before I fall into their clutches, I will do something by myself. Maybe go to their planet and hide.

From what I saw, they look like normal humans. It would be easy if I can just blend in with them.

And with this my future planning is done.

Now I focus on my staff and equip it. I just have to wish for it to be bigger and it becomes that.

I try to make it bigger and it becomes bigger. What is it? The extendable staff of the monkey?

Now I concentrate. Like the gun, I got the knowledge to use it in my brain just by accepting it.

I find that it is a defensive weapon. I take the staff and put it in the ground.

"Aegis" I say and a white thin layer exudes and covers me. It is a flimsy white layer like a thin piece of transparent sheet.

I touch it. It's kinda jittery. I try to walk out of that and I easily do. I walk in again.

Should I test its strength?

I take out the gun.

"Let's see." I shoot at the layer from the inside.

The inside isn't that big. It is covering only two meters with the staff at its center. Like a orb. Its radius is 2 meters. A circle with a radius of 2 meters.

Not too big. But enough for me. I shoot and the ball of light passed through the layer and hit the tree a little ahead.

Is it one sided? I go out and shoot at it from the outside.

This time, the ball is blocked and dispersed.

"Maybe it makes it possible to attack from the inside but not from the outside. Anyway, this is gonna help. Only having offense would put me at a disadvantage."

But wait? What is fueling that? My spiritual energy is the source for the gun. But what is fueling the shield?

I search through the instructions in my brain and find out.

It uses the mental strength. The stronger your mind the stronger the shield. And I can control the area of the shield as well.

This is convenient. I should train even more. My limit is 10 shots a day at best. I want to increase that at least.

Besides, I have some work to do. I need to master survival techniques. Even if it's only for this planet, it should help.

I am not a specialist. I am trying to be a jack of all trades. But I cannot master everything. Not with the meager amount of time I have left.

Then let's get started. I start training. My days passed by normally. I decided the name of the cub.

I named her Eden. It turned out to be a female. So Eden is the perfect name for her.

When I named Hazel, I went with the color. But now I took the aesthetics and named her Eden.

She was pretty happy to get a name. But how much of that she understood is completely unknown to me.

Hazel was pretty clever. But she is still a cub. I don't know if her understanding reaches Hazel.

She is still immature. Anyway, I have been training like crazy. My physique is the same but I got better at handling the gun.

I can also use the staff. It turned out to be extremely hard. So I can use it to defend myself and use it like a stick.

It probably isn't a graceful way of fighting. But survival is the only thing. If you survive, you can do anything.

If you put the honor and grace in front of your life then you are as good as dead.

My monologuing has reached a level where normal people would call me a madman. Or just plain crazy.

But another month has passed. I have already lost track of time. I can check it if I want to.

But I don't. The attack that wiped us out happened ages ago. I don't want to drag the past with me.

I am moving forward. So I need to bury that matter here.

And the promised day came. The day when the ship would come back.

I decided to check their movements. They came alone. Just one ship like before.

No other ships anywhere near earth. I checked the whole solar system. But no ships found.

Still, they could be using camouflage. But I decide to be as stealthy as possible.

And I begin my attack.