
Part 43: The End

A sad day for all. The day of the funeral of Spider-Man, SpiderIzuku and most importantly. Izuku Midoriya.

Everyone gathered at the graveyard watching the coffin get lowered. Inko was crying her eyes out as she got held by All Might. Izuku's former classmates, his mother, a few heroes who respected Spider-Man, civilians, news reporters and last but not least. Paige. They were all gathered, wearing black as they watched the coffin go underground. Paige stared at the coffin with teary eyes. His female classmates, all crying as they stared at the sight.

Once they had buried the body. People, one by one slowly left. Paige being the only one that stayed put in her place for hours on end.

Just staring at his name engraved in his gravestone. Fresh flowers in front of it along with a bunch of Spider-Man merchandise. Toys, colouring books, masks, clothing items, letters and flowers. These were a few of the things that got placed on his grave.

Then, finally. Paige placed down a box on his grave. She opened it and there was a ring inside. "It was meant to be used in future. But, I can't hold on to it anymore" she said as she walked off. Getting inside her car and driving off.


Bakugou was seen inside 1-A's classroom. He was dressed inside a black suit and tie. Though the tie had been taken off. Now hanging loosely around his neck. "I can't believe he's dead" he said. Sadness, sorrow mixed emotions drifting around in his mind. At the funeral, he didn't cry. But now, now he felt like he could let it out. He closed his eyes tight as he cried.

Letting his guard down. He now didn't care if anyone saw him in this weak state. That was one of the reasons he didn't cry. So people didn't think he was weak. But Now, that didn't matter.

He got up and walked over to Izuku's desk. Running his hand over the wood. More tears drifting out. Finally stopping himself, he reached inside the desk and pulled out Izuku's 'Hero Analysis for the future book' he flipped through the pages.

"He made a difference. And here I am claiming to be the best. Not doing anything but talking. I was all talk back then, but he was all action. He actually did something. While I just talked about doing something. I'm so pathetic" he said as he closed the book. Placing it down on the desk. His tears continuing to flow. "Damn it...damn it all"


Inko arrived at her new house. The money Izuku gave her back at the party a few weeks back was used to buy a new home. A two storey house on the nice part of town. It was cozy and warm, so Inko loved it a lot. And it didn't cost much either, which was the crazy part. The money Izuku left her would last her for the rest of her life. And for that, she was thankful. She quit her job and was now retired.

Inko threw her house and car keys into a bowl by the front door. Removing her shoes. She walked inside. Going toward the kitchen and making herself some tea. She watched as the water boiled inside the kettle. Pouring herself some green tea after it was done and making her way to the couch in the lounge. Getting to and sitting down. Switching on her new 77 inch flatscreen TV, she saw the news playing.

"-And in latest news, the whole city is in a slump now that our wall crawling friend in now gone. The web swinger was identified as Izuku Midoriya. A 16 year old teen who used to attend UA high school. He was an exemplary student. With high grades and a good quirk to back it up. We will all miss him, for his contribution to society" a picture of Izuku smiling appeared on screen.

Inko's hand gripped her teacup tightly. Her hand trembling as she did. Her knuckles turned white as she did. Sniffles were heard in her home as droplets dripped from her cheeks onto her clothes. "He will be greatly missed. Even though he was only the wall crawler for a short while. He made a big impact. So big that the vigilante rate has risen lately. More and more civilians are becoming vigilantes in his honour. More villains have taken the web swingers death and the amount of hospitalized heroes as their time to rise. Now wrecking the streets as the crime rate has risen. Let's hear what some had to say about the web swinger" the camera switched to a women in a pants suit. "He saved my life. I'm eternally greatful"

"He's a hero. Saving my mother and countless other people" a man said.

"He was a hero all right. Greater than some of the actual pro heroes" an old man said as he sat with other old people at a table.

"That Spider-Man. At first I thought he was nothing but trouble. But now I know. He was just a true believer" a man with white hair and sunglasses said. A white mustache under his nose. "Those are nice words sir" "Names Stan Lee sweet cakes. And I meant every word"

The image then changed to the news reporter. "Those are just a few peoples thoughts now. Onto more news-" Inko couldn't help but smile. Tears drifting down her face as she did.

"Mommy, look at All Might saving all those people. I wanna be like him one day"

"Mommy, isn't that amazing. Kacchan said he loves All Might too"

"He s so cool!"

"Never fear, for I am here! That's his catch phrase"

"I wanna save people like him"

"Amazing, did you see that mommy. He was all like 'Woosh💥 Bam💥 Pow💥 and the guy was knocked out"

"I wanna be just like him"











Can I be a hero too?"

"Yes! Yes you can!"


"The best ones always get taken. Why is that?" Bakugou said as he had his head on Izuku's old desk. "I want to make a difference too..." He spoke as he looked up. His eyes puffy and red from crying.

"I wanna make a difference!" A black suit then came over his body. Forming a white spider on his back and front with his black suit. White spider like lenses forming over his eyes.


The room was wrecked. Everything turned onto its head. Momo stood in the middle of it all. Still wearing the dress from the funeral. She was sweating a lot, bandages wrapped around her head from the hit back at the party. "What's happening to me!?" She yelled out. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. In the mirror, she wore a cat mask and had white hair. "AAAAHHH!!" She screamed as she punched the glass. Blood seeping out her fist from the glass. She looked at the jagged pieces. Some portrayed her actual face. Some still showing the Momo with white hair and with the cat mask.

She looked at herself in fear before screaming.


It was an attack on the city. Electro had escaped his prison cell and was wreaking havoc across the city. Sending lightning bolts to destroy cars and buildings. "Hahahaha! With that spider gone. There's nothing stopping me!" Civilians ran from the scene as a few heroes arrived. A lot of the heroes were still hospitalized from the incident a few weeks back. So their wasn't a lot of help around.

"Haha haha-" Electro got shut up when a web hit his mouth. He immediately ripped it off and looked around. "Who did that!?" He yelled. He scanned the surrounding area as he did. "That would be me!" A voice yelled.

Electro looked up to see a...black Spider-Man. He had on a red and black suit. A red spider symbol on his front. Mask black with red lenses outlines. "You supposed to be some kind of new Spider-Man?" Electro asked with irritation. "Yep. I'm the Ultimate Spider-Man" "Well get ready to fry!"

Spider-Man, will live on

Bakugou thought as he jumped toward Electro. Electro flying toward him.

He will live on forever

The End


What a ride this has been. I really wasn't expecting myself to kill off Izuku like that. And I know you weren't either. But I did. That's one of the reasons it took me so long to write this. I was debating with myself whether Izuku should die or not. And you can see my choice.

I am sorry if it's not the ending you wanted. But, it is what it is. Believe me, I had plans for a SpiderIzuku 2 But. Now if I had to make a second book, it would be a SpiderKatsuki book instead.