
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

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16 Chs

Training 1

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!

The blaring sound of the alarm clock disrupted the quiet room, signaling the start of a new day. Ace sluggishly sat up, blinking away the remnants of sleep. "Time to get moving," he mumbled to himself.

Dragging himself out of bed, he made his way to the bathroom. The cool water splashing onto his face brought a sense of wakefulness, and the shower rejuvenated his senses.

Emerging from the bathroom, Ace dried off and exchanged his sleepwear for comfortable gym clothes. Adjusting the fit, he couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. 'A new day for a new chapter of my life.' he thought.

With purposeful steps, he exited the room, ready to face the challenges of the day.

Heading downstairs to the lobby, he found an agent waiting for him. "Good morning. Here's your schedule for the day. Follow it closely, and make the most of your training," the agent instructed, handing him the detailed plan.

"Thank you," Ace replied, as he looked at the neatly printed schedule that was given to him. He scanned through the list of activities planned for the day – a mix of superpower training, combat exercises, and skill refinement.

"The scientists have tailored this program to address specific aspects of your abilities. Follow it diligently, and you'll see progress," the agent added, offering a supportive nod.

Following the directions on the schedule, Ace made his way to the martial arts room. The hum of activity within the facility fueled his excitement as he prepared for the day of his training.

Entering the Martial Arts room, the Ace found a martial instructor waiting, accompanied by a group of teenagers in their gym clothes. The instructor motioned for them to sit on the mats. Ace joined the circle of supers-in-training, feeling a blend of excitement and curiosity.

As they settled, a teenager beside him leaned in and whispered, "New here?" Ace nodded, and the teenager grinned, introducing himself. "I'm Tom. Glad to meet ya."

"Likewise," Ace replied with a friendly smile.

The instructor took center stage, addressing the group."Welcome, everyone. Today, we'll focus on the basics of martial arts," The group of teenagers nodded attentively, and Ace listened, eager to absorb the knowledge.

"First things first, observe the proper stance," the instructor began, demonstrating the stance. "Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. This is your foundation for balance and control."

As the instructor spoke, Ace, taking mental notes, mimicked the stance along with the other. Adjusting to the nuances of the martial arts posture.

"Now, let's talk about the punch," the instructor continued, throwing a controlled punch to illustrate. "Engage your core, rotate your hips, and extend your arm. Power comes from technique, not just strength." The instructort explained the mechanics and emphasizing the importance of accuracy.

Ace, surrounded by his peers, immersed himself in the lesson, noting the precision in each movement.

"Your turn. Practice these moves with focus and control," the instructor instructed, encouraging the supers to mimic the demonstrated techniques.

Ace took a deep breath, positioning himself on the mat. Closing his eyes, he recalled the instructor's teachings – the proper stance, the alignment of each punch. At first, his attempts were a bit shaky, the movements uncertain, his initial attempts were met with uncertainty and a sense of bafflement.

In the midst of the struggle, a sudden shock of realization swept over him. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a newfound understanding. A surge of enlightenment washed over him, and as if guided by an unseen force, he effortlessly assumed the basic stances with a newfound precision.


His body moved with a fluidity that seemed almost otherworldly, seamlessly transitioning between stances with each calculated movement. As the instructor called for punches, the young man threw a series of punches into the air, the movements now carrying a distinct grace and purpose.


The onomatopoeic sounds echoed in the Martial Arts room, capturing the attention of both the instructor and fellow students. Ace, once baffled, now felt a profound connection to the martial arts techniques. Each punch and stance became a testament to the awakening of his skills technique mimicry, an ability that had unlocked a level of proficiency beyond his initial comprehension.


The air seemed to respond to his movements as he continued, the enlightenment evolving into a demonstration of not just physical prowess but a harmonious blend of newfound knowledge and innate ability.

As Ace embraced the heightened state of enlightenment, seamlessly flowing through martial arts stances and delivering precise punches, there came a moment of abrupt transition. The heightened clarity seemed to waver, and he suddenly broke out of his trance state.

Stopping mid-motion, Ace blinked, a sense of shock and realization washing over him. The room, once resonating with the sounds of his fluid movements, now fell into an abrupt silence. His fellow students and the instructor looked on, mirroring the astonishment that played across the young man's face.

He took a step back, the echoes of his punches and kicks lingering in the air. The sudden demonstration of skill, seemingly beyond his current training level, left him in a state of disbelief. "Did I just...?" he muttered to himself, his eyes wide with surprise.

The instructor, recognizing the shift in the atmosphere, approached with a nod of acknowledgment. "Impressive. It seems you're tapping into your abilities in ways we're still trying to understand," the instructor remarked, offering a reassuring smile. The instructor then circulated among the students to guide them leaving the young man in a trance.

Ace, still processing the unexpected display of prowess, took a moment to gather himself when suddenly a bell like sound resounded in his head along with a virtual screen that appeared in front of him.


[ The Skill: Technique mimicry has successfully mimic The Basics of Martial Arts ]

[ Skill: Hand to hand combat - acquired ]

Ace stared at the screen, his eyes widening with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. "What the hell?" he muttered under his breath, grappling with the realization that his Talent: technique mimicry had successfully replicated the martial arts techniques he had just learned.

His mind raced with questions. 'How does it work like that?' he wondered, pondering the intricacies of this ability.

Tom noticed Ace standing slightly apart, a distant look in his eyes. Concerned, he approached and asked, "Hey, you okay? You seemed a bit spaced out there."

Ace snapped back to the present, a flicker of surprise in his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay," he responded, shaking off the lingering sense of bewilderment.

Just as they resumed their positions on the mats, the instructor, sensing the need to redirect their focus, clapped his hands to gather their attention. "Alright, everyone, let's continue. we're now delving into the basics of kicking."

Demonstrating proper form, the instructor began, "Start with the basic front kick. Lift your knee up, extend your leg forward, making contact with the ball of your foot. Focus on balance and control." the instructor executed a series of precise front kicks, emphasizing the importance of fluid motion and maintaining equilibrium.

As the instructor began explaining the mechanics of various kicks. Ace found himself torn between the lesson at hand and the lingering contemplation of the inexplicable enlightenment he had experienced moments ago.

'Does the Technique mimicry works like a passive ability or something?' He question.

"Focus on the technique. It's all about balance and control," the instructor emphasized, oblivious to the internal struggle within Ace.

"Now, let's move on to the roundhouse kick. Pivot on the supporting foot, swing the leg in a circular motion, and strike with the top of your foot. Remember, it's not just about power but also about technique," the instructor explained, showcasing the mechanics of the roundhouse kick.

Ace shook his head and a smile slowly appeared on his lips. 'I should check on this later, but man that was fucking cool, its like I'm already a Martial Arts master when doing those punching,' he thought.

Attempting to anchor his thoughts in the present, Ace listened intently to the instructions on kicking.

The teenagers absorbed the instructions, as Ace followed along with the motions. As they practiced, the instructor circulated among the students, offering guidance and adjustments to refine their techniques.

The atmosphere in the Martial Arts room resonated with the sounds of controlled kicks and focused determination as the instructor continued to impart valuable lessons on martial arts fundamentals.

Can you give me some stones(人 。◕‿◕。) ✧

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