
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Midtown High


Ace felt a surge of pain, as if he was being torn apart by the portal. He saw flashes of light and images, as if he was traveling through time and space. He had no idea what was happening or where he was going. He tried to use his hyper-sense to guide him, but it was overwhelmed by the chaotic sensations. He felt like he was falling, spinning, and flying all at once.


He emerged from the portal with a loud thud, crashing into a large screen that displayed colorful advertisements. He heard glass shattering and metal bending as he slid down the screen and landed on a rooftop.

"Uhh.. What happened??"

Ace groaned and got up, feeling a sharp pain in his back. He looked around and saw a familiar sight: skyscrapers, traffic, and people. He was in New Urbem, but something was off.

"No way... this is New York!!" Ace said aloud.

He noticed that the buildings looked different. He also saw a huge statue of a woman holding a torch in the distance. He realized that he was not in his own New York/New Urbem, but in an alternate one. He wondered how he got there and how he could get back.

"Why am I here!?" He question when suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the screen he had smashed. He looked up and saw a man with a mustache and a suit, ranting angrily. He recognized him as J. Jonah Jameson, the editor of the Daily Bugle, a newspaper that hated Spider-man. He listened to what he was saying:

"Spider-Woman? More like Spider-Menace! That's right, folks, you heard me. There's a new web-slinger in town, and she's causing more trouble than she's worth. Just look at this footage of her fighting a band of robbers in Queens. She's reckless, irresponsible, and dangerous. She's destroying property, endangering civilians, and interfering with the police. She's a menace, I tell you, a menace!"

Ace watched the footage and saw a girl in a white and black spider-suit, swinging from building to buildings, kicking and punching the robbers. She had a mask that covered her whole face.

"G-Gwen Stacy!!" Ace asked in stuttering voice as he surveyed the surrounding.

"Am I in another dimension!?"

Ace felt a surge of curiosity and excitement. He wanted to meet her and find out more about her. He also wanted to explore this new world and see what else was different. He then decided to find her. He put on his own mask, which was black in color with white eye patch, and shot a web at a nearby building. He swung into the air, feeling the breeze of the cold air. He hoped that he would find some answers and some adventure in this strange New York. He also hoped that he would find a way back home.

Ace then tried to remember the storyline of Gwen Stacey's Spider-woman in the comic and in the last Spider-Verse movie that he have watched before he died. "All right let's see in the Comic and animated version she goes to a school same with Peter Parker, Midtown High.

"Well then I should go to queens for now and find if there is a Midtown High in there." Ace said as he decided where he would go.

Ace then swung around the buildings, enjoying the view of the city. He saw some things that were familiar to him, such as the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and the Brooklyn Bridge. He felt a mix of wonder and confusion as he explored the new world.

He reached Queens, where he saw a sign that said " Midtown High". He recognized it as the school were the MCU Peter Parker goes, but it looked more modern and sleek. He saw a banner that said "Prom Night" and a lot of students entering the school in fancy dresses and suits. He wondered if they had the same prom traditions as his world, such as dancing, crowning, and kissing.

Just then-


A buzzed suddenly echoed in his mind, causing his body hairs to involuntarily stand on end.

"Danger!?.. No, Its different?"

Ace felt his Hyper-sense tingling, telling him to go inside the school.

He was curious about what was happening and why his Hyper-sense was alerting him. He decided to sneak in and see for himself. He spotted a black jacket hanging outside a house near the school. He quickly snatched it and put it on over his spider-suit. He took off his mask and stuffed it in his pocket. He looked at his suit like leggings, which were part of his costume. He shrugged and hoped that no one would notice. He walked towards the school, trying to blend in with the crowd.

He entered the prom through a window and looked around. He saw the decorations, the music, and the dancing, and he felt out of place. He had never been to a prom before, and he didn't know anyone here. He went to the food section and grabbed a plate of snacks. He overheard a gossip about Ned Leeds and Peter Parker, two students who were involved with Gwen Stacy.

"Did you hear? Liz Allan dumped Ned Leeds. She said that Ned was too high of himself and it irritates her. She even called him a freak."

"Oh well It is expected. Ned has been a douchebag ever since."

"So they break up huh, Is that why Ned has been targeting Peter recently?"

"Pathetic Parker. He's such a nerd. He's always getting bullied by Ned leeds and his goons. He's also always late for class and missing assignments. He's lucky that Gwen still hangs out with him."

'Looks like I'm in the right place.'Ace thought as he listened to the conversation with interest. He realized that he was in the right place because these people knew Gwen Stacy and Spider-Woman. They also mention Peter Parker, Liz Allan, and Ned Leeds. He decided to find out more about them later. He needed to find Gwen first. He sat on a chair beside the pastry table and ate some of it while scanning the room for Gwen.

"Woah... "

He then saw her entering the prom using the entrance and he was mesmerized by her beauty and charisma. She was wearing a blue dress that matched her eyes and a silver necklace that sparkled in the light. She has a short blonde hair and a smile on her face.

Ace felt a pang of attraction and admiration for her. He wanted to talk to her and ask her about this world and her powers. He wanted to know if she really was the same as Gwen she knows in the comics/animations or she is different.

He decided to approach her and introduce himself. He got up from his chair and walked towards her.


But before he could reach her, a big humanoid lizard crashed through the wall and grabbed Ned Leeds, the star quarterback and the biggest bully in the school.

The giant lizard has green scales, yellow eyes, and razor-sharp teeth.


"Who's the weakling now, Ned? You always looked down on me, always made fun of me, always thought you were better than me. Well, look at me now. I'm stronger, faster, smarter than you. I'm the ultimate life form. And you're nothing but a pathetic worm. I'm going to kill you, Ned. I'm going to rip you apart and eat you alive." The lizard mocked Ned as a weakling and threatened to kill him.

Ned was terrified, struggling to breathe and to escape from the lizard's grip. He pleaded, "Please, don't do this. Please, let me go. Please, don't hurt me."


But the lizard was deaf to his cries then it roared and threw Ned across the room. He landed on a table and knocked over the punch bowl.

"A lizard!?" Ace was shocked and baffled.

"Is he Peter or Dr. connors?" Ace asked. He recognized the Lizard from the comics he had read in his previous world and the movies he had watched but he was not sure who it is.

"Well I should find that out but first I should help this people get out of here." Ace made a decision to first save the people that is trap inside the building.


He then shot a web at the Lizard's tail. He pulled it hard and made the Lizard lose its balance and fall to the ground. Ace then leaped over the lizard and delivered a punch to its abdomen, sending it crashing into a nearby wall.


Ace hoped that would be enough to knock out the lizard, but he didn't have time to check. He then took off his jacket and wear his mask as he ran towards the crowd of terrified people who were trapped by the debris and tried to help them get out of there. He lifted a large piece of concrete and threw it aside, creating a path for the people to escape.

"Come on, hurry! Get to safety!" Ace shouted, as he ushered the people towards the street.

He turned around to see if the lizard was still down, but he was met with a horrifying sight. The lizard had recovered from the impact and was now lunging at him with its jaws wide open. Ace barely dodged the attack, but the lizard's tail whipped him in the chest, sending him flying across the street.


Ace felt a sharp pain in his ribs and struggled to breathe. He looked up and saw the lizard approaching him, ready to finish him off.

"Oh, shit!!"




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