
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


Ace felt a sharp pain in his ribs and struggled to breathe. He looked up and saw the lizard approaching him, ready to finish him off.

"Shit!!" Ace cursed under his breath.

But then, something unexpected happened. A white and black figure swung in from above and kicked the lizard in the face, making it stagger back. Ace recognized the figure as the Spider-woman of this universe, Gwen Stacy.

"Hey, big guy, pick on someone your own size!" Gwen taunted, as she landed next to Ace and helped him up.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, with a concerned tone.

"I'm fine, thanks to you" Ace said, feeling a surge of relief and gratitude.

"Good!... and who are you by the way? Are you the same like me?" Gwen ask as she pointed at his suit.

"I am Ace Maxim, and uhmm... yeah I think I'm the same as you but from another dimension" Ace said uncertainly.

"Another dimension?"


Before their conversation could delve further, a sudden, ominous growl echoed through the street. The ground trembled as the massive lizard they had been fighting lunged at them, interrupting their introduction.

"Duck!" Gwen shouted. Reacting with instinctive agility, both Gwen and Ace dodged the creature's attack. The lizard's tail swung dangerously close, forcing them to leap out of harm.

Gwen, displaying her signature acrobatics, engaged the lizard in a fierce one-on-one confrontation. Dodging its strikes, she attempted to outmaneuver the agile creature. However, the lizard's relentless assault proved challenging to evade entirely.

Ace, witnessing the battle unfold, swung into action. "Need a hand?" he called out to Gwen.

Gwen, in the midst of a daring leap to avoid the lizard's claws, replied with a touch of sarcasm, "Oh, sure, because fighting a giant lizard is my idea of a good time!"

Undeterred, Ace joined the fray, coordinating his moves with Gwen's. The two of them worked together to navigate the unpredictable attacks of the lizard. As the battle intensified, Gwen couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected partnership, even if it came with a hint of sarcasm.

Together, they managed to corner the lizard. However, just as victory seemed imminent, the creature unexpectedly retreated, the lizard seized someone who's hiding in a building wreckage and tossing her upward, tossing her into the air like a helpless doll.

Laughter echoed through the chaos as the transformed lizard mocked Gwen and Ace, reveling in the havoc.

"Enjoy the show, Spider-Freaks!" the lizard taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

"Betty" Gwen recognized the person that was thrown, her heart raced as she swung into action, shooting webs to catch her falling friend, the silk catching her just in time. With precision and strength, Gwen pulled her friend back down, cradling her in her arms.

As Gwen gently laid her friend in a safe area, she observed that fright had overwhelmed her, causing her to faint. Anger surged within Gwen as she swore to put an end to the lizard's rampage.

"You'll pay for this!" Gwen declared, her eyes blazing with determination. She swung into action, chasing the lizard through the city streets, her web-shooters flickering with a renewed resolve.

Meanwhile, Ace pursued the escaping lizard through the city streets, The lizard, however, continued his mocking laughter as he darted between buildings, leading Ace on a relentless pursuit. The dance between predator and prey unfolded through the night.

As Ace closed in on the lizard, ready to strike. However, the ground beneath him shifted, and he stumbled as the world transformed into an abstract like dimension.

He quickly noticed that in this strange space, many peculiar building are being connected like branching tree branches.

As Ace look around a bald monk-like figure materialized in front of him. "Greetings, interdimensional traveler."

Flustered, Ace asked "W-Who are you?"

"I am the Ancient One," she said with serene composure as she calmly continued, "Your presence has disrupted the natural flow of time. And even though it was supposed to occur, it will only transpire after a year and not right now."

Confusion and anxiety crept over Ace face. "W-What do you mea- Ackk!!"

Before he could react, pain surged through his body, and he began glitching uncontrollably. Panic filled his voice "W-WhAt's hApPenInG tO Me!?"

The Ancient One responded solemnly, "Your body is rejecting this dimension... The consequences of being out of your own reality are catching up with you."

As Ace struggled with the glitches, he realized the gravity of the situation.

Desperation etched across his face, Ace pleaded, "I need to get out! Gwen's in trouble and she can't kill—"

The Ancient One interrupted, her voice unwavering, "You mustn't interfere. The timeline is fragile, and any alteration may have unforeseen consequences. There are forces beyond your understanding at play, and one of the spider totemic deities desires the unfolding events to transpire as they should."

Ace, torn between reality and the responsibility of the larger web of existence, clenched his fists. "But I can't just stand by and let things go wrong!"

The Ancient One's gaze held a weight of ancient wisdom. "Sometimes, the threads of fate are woven in ways we cannot comprehend. Your interference may disrupt the delicate balance that keeps the multiverse intact. Be patient, for not every battle can be fought, and not every outcome can be changed."


Back in the real world, Gwen caught up with the lizard.

With agile grace, Gwen leaped into action, landing a powerful punch on the lizard's side. As she attempted to gain the upper hand, she shot webs to create advantageous angles in the fight.

Peter, driven by instinct and rage, countered her moves with a combination of strength and agility. Its massive claws and tail became lethal weapons, parrying Gwen's attacks.

Undeterred, Gwen swung between buildings, attempting to outmaneuver the lizard. She shot webs to entangle its limb aiming to restrict its movements. Yet, the creature fought back with relentless determination, using its strength to break free from the webbing but Gwen seized that moment and delivered a powerful punch in its stomach and fought to subdue the creature. As she gained the upper hand, relentless fury fueled her strikes.

Pinning the lizard down, Gwen unleashed a barrage of punches with full force, her rage blinding her to the creature's pleas for mercy. "You monster! You even tried to hurt my friend" she exclaimed, each word punctuated by another punishing blow.

Amidst the chaos, the lizard's roars transformed into desperate cries. "W-Wait, please! Stop! I-I'm, Peter!" The humanity within the creature struggled to surface.

But Gwen, consumed by her anger, remained deaf to his pleas. The relentless assault continued until, unexpectedly, the lizard serum began to wear off. Peter, battered and on the brink of collapse, transformed back into his human form.

As the haze cleared, Gwen, mid-punch, froze in shock. Her eyes widened as she recognized the face beneath the lizard visage. "Peter?" she whispered, her heart sinking. Gwen was shocked by the revelation, she removed her mask and reached out to support him, her eyes widening at the sight of her friend's battered state. Peter, close to death, reached out. "Gwen... It's me. Please... I didn't mean for any of this."

Gwen, horror and realization etched across her face, fell to her knees beside the now-human Peter. "What have I done?" she gasped, guilt and sorrow overwhelming her.

"To think... that the hero... I idolize is my best friend," he uttered, his voice barely a whisper before succumbing to the injuries.

"No! No! No! You can't do this to me Peter... Wake up!!" Gwen's world shattered as Peter breathed his last.

"Please wake up... " A mix of sadness, anger, and fear overwhelmed her as she cradled his lifeless body, tears streaming down her face.

The once ferocious battle ground to an abrupt halt, replaced by a somber silence as Gwen cradled Peter's fragile and battered body. The weight of her actions hung heavy in the air, and Gwen's heart ached with the realization that the person she had relentlessly attacked was the one she tried to save.

As Gwen cradled the lifeless body of Peter, the distant wail of police sirens grew louder, signaling the approaching authorities. Panic gripped her as she stared at the consequences of her actions.

Fueled by fear and an unstable mind, Gwen made a quick decision. She gently laid Peter's body down, tears streaming down her face, and, without looking back, swung away from the scene. The siren's wail faded as she disappeared into the night, leaving behind the tragedy she inadvertently caused.

In the mirror dimension, the Ancient One sensed the completion of the tragic plot. With a profound understanding, she released Ace from the confines of the mirrored realm. "To return to your own universe, find me at Kamar-taj," she advised, her voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom.

Ace, emerging back into the real world, absorbed the information. Determination filled him as he recalled the Ancient One's words. He knew he had to find her to navigate his way back home but for now he need check what happened while he was gone.

Ace then look around and witnessed Gwen swinging away as the distant wail of police sirens growing louder. Spotting Peter's lifeless form, Ace, feeling regret and sorrow, checked for a pulse, confirming the inevitable.

Ace knelt beside Peter's lifeless body, he felt an overwhelming sense of sadness and regret. The weight of the tragedy bore down on him, knowing he couldn't alter the course of events.

Amidst his mourning, the ominous sound of approaching footsteps drew his attention. A police officer emerged from the shadows, a stern voice rang out, "Freeze! Hands in the air!" It was Captain Stacy, Gwen's father, mistaking Ace for a suspect.

Flustered, Ace quickly complied, raising his hands in a defensive gesture. "I'm not the one who killed him!" he exclaimed, desperation in his voice.

Captain Stacy, unwavering, recited the familiar lines, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" Cautiously, he approached Ace, keeping his gun trained on him.

Thinking on his feet, Ace shot a web towards a distant building and swung away, leaving the officer in his wake. "I didn't do this!" Ace called out as he soared through the city, the distant wail of sirens fading into the night.

"Hey! Come back here!!" The police officer, left behind and unable to match Ace's speed, watched as the vigilante escaped into the darkened skyline. The pursuit was futile, and Ace disappeared into the shadows, leaving the unresolved tragedy and unanswered questions behind.

In the shadows, Ace's regret lingered, knowing he couldn't alter the tragic course of events. The pursuit of justice and the weight of loss hung heavy as he disappeared into the city's skyline.


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