
Spider-Man: Spider-Souls

Earth-1842, The Dark Souls Earth, home to the most monstrous villains and ruthless heroes. A crazed Norman Osborn causes New York to shatter and Spider-Man has to restore it as best he can, and he won't be pulling any punches.

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3 Chs

(Mini Episode) Prowler

Peter leaves the Daily Bugle to hunt Prowler. It's strange, Prowler was only slightly taller than Peter last time they fought, but now he's… Different. More monstrous. Thankfully, Prowler left behind a 'not so subtle' trail of cracks and claw marks.

Peter follows the trail to an abandoned church. Peter steps inside to find the Prowler, on his knees, hunched over by the altar. His breathing is tight and his skin bloats as he inhales like blisters. "What happened to you, Hobie?" Peter cautiously approaches. "Look at what he did to me…" Peter gets closer, "Did Osborn do this?" A drop of water echoes in through the church, Hobie removes his mask and looks over his shoulder. "I can't live like this, Spider-Man." Peter stops, "I can't kill you, you deserve help." Hobie looks back down and puts his mask back on. "Then I'm sorry." In an instant, Prowler turns around and sprints at Spider-Man, claws bared. Spider-Man flips over him and uses his back as a springboard to send Prowler stumbling on his feet, but he quickly recovers and instantly starts lunging at Spider-Man.

Prowler slashes at Spider-Man thrice; Spider-Man dodging each blow before swiftly countering with a kick. Prowler snarls and throws a smoke bomb, masking his actions. Spider-Man calms his nerves and waits silently in the smoke when his spider-sense alerts him. An ominous purple light briefly flashes behind him, and not a second later Prowler cuts through the smoke, ready to kill. Peter backflips over the ambush and webs Prowler's arms before he can hide back in the smoke screen. Prowler grunts as he is yanked to the ground. Recovering with a backwards roll, Prowler uses his strength to free himself and begins another relentless attack.

Spider-Man crouches lower to the ground, getting underneath Prowler's defenses and wild swings, smashes his elbow onto Prowler's face, knocking him down to the floor, taking the break in combat to thwip Prowler back up to him and kick him in the stomach. Walking up to the still body of his enemy, Peter tries to encourage Hobie to give up, "It's not too late, we can get you some help, we could find a cure." As he gets ever so closer, Prowler lunges at him and strangles Peter, trying to crush his windpipe with his fierce grip and gleaning jagged claws drawing blood, "There is no cure!" Seeing his only opportunity, Peter webs a nearby bracket on the wall and tugs. The chandelier above loosens and Peter swiftly kicks Prowler in the chest and rolls back. Before he can move, the chandelier falls, crushing Hobie and ending his life before he could receive any help. Standing up, walking over and crouching back down next to the fallen, "I wish I could've helped man, you weren't all bad."