
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime und Comics
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186 Chs

Chapter 146

[Third Person's PoV] 

As multiple bullets from the Soviet Union were about to hit Spider-Man and Nightwing, they both turned into blurs, their superhuman abilities kicking into high gear. The battlefield was chaos, with the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and shouts filling the air.

Spider-Man's bio-electricity crackled around him like a living storm. He moved with a speed that seemed impossible, leaving trails of lightning in his wake. As he darted through the enemy lines, his agility and strength were on full display. He flipped over soldiers, landing behind them with precision and efficiency, and delivered powerful electric punches that sent them sprawling. With a flick of his wrist, he shot webs to disarm soldiers, yank weapons from their hands, and entangle them in sticky cocoons.

Nightwing was a whirlwind of motion, his hypermotility allowing him to move with unparalleled speed and fluidity. His Escrima sticks became blurs in his hands as he struck with pinpoint accuracy. Each hit was calculated to incapacitate without causing permanent harm. He weaved through the barrage of bullets and missiles with an almost supernatural grace, his movements a deadly dance. He disarmed soldiers, knocked them out cold with rapid strikes, and used his acrobatics to leap over obstacles and evade incoming fire.

Tank missiles and rocket launchers were fired at the two heroes, their trajectories seemingly unavoidable. Yet, Spider-Man and Nightwing were always a step ahead. Spider-Man leaped onto a tank, his fingers sparking with bio-electricity, and delivered a shock that short-circuited its systems. He then used his webs to pull the turret around, redirecting a missile back toward another tank, causing a massive explosion.

Nightwing, meanwhile, performed a series of flips and rolls to dodge a barrage of rockets. He landed atop a launcher, dismantling it with swift, precise strikes from his sticks. With a powerful kick, he sent the soldier operating it flying, then used the launcher as a makeshift weapon, swinging it to knock out a group of advancing troops.

The battlefield became a playground for the two heroes, their synergy and skill unmatched. Spider-Man's bio-electricity provided a shocking surprise to anyone who got too close, while Nightwing's hypermotility made him an elusive target, impossible to pin down. Together, they were an unstoppable force, their combined abilities overwhelming the Soviet military forces.

Despite the overwhelming numbers and firepower arrayed against them, Spider-Man and Nightwing moved as one. Their teamwork was seamless, each covering the other's blind spots and complementing their unique abilities. As the last of the soldiers fell, unconscious or ensnared in webs, the battlefield fell silent, the only sound the crackling of Spider-Man's fading electricity and the faint hum of Nightwing's cooling Escrima sticks.

As Spider-Man and Nightwing scanned the battlefield, a new threat emerged: helicopters armed with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, swooping down to support the Soviet troops. The rotor blades sliced through the air with a deafening roar, and the ground shuddered under the assault of their firepower.

Spider-Man, ever alert, noticed the incoming helicopters first. "We've got company in the sky!" he shouted to Nightwing.

Nightwing nodded, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "Let's ground them."

Without wasting a second, Spider-Man shot a web at a nearby building and launched himself into the air. He swung with incredible speed and agility, dodging bullets and rockets fired from the helicopters. As he approached the first chopper, he shot a web line at the pilot's door, yanked it open, and pulled himself inside. The pilot, startled but unharmed, found himself quickly webbed to his seat. With a precise blast of bio-electricity, Spider-Man short-circuited the helicopter's controls, causing it to hover in place.

Meanwhile, Nightwing took a different approach. Using his hypermotility, he sprinted across the battlefield, leaping onto the top of a tank for a better vantage point. With a powerful jump, he launched himself into the air, his Escrima sticks drawn. He landed on the landing skid of another helicopter, balancing effortlessly as it swayed under the added weight. Nightwing smashed the cockpit window with one Escrima stick and reached inside to disable the control panel, ensuring a safe descent. He then secured the pilot with a harness made of reinforced cable from his utility belt, ensuring the pilot's safety as he maneuvered the helicopter to the ground.

As the first helicopter began to descend, Spider-Man swung back out of the cockpit and used his webs to create a safety net around the descending chopper. This ensured that as it landed, it wouldn't crash, and the pilot would be safely cushioned. With the pilot secure and the helicopter disabled, Spider-Man leaped towards another threat.

Nightwing, still balanced on his helicopter, used his hypermotility to jump from one helicopter to another with ease. He reached the next chopper, swinging his Escrima sticks with expert precision to disable its weapons. He used his acrobatics to flip onto the rotor, momentarily disrupting its function and causing the helicopter to lose altitude. He then slipped into the cockpit, quickly webbing the pilot to safety just as Spider-Man had done.

A third helicopter was bearing down on them, rockets primed and ready. Spider-Man, seeing this, shot a web line to the underside of the helicopter and swung himself up with lightning speed. He planted his feet on the glass, looking upside down at the bewildered pilot, and gave a cheeky salute before unleashing a burst of bio-electricity that fried the targeting system. As the helicopter veered off course, Spider-Man carefully extracted the pilot, webbing him to a safe location on the ground before the chopper crashed harmlessly in an empty field.

Nightwing, noticing another helicopter trying to flee, sprinted across the battlefield, his movements a blur. He launched himself into the air, grabbed onto the tail of the fleeing helicopter, and climbed his way to the cockpit. He swiftly incapacitated the pilot and guided the helicopter down gently, ensuring no harm came to anyone.

With the helicopters neutralized and their pilots safely secured, the immediate threat was over. The battlefield was littered with unconscious soldiers, tangled in webs, and disabled military equipment. The air was still, save for the distant hum of helicopters losing power.

The two heroes stood amidst the wreckage, their bodies heaving with exertion. As Spider-Man caught his breath, he asked, "You think they could sue us for this?" He said between breaths.

Nightwing scoffed with heavy breaths as he put his Escrima Sticks back in place. "They're sleeping on the job; they can't sue us for that."

They both smirked as they tapped the side of their ears. "You are clear for landing. I repeat, you are clear for landing, over," Spider-Man said.

Back on the Helicarrier, the others nodded as they received the message.

"I guess that's our signal," Spider-Kat said as she jumped into a cannonball, shouting excitedly in the air.

Scarlet-Spider followed behind, shouting as well while doing barrel rolls. Ghost-Spider just jumped with her arms spread out.

Natasha sighed and simply gave a little jump down with her arms crossed over her shoulders.

Hawkeye and Fury both finished tying their parachutes. "They are taking this too lightly," Nick said as he tightened it.

Hawkeye just patted Fury on the back. "It's okay to live a little," he said as he dove like a diver.

This caused Fury to sigh. "They are literally children... The safety of our nation is up to immature children," he muttered as he jumped down after them.

They all had large smiles on their faces as they free-fell, with the exception of Nick, who had a serious expression as he dove down with his limbs tucked. Even Hawkeye had a small smirk as he fell with all his limbs spread out slightly.

As they approached the ground, they activated their wings; even Natasha's suit had them.

Hawkeye and Fury both pulled on their parachutes, gliding down. As the ground got closer, the girls flew around them.

They all flipped in the air before landing gracefully on the ground. In front of them, both Fury and Hawkeye landed, their forward momentum carrying them as they unhooked and took off their parachutes.

Hawkeye reached for his bow and flicked it, causing it to expand, while Fury reached for his pistols at his side. The girls walked up next to them.

"They're efficient; I'll give them that," Fury complimented as he viewed the destroyed tanks, the bodies of unconscious soldiers, some tied up in webbing, and destroyed weapons scattered on the floor with scorch marks everywhere.

"Spider-Man and Nightwing are all about speed, getting things done as quickly as possible. They're as efficient as anyone could get," Ghost-Spider praised.

"Well, we're not helping anyone by taking our time. Let's go," Scarlet-Spider said, charging ahead.

The others soon followed suit. As they went inside the main building of the military base, they found soldiers sitting against the walls unconscious, with their guns in their hands.

Some were sprawled on the floor, while some were even stuck on the ceiling. They followed the trail of bodies to their destination, soon arriving where they needed to go.

They found both Spider-Man and Nightwing leaning against the wall beside a heavily secured metal door.

"What took you guys so long?" Spider-Man teased, his arms crossed and a leg positioned on the wall.

Nightwing was in the same position. "You guys are slow; you need to work on that."

They both chuckled before standing back up. Facing the door, they lowered their stances, put their fists in their hands, and brought them to their sides.

"With the power of friendship!" they both said as they punched the thick metal door.

The door went flying off, taking part of its surroundings with it. Red lights flashed while a loud alarm rang throughout the entire military base.

"Go!" Spider-Man motioned. "We will stay and guard and make sure you aren't bothered while you all take care of them."

They all nodded and rushed in. Ghost-Spider immediately turned invisible as she jumped up and began running on the ceiling, with Aria guiding her to where she needed to go.

A bit earlier…

The General and Dr. Valkov were in the testing lab. The General had a nervous but angry expression. "They're here and are after us! Tell me, doctor, did you at least manage to recover the DNA of ancient creatures? We could use everything we have if you want to get out of here."

"It's hard. Even with the DNA splicer, restoring damaged DNA is very difficult. I could only recover two samples: one from a Spinosaurus and the other from a saber-tooth tiger."

The General took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself. "All right, I need you to hit me with your machine. Turn me into whichever."

"But General, this could go very wrong. We haven't figured out the possible effects. These DNA samples are millions of years old—"

The General tightly grabbed Dr. Valkov's shoulders. "We. Don't. Have. Any. Other. Options! Do you see that?" He motioned toward the cameras, which showed Nightwing and Spider-Man taking down everyone and everything without being seen.

"This is our only way to survive!"

The doctor sighed and nodded. "Very well," he said as he got to work. He grabbed the DNA sample labeled "Spinosaurus."

He picked up the DNA splicer, which looked like a large ray gun. He pressed a side compartment and injected the DNA sample before aiming it at the General. "Are you ready?"


The General nodded, swallowing loudly. He took off his general jacket and the shirt underneath.

The doctor sighed as he aimed the splicer. "3, 2, 1!" With a press of a button, a green beam shot out, hitting the General square in the chest.

The General's body convulsed as the green beam enveloped him. His skin rippled, changing texture and color to a deep, scaly green. His muscles bulged, his frame expanding rapidly. His face elongated, forming a snout filled with razor-sharp teeth. A massive, fin-like sail erupted from his back, and his arms transformed into powerful, clawed appendages.

He screamed in pain as he felt his very essence being transformed. The pain led to a blinding rage, but his will to survive kept him sane.

His legs thickened and lengthened, giving him a more predatory stance. His eyes, now reptilian and fierce, scanned the room as the transformation completed. The General roared, a deep, guttural sound that echoed through the lab, showcasing his new Spinosaurus hybrid form.


The doctor stepped back, eyes wide with awe and fear. "How do you feel, General?"

The newly transformed General flexed his claws and tested his new limbs. "Powerful," he growled, his voice a mix of human and beast. "Very powerful."

Just then, flashing red lights and a loud alarm rang out, causing Dr. Valkov to curse anxiously.

He went to a control panel that oversaw the cells of those they had experimented on and opened them all up.

Dr. Valkov then grabbed the DNA sample labeled "Saber-tooth Tiger" and carefully injected it into the DNA splicer. He placed the device on the table, its barrel facing him, and took a deep breath. With a steady hand, he pressed the activation button.

A green ray shot out, striking Dr. Valkov square in the chest. He let out a loud scream as his body began to transform. His muscles bulged, and his skin grew a thick layer of fur. His face elongated, forming a powerful snout with large, curved saber-like fangs protruding from his upper jaw.

His hands and feet transformed into powerful, clawed paws, while his eyes turned a piercing yellow, exuding a fierce predatory glare. His ears became pointed and more sensitive, twitching at the slightest sound. A long, muscular tail sprouted from his back, aiding in balance and agility.

The transformation was complete. Dr. Valkov stood tall, a fearsome hybrid of human and saber-tooth tiger, his body covered in a tawny fur coat with powerful muscles rippling underneath. He roared, a primal sound that echoed through the room, showcasing his new formidable form.


Just then, the door to their room was sent flying off, revealing Ghost-Spider. She paused as she looked at them.

"Be prepared to be turned back into ancient history!" she said with swag, throwing up signs before growing embarrassed. 'I'm spending too much time with Peter,' she thought.

They both let out a loud roar before pouncing toward her. As they did, the world around Ghost-Spider seemed to come to a screeching halt. Although she couldn't see it, her eyes turned a beautiful ice blue, almost like snowflakes.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. 'They're strong. My senses are telling me so, so I have to get serious,' she thought.

Although everything around her was slowed down, her thought processes weren't. As they moved through the air toward her, Ghost-Spider brought her fists to her sides.

'Let's try this new skill I've been experimenting with,' she thought. Half of her forearm to her fist started to glow an ice-blue color.

'From what Peter and Aria found out, this is our life force, our chi if we want to use martial arts terms. Mine just so happens to have cold properties. Ice forms when it is expelled from my body. Let's try to get it not to form.' 

As her fist tightened, a flame-like aura started to flicker on her fist as if it were turning on and off.

As her thoughts continued at a rapid pace, her own body moved back, making the General and the doctor fly over her.

Her own body moved in slow motion as both her fists went up, striking the two of them in the stomach and guiding them out of the room.

Everything returned to normal, and the two went tumbling out of their room and into the room where everyone was fighting.

They slowly stood up before acting as if they had been hit in the same place again. The two looked confused and glanced at their sides, only to see ice forming where her fists had struck them.

'Cool, I can hit someone and leave a delayed striking effect with an added freezing effect,' she thought proudly as she squatted down in her spider pose, facing them. Her hands still had a light blue glow to them.

As she released the breath she was previously holding it came out as fog giving her an intimidating appearance. 

This caused them to growl in frustration as they heard the sound of fighting all around them.


A/N: I know some of you don't like cliffhangers so I will post one more chapter later today... this chapter was getting too long it was at 2.7k words
