
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime und Comics
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186 Chs

Chapter 131

[Third Person's PoV] 

The Next Day… 

"You know what time it is?!" Peter asked excitedly, raising his fist in the air in a celebratory manner. "It's time for hero names and suit-ups! Hurray!"

"Wait… so you guys were waiting for me to make a decision?" Felicia asked in surprise as they watched Peter make a fool out of himself again.

MJ nodded as she hugged Felicia's arm. "Of course. After all the training we've been doing in the VR world, you didn't think we would have been ready sooner?"

Felicia grew a bit embarrassed as she scratched her cheek. "I mean, you guys could have started without me, you know."

"Not an option," they all said at the same time, even Peter stopped acting foolish.

Felicia was taken aback as they all responded.

It was surprisingly Gwen who said, "We are a team now. We saw how you had a difficult time making your decision, so we all agreed we wouldn't do anything until you'd made up your mind."

"What… but… didn't you guys grow bored of waiting? You couldn't have known how long I would take or if I would choose to be a hero in the first place?"

"Like Gwen said, we're a team. We didn't mind waiting. It was honestly a unanimous agreement; no one really complained. And believe it or not, Peter had the most faith that you would become a hero. He thought it was only a matter of when," Harry said as he leaned back on the couch.

Felicia's cheeks started to grow a bit red due to how supportive they were being. "God, you guys are so embarrassing. Do you practice what you say in front of a mirror or something? How can you say that with a straight face?"

They just smiled at her, which caused her to grow more embarrassed. "Anyways. Hero suits and names, right?" she said, changing the topic.

"Aria, you know what to do," Peter said.

In front of them, a miniaturized holographic image of a mannequin appeared. Felicia saw that one appeared in front of Peter. "Are you going to create a new one?"

Peter nodded. "This will be your debut. We have to dress to impress, don't we?"

And so they began. They started making their parts separately, from the design of their logo to its coloring.

When they got to their masks, Felicia was looking at hers, twisting her head to the side and examining it pensively. "This looks good, but I'm worried someone would recognize my face."

Peter turned towards her. "Don't worry, I'll fix it up for you. If you just want to cover your eyes, I can add perceptual filtering around the mask so your face will be hard to recognize. I can also make it so it makes your hair appear white instead of silver so your identity isn't discovered."

Felicia nodded as she heard that. She grabbed the holographic mask and moved it towards the mannequin's eyes. She smiled when she saw the suit and called for a keyboard.

She looked towards Peter's back as he was concentrating on his own new suit, then smiled towards him before looking down at her keyboard and began to type out the hero name she chose.

Name: Spider-Kat…

MJ looked at the way Felicia smiled towards Peter before sighing, shaking her head, and looking down at her suit design.

She finished making the red spider design over her white suit, then focused on the mask. After finding and fitting the appropriate mask that went well with the suit, she stared at it, thinking about the name. She leaned her head back in her seat and thought about everything. Her hero name was something that was unique to her… MJ, like Felicia, looked towards Peter.

She thought about all the nicknames he had given her. 'Red… that seems bland… Let's go with Crimson, The Crimson Spider… No, that sounds too menacing. I need something more gentle but that still means red… Heh, I know.'

MJ smiled as she pulled out the holographic keyboard and began to type out her hero name.

Name: The Scarlet-Spider.

Meanwhile, Harry just stared blankly into his. 'I already committed to making the items… I'm going to go all the way… A hero I always loved as a little kid… I want to bring him into their world, into the real world…'

So Harry took a deep breath and began.

When Peter turned towards Harry, he looked at him in surprise. "Harry, are you sure you want to go down that route? You could receive backlash because of it."

"Yes, I thought about it. Pete, remember when my mom was constantly admitted into the hospital and I sometimes spent the night with her?"

Peter nodded his head while the others slowly stopped what they were doing and looked between them.

"You, without fail, always came to visit, and during your visit, you would always bring comic books with you to take my mind off my mother. We would spend hours in the hospital reading comic books, making up stories of what we would do if we could become heroes and whatnot," Harry said with a reminiscent look and a sad smile.

"And this character was my absolute favorite. He made my tough times more tolerable, and that's just the hero I want to be. I want my presence to bring hope to people having a tough time."

Peter stared at Harry, and Harry stared right back, his gaze unwavering. 

"You could develop an identity crisis, you know."

"That won't happen… There was a side effect of the serum that you must have noticed by now. When Gwen named it the King of Jungle Serum, she wasn't wrong. It enhanced my mentality, made me more confident, more sure of myself. It gave me a sense of pride. I am now mentally stronger, so I don't have to worry about thinking I'm someone else. I am sure that I will always be Harry Osborn."

Peter smiled before nodding. "Then go for it. You know I always have your back."

Harry smiled right back and pulled out the holographic keyboard.

Name: Nightwing.

"All right. I now have all of your designs. Aria, let's start creating. How has the quantum computer been treating you?" Peter asked.

"My processing powers are through the roof right now."

"He made it? I thought he said he hadn't begun yesterday and that it would be the first thing he would do, wouldn't it have taken him time.," Felicia asked as they were all in Peter's workshop together, watching how he made their suits and having their own input.

It was Aria who answered. "He and I made it last night after he came back from his banishment."

"Yup," Peter confirmed. "It was actually quite an endeavor. First, I synthesized the qubits using advanced nanofabrication techniques, creating superconducting loops to exploit quantum coherence. I optimized their placement to facilitate entanglement and superposition, leveraging principles from quantum information theory. Then, I implemented sophisticated error correction codes like the surface code, which involved encoding qubits to protect against quantum decoherence and noise. This step ensured the reliability and stability of our quantum operations. Next, I engineered a cryogenic environment using dilution refrigerators to cool the quantum processor to near absolute zero temperatures. This minimized thermal disturbances and maintained the delicate quantum states necessary for computation. To integrate the quantum processor with Aria's AI, I developed a quantum-classical interface. This involved designing quantum gates and classical control circuits to enable seamless communication between the quantum and classical domains. Aria's neural network was adapted to process quantum states, enhancing her analytical capabilities and decision-making speed. Finally, rigorous testing and calibration were performed using techniques such as quantum tomography and randomized benchmarking. These ensured the accuracy and fidelity of our quantum computations, validating the system's performance before deployment." 


"He's doing that on purpose, isn't he?" Felicia asked with a straight face as she watched Peter work around the lab, continuing his tangent.



"No doubt about it."

Peter then stopped and cackled madly all of a sudden without any warning. He went towards everyone. "Sorry, but I'm going to need your watches for a bit."

"For what?" Harry asked curiously as he handed his to Peter.

"It's a secret," Peter said, then began pushing them all out the door. "Now shoo. I want to surprise you guys."

They all just looked at each other in confusion.

"Aria, lock the door and make sure no sound escapes this room," Peter instructed as he started to dismantle the watch.

He grabbed his spider-bots, which made up most of his lab, and quickly used them to build their suits and watches back.

30 minutes later…

"What's taking Peter so long?" Felicia asked.

"You know how he gets when he gets an idea," Gwen said, shaking her head.

"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry for the wait. It took a while, but with Aria's new processing power, it went much quicker than it would have. I kept adding ideas to it," Peter said as he arrived running with a large smile on his face.

Peter then began handing out their watches to them. "Now come and follow me," he said as he guided them to the training room.

"What are we doing here? And where's our suit?" Felicia asked.

"In a minute," Peter said, smiling mischievously. "Now then, here's what I want you to do…" Peter went and whispered into their ears the idea he had.

Harry immediately started to laugh, holding his stomach.

Felicia adamantly denied, "There's no way I'm doing that."

MJ and Gwen, already used to Peter's antics, just sighed.

"You're so lucky you're cute," Gwen said, shaking her head.

MJ nodded in agreement. "And handsome."

Seeing Felicia not wanting to be part of it, Peter shamelessly begged, clasping his hands into fists. "PLEASE, FELICIA. I BEG OF YOU! THERE ARE FIVE OF US!"

"How are you guys okay with this? I just know I'm going to die of embarrassment," Felicia said, ignoring Peter and looking towards the others.

"The faster we do this, the faster this ends," was the advice Gwen gave.

Felicia looked towards Peter, who was giving her the puppy dog eyes while pouting his lips.

Felicia and Peter stared at each other, and after a while, Felicia threw her head back and groaned, "Arghhhh! Fine."

"Yes!" Peter cheered, pumping his fist.

"Aria, clear everything away and record everything!" Peter said.

"What has my life come to?" Felicia couldn't help but mutter.

They all soon lined up next to each other. Harry stopped laughing and locked in. They all locked in as they grew serious expressions.

"Ready everyone?" Peter asked with a serious expression.

They all nodded, sharing his serious expression. They all acted in synchronization. They swung their wrists with their watches towards their opposite shoulders and then shouted at the same time.


They then grabbed their watches and rotated them like dials. With a swift motion, they swung their hands forward, watches gleaming.

Threads of fiber shot out from the watches, sliding over their bodies, weaving together to form sleek suits. It started from their arms, swiftly covering their shoulders and up to their necks. As it settled around their chests, the image of their chosen symbols appeared. The fibers continued down, encasing their stomachs and spreading over their legs.

The top of their watches then opened as objects flew out from them and towards their faces.

Two disks flew towards Peter and went towards his ears. Metallic parts came out from them and formed a chin guard as they secured themselves firmly around his neck. A black helmet then appeared, covering his face. The screen around the black helmet turned on, and two large blue eyes appeared with a blue line for the mouth.


For Gwen, two pink eye covers shot to her face, and from those eye covers, more threads shot out and covered her head. As it formed on her head, a hood appeared over it. The outside of the hood was very light blue, while the inside was neon pink. Only her mask was white, while the rest of her suit was light blue with black and purple, featuring glowing, circuit-like patterns. This gave her a sleek, high-tech appearance with a distinct and vibrant look.


For Felicia, a black domino mask matching her outfit clung to her face. Her silver hair started turning white, seamlessly blending with the rest of her sleek, black suit. The suit featured a striking large spider logo that covered most of her chest, adding to her bold and intimidating appearance. The high collar of the suit and her sharp, elegant earrings enhanced her fierce and sophisticated look.


On MJ, a white and red mask covered the top half of her face, leaving the bottom half exposed alongside her luscious red hair. This made her mask match with the rest of her suit.


Meanwhile, Harry had a green bird domino mask covering his eyes, with green lenses. Although he wanted to be Nightwing, he added his own green coloring, making his suit green and black with the bird design on it as well.


Their watches then started moving on their own. They moved towards their waists and wrapped around them, becoming their utility belts while also being a power source for their suits. 

Peter and Harry immediately started to laugh, supporting each other as they held their stomachs.

Felicia covered her face, wanting to crawl into a hole and disappear.

MJ and Gwen did disappear as they became embarrassed and turned invisible.

After Peter and Harry wiped their tears, Harry tapped Peter's helmet. "Why the helmet?"

"So I can reassure people better. Here, look." Peter put a hand on Harry's shoulder and looked towards him. The blue line that was his mouth smiled. "It's going to be alright now."

Harry nodded his head. "I see what you mean. Very reassuring."

Harry then began to stretch. "Is this made using the unstable molecule fiber?"

"Yup. How do you think they were able to fit into the watches? With their unstable molecules, they become very easy to compact and store."

Felicia's embarrassment started to die down as she fanned her face. "Uhh… I will have a HUD with these, right?"

Peter tapped towards her eyes. She closed her eyes, expecting him to poke her in the eyes, but all she heard was the sound of his fingers tapping on glass.

When she opened them, she was surprised to see he wasn't able to reach her eyes. "The lenses around your eyes are practically invisible, so they should protect you against the wind, and you will still be able to use the HUD without anyone really seeing it."

"I see… Cool."

"The suit provides a protective second skin underneath it. Any DNA that leaves that second skin is immediately killed off, so no one can make clones or anything from the suit. You guys don't have to worry about cleaning up afterward," Peter informed them.

"This would have been very helpful when we started out," Gwen sighed.

"Tell me about it," Peter agreed.

"Now come, it's time to gear up with our gadgets," Peter said, causing them to nod.

Harry went to his own lab and smiled. He picked up a case that was resting to the side of his work table and put it on top. He placed his thumb on the lock, causing it to scan, and as it opened, it revealed two Escrima sticks. He picked them up and put them behind his back where two holders were and crossed them.

He then went and grabbed more of what he had created and started to fill his utility belt with them.

When Harry rejoined the others, he was thrown two web shooters. Harry looked at them and then looked towards Peter in confusion.

"They are still very helpful, and I made yours black while also adding black metal wires," Peter said.

When Harry looked down at them, he saw that they were green and matched the design of his suit, causing him to smile.

Harry then saw they all had a metal attachment towards their back, making him assume it was for their spider legs.

Once Harry equipped the web shooters, Peter looked towards all of them. "Is everyone ready?"

They all nodded with a smile, which caused him to smile as well. "Well then, I guess all that's left is your initiation. Let's go!" Peter commanded, and they all followed.


A/N: I'm uploading another chapters today don't worry your cute little butts about it.

2.7k words
