
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime und Comics
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187 Chs

Chapter 123

[Third Person's PoV] 

MJ and Felicia found themselves in Peter's personal work lab. They discovered holograms of different inventions floating around, along with images of Spider-Man suits in various colors and designs.

On Peter's main desk, five watches were displayed in glass cases, each of a different color.

Felicia's lips curled into a small smile as she walked up to the watches. "Is this what I think they are?" she asked.

"Yeah," Aria said, appearing beside the cases. "Daddy actually completed them when he first mentioned them to you. He was supposed to give them to you the following day, but even with his eidetic memory, father can be so forgetful."

"Wait, Peter has an eidetic memory?" Felicia asked, surprised.

"He can forget things?" MJ added.

"Yes, he does." Aria said towards Felicia before turning to MJ, "It's not so much forgetting as it is having so many thoughts and ideas at once that when he completes something, he puts it in the back of his mind. That's why they are 'forgotten'," Aria explained, making air quotes.

Two of the glass cases then lifted up—the red watch and the silver and black one.

"Fancy," Felicia said, moving towards the silver one, instinctively knowing it was meant for her.

"How do they work—?" Felicia began, instinctively twisting her body as a laser shot narrowly missed her and hit the wall.

Felicia turned to MJ who a shocked expression, she slowly put her hands behind her back and began whistling while occasionally going on her tiptoes.

"You turn the outer part to control the intensity of it," Aria said.

"I'm always surprised by how much of a genius Peter is," Felicia said, fidgeting with the watch.

"So, are you girls ready to start testing your instincts and reflexes?" Peter asked, walking towards them with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, but before that, I have a question. How the heck can you afford all these things? Are you like some sort of secret millionaire?" Felicia teased.

"And where's Harry?" MJ asked, looking around.

"Yes," Peter said, glancing at Felicia before turning to MJ, "and he's being a little caterpillar right now."

Peter then put a hand on his chin. 'The Monarch... it's a good name for Harry... but it's his choice at the end of the day.' 

MJ looked confused, while Felicia looked at Peter in shock. "You're serious?"

"Ever heard of Parker Industries?"

"No way! You're the creator of Instagram and all those games. My mom is practically obsessed with Candy Crush. Instagram has been out for like 2 months and it's become super popular super fast," Felicia said, surprised.

"When you have an AI manipulating the market and knowing how to make advertisements, making an app popular is surprisingly easy," Peter bragged.

"You never put two and two together?" MJ asked, giving Felicia a strange look.

Felicia rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, because Parker is just such a rare last name," she said sarcastically.

"Alright, you two chatterboxes, we have things to do. Let's go," Peter said, leading them back to the training room.

"Oh right, you had your internship with Jameson. How did that go?" Peter asked, teasingly.

MJ wrapped her arms around his and groaned. "He's such a pain in the ass. I literally almost choked him out yesterday."

MJ went on to explain what had happened.

"You said that and still left the photos with him?" Felicia asked, disapprovingly.

MJ rolled her eyes. "It wouldn't make much sense to threaten to sue him and then take the pictures away. I wanted to see what he would do with them."

Before they could say anything else about the matter, they arrived back in the training room.

"Alright, we can continue this conversation later. Let's get down to business," Peter said.

"Aria, you know what to do. Prepare to engage in sense training."

As he spoke, the walls began to open up, and the machines and everything else around the room started to be pulled back towards the wall, leaving the room completely empty.

"Aria, three blackout gear," Peter commanded.

From the wall, a shelf appeared with three bandannas.

"Here's an important lesson I want you all to remember about us, about what we have become. Our greatest gift isn't our super strength, ability to cling to walls, or shooting webs... it's our Spidey-sense."

"Spidey-sense?" MJ and Felicia asked in confusion.

Peter nodded. "It's a danger sense in some way. It comes off as a ringing in the back of our heads that warns us of danger."

"Oh, Mr. Parker!" Felicia raised her hand, acting like an eager student.

"Yes, you spider-cat. Any questions?" Peter played along, pointing a finger gun at her.

"Ooh, I like that name. Why is that considered our most important gift?" she asked.

"Excellent question, Ms. Hardy. It's what I believe keeps us alive. And it's the ability with the most potential. Remember when we met for the first time after you guys were bitten, and we were hit with that tingly sensation?"

They both nodded as Peter continued.

"That was our Spidey-sense warning us and telling us that there were beings like us in the room."

"Now, enough with the explanation. Wrap those bandanas around your eyes. They're made from material that completely blocks out any light. When some of our senses are blocked, the others get enhanced, which is a great way to train our Spidey senses. So apart from testing them, we would be training them at the same time. And I would be training alongside you guys. Later, we can review the footage Aria records and keeps track of."

Felicia snickered towards the end. Peter looked at her in confusion. "You said 'enough with the explanation' and then went on a tangent."

Peter looked at her with a straight face before rolling his eyes and grabbing the three bandannas, tossing one to each person. Everyone soon wrapped their eyes.

As they did, different kinds of machines started coming out from the walls, all in the shape of machine guns, each with a blue glow.

"Commencing Sense Training Stage 1," they heard Aria's robotic voice before the machines charged up.

As the first shots were fired, MJ's and Felicia's Spidey-senses went crazy. Though they couldn't see a thing, they instinctively knew where to move.

"Trust your instincts. They are a part of you and all they want to do is protect you. Move and follow what your instincts tell you," Peter advised.

At first, their movements were rigid and stiff, causing them to be hit a few times, eliciting screams of pain.

But slowly, they began to follow Peter's advice. Meanwhile, Peter was seen dancing between the bullets and doing the moonwalk before striking a pose with his hands on his forehead and at his pelvis.

MJ and Felicia were jumping and rolling around but were still getting the hang of it. When it started to become easier, they heard Aria's robotic voice once more.

"Commencing Stage 2."

The laser bullets began to fire much quicker, becoming a rapid fire that was sporadic and unpredictable.

There were occasional grunts and groans from Felicia and MJ, but their movements started to become more fluid. Even as they moved, they never once collided with each other.

They came close, but their Spidey-senses warned them. Thankfully, the floor was padded, so when they jumped in the air, they landed back on something soft.

Seeing that they were getting the hang of it again, Aria announced stage three.

From the walls, two drones appeared. Although small, they had a string of electricity attached to them as they flew from one place to another.

Peter was doing pole jumps over them, while the others crouched into the signature Spider-Man pose—a subconscious act.

They had to dodge the string of pure electricity, even with bullets shooting at them, which made it hard.

"Arghhh!" MJ cried out as she dodged a bullet but ended up hitting the string of electricity, electrocuting herself.

"Commencing Stage 4—Training Stop," Aria's voice said.

"Uh, Peter?" They heard Harry's voice.

They had been at it for more than an hour, so when they took off their bandannas upon hearing Harry's voice, they were initially blinded.

They rapidly blinked and looked towards Harry. The glare from the lights started to lessen, and as they saw Harry, they blinked some more, thinking the lighting was still affecting their vision.

Harry looked very different from before. He was shirtless, exposing his muscular body covered in sweat that gave it a shine. He leaned on the doorframe with a tired look. Harry wasn't disgustingly muscular, but had a perfect figure—made for speed and strength—with an eight-pack that looked like it was made of steel and a broad chest.

With his glistening brown hair brushed back, Harry said, "I'm hot as shit, man. What the fuck did you put in my drink?" His tired smirk added to his charm.

MJ, Felicia, and Peter stared with their mouths agape. "Who the hell are you!!" They all shouted in surprise.

Gwen walked behind Harry, wearing her lab coat with a swagger in her step. "What do you guys think of the new and improved Harry Osborn?"

"Guys, I think it's time I finally open up about something, something I've been hiding for a really long time," Peter said with a serious expression.

"You're not gay," Gwen, MJ, and Harry said at the same time with straight faces.

"What? I could be," Peter said defensively.

Felicia giggled at their banter. "So what type of drugs did you feed him?"

"The Super Soldier Serum," Gwen said with a smirk, "the improved version I made myself."

MJ and Felicia looked disbelieving. "You mean to tell us that you not only discovered how to make the SSS but also managed to improve it?" Felicia asked.

Gwen rubbed her nose. "It was no biggie."

"So how do you feel?" Peter asked Harry.

Harry grinned sinisterly. "Like I want to kill something!" He growled.

Peter and the others' faces paled until Harry stuck out his tongue. "Kidding~, see Pete? You aren't the only one who can be funny."

"You motherf– Did the serum give you a new sense of humor alongside your good looks?" Peter snarkily replied before Harry was smacked upside the head by Gwen.

"You almost gave me a heart attack. Don't joke like that," Gwen reprimanded.

"Sorry, sorry," Harry apologized. "But for real though, I feel amazing. It was like I was never sick to begin with. It feels so liberating." Harry sighed before his stomach let out a big rumble.

"Man, I'm starving," Harry said, holding his stomach.

Gwen nodded. "A side effect of your sudden transformation. It took a lot of energy from you, so you must be famished."

"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's Harry," MJ said with a bewildered look.

Harry then started walking away, shouting, "I'm getting something from the kitchen!"

"I feel bad for Lizzy," Felicia suddenly said, causing everyone to look at her in confusion.

"That girl is going to be absolutely destroyed when Harry beds her."

MJ and Gwen looked at her with straight faces while Peter laughed out loud, holding his stomach.

MJ sighed. "Now I know why you and I got along so well."

Gwen nodded. "And why I had a bit of trouble warming up to you."

Felicia looked at them in confusion.

"You're a female version of Peter," both MJ and Gwen said at the same time, with a defeated look.

Felicia rolled her eyes. "You both are just lame. That was a top-tier joke."

"Tell 'em, sister from another mister," Peter said, raising a hand to high-five her.

She smirked as she high-fived him back.